Survey of Pre-Op Weight Loss

Sunday Joy
on 7/30/04 12:08 am - Twin Cities, MN
Greetings All, I have been given the task of losing 12 lbs, before I can have WLS done. I know this isn't alot, and have done it many, many times before, but it got me wondering what everyone else did to lose in anticipation of WLS?
Kimanne B
on 7/30/04 12:10 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hmm... is it normal for the Doc to want someone to lose weight before WLS?? Kimanne
Sunday Joy
on 7/30/04 12:16 am - Twin Cities, MN
I thought it was, but ofcourse I can't speak for all surgeon's guidelines. The program I am going through requires it.
on 7/30/04 12:11 am - Iowa City, IA
Sunday Joy, My DR had me on clear liquids for two weeks before surgery and I lost 21 pounds in that two weeks. Jody W.
on 7/30/04 12:15 am - Southern, NH
My doctor had me on protein and drinks and veggies for two weeks prior to surgery. I had to lose 10-15 pounds and lost 22 between watching what I ate and the last two weeks (when I lost 7 pounds). My doctor insists that all his patients lose weight but the reason for the protein/veggie diet is to shrink the liver (the organ most shifted by the surgery). Judith
on 7/30/04 12:17 am - Toronto, Canada
Hi there, For some surgeons yes it is normal to ask this. I had to loss 15 to 20lbs before. I got down the 15lbs. I had mine done Lap so the weight loss was to shrink the liver and so on. Its better for you anyway. I had protein shakes 80 grs a day. So I had a bout 4 a day. Made sure I took my vitamins and drank a lot of water. The first few days are the hardest. Well they were for me anyway. Good luck. You can do it........kinda like you said you could............LOL Chelsea
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:23 am - Northern, MS
I was at my all-time high of 385lbs two weeks prior to surgery and lost down to 370lbs by the time I checked into the hospital. My Dr. didn't require it but I thought it would be a good idea from reading all of the posts on this site prior to my WLS. You know we're all pretty good at losing weight, it's just that "keeping it off" part of the plan that typically alludes us. In the past I've lost 50lbs in 48 days only to gain 85lbs of it back over the next year. In this instance I've gone from 370lbs on the day of my surgery 08/22/03 to 214lbs 07/26/04. It's still dropping about a pound a week. My thought is that I'm just 15lbs ahead of schedule due to my pre-op dieting. Dx
zippy 1.
on 7/30/04 12:26 am - Columbia, MD
My surgeon did not require this - I went through the "eat everything in sight" diet for awhile ( not right before the surgery, right after I had my first doctor's appt.) I think I gained weight during that time. I did have a problem with my liver enzymes just before my surgery - "fatty liver" was the diagnosis - but it has corrected now. Marian
Tami Jean A.
on 7/30/04 12:27 am - Schenectady, NY
My surgeon rquires you loose !0% of your body weight. That means 28 lbs for me. He want to see commitment to take you throught the long term and that your body will respond to weight loss efforts. I joined weigh****chers yesterday. I've done well with it in the past. And my insurance company will reimburse the costs.
Crysti D.
on 7/30/04 12:27 am - Moore, OK
My doc doesn't require any weight loss before surgery.
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