Did I do something to my pouch??

Melissa N.
on 7/29/04 11:57 pm - Beloit, Wi
Okay this might be sort of a stupid question....I am having severe pain in my lower abs sorta around the belly button area (like in the same place you get cramps from your period).....I tried gas x chewables and some tylenol....The pain is really bad and it kept me up all night ....So this am I called the Doctor and he is going to call me back....But in the meantime my mind is racing like what is wrong and stuff.....is there anything in that area that may have ruptured or something....I'll be 5 months out on the 3rd....I don't over eat....eat a half of a cup in 30 mins and don't drink a half hour before eating or a half hour after......I'm just scared something could be seriously wrong... Thanks Melissa
on 7/30/04 12:08 am - Columbus, OH
Melissa, It could be several things. Do you get in enough fluids everyday? Are you eating any fiber? It could be constipation, you didn't mention if you had any bowel problems. Or........it could be adhesions and your doctor is the best one to assess that. Adhesions are scar tissue that some people develop on the inside after surgery. Could also be a hernia, again your doctor is the best one to assess this. Hang in there but stay on top of your doctor's response to your call. Suzie
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:10 am - Northern, MS
Melissa, It doesn't sound like a pouch problem because of the location. It really could just be trapped gas or there could be something else. Just get that Dr. on the phone and make sure your very clear about the pain and it's location as well as what you've eaten and done prior to the pain. In the mean time try laying on your left side with your knees bent. This is the best position for allowing trapped gas to pass on through. Hope you're better soon and that the Doc gets back with you asap, Dx
on 7/30/04 12:34 am - Ladysmith, WI
Hi Melissa! Now, I am only answering from a past experience, because I am still pre-op. Do you have your appendix? When I cam down with appendicitis a few years ago, it began with awful pains around my bellybutton and felt almost EXACTLY like bad menstrual cramps (and it was about due, so thats what i figured it was). BUT....nothing I took or did worked to help relieve the pain...which kept getting worse throughout the night. I finally went to the hospital where the surgeon read me the riot act for waiting so long to come in. I told him I had no idea what was wrong. It turned out it almost ruptured. So, if you still have your appendix, please have it checked out. Reading your letter was like deja vu for me. Best of luck! Tiffany Bose
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