Food for One...

on 7/30/04 12:30 am - NJ
I was wondering about cooking for one person. I would like to incorporate fresh veggies into my diet, but if I am only eating small amounts, what am I going to do with the rest of the food? Say for instance, a head of cauliflower. If I'm eating a tablespoon or two a day what the heck do I do with the rest of it? Nancy
on 7/30/04 12:32 am - wichita, ks
I buy as much as I can from my local salad bar. They have floweretts of many of the cabbage type veggies like brocolli and I can buy as little as I like. I also use lots of frozen so I can take out just what I need for the meal. It's an adjustment.
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:38 am - Northern, MS
Just throw it out. Even by being "wasteful" you're still going to be seeing substantially cheaper grocery bills. Remember back when you would eat it because it was there? I have always loved to cook and still do. I invite guests over and still cook like I was cooking for 8. I have my little 1/2cup of my absolute favorites then send home leftovers with visitors. Using the fresh stuff is what makes food worth while. I say don't limit your self to frozen or easily kept ingredients just because you're eating less. Go for the highest quality you can. In what you're probably saving in fast food costs you can afford the caviar. Dx
on 7/30/04 12:48 am - Daytona Beach, FL
Nancy...simple. Blanche it and freeze it. Cut up a whole head of cauliflower or Broccoli or some squash and zuchinni...drop them in boiling water for a minute...just to blanche...not cook...then spread them out on a cookie sheet so they are seperate then when completely cool...pop the cookie sheet in the freezer..when the veggies are frozen...put in big zip lock bags...then you can take out just what you need and nothing is wasted. I still do that. Sounds like a lot of trouble...but it isn't...and you have fresh veggies anytime you want. Here is a good site for learning about blanching... http:// www .conknet. com/~planter/ recipes/freezing_vegetables.html Take out the 4 spaces Hugs from the beach Charlie
E K B.
on 7/30/04 1:13 am - Bluefield, VA
I go with the Salad Bar, too. My local grocery has a very nice and well-kept one, and I go and get the little containers and put whatever I'm in the mood for into them. A few onions, a few mushrooms, a few broccoli. Works for me! EK
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