A Weighty Issue!!

Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:39 pm - Northern, MS
Ok Folks, I'm one of those "middle-of-the-roaders" when it comes to politics. I've never been left or right. In the car I switch back and forth from National Public Radio to more conservative "Talk Radio." Yesterday, Twice, two different Talk Radio Hosts, Mike Savage and Bill O'Reilly both made mention of how fat the Democrats looked at their convention. Savage mocked the Over weight and even bashed the idea of insurance paying for WLS. O'Reilly said that if the voting booths had scales and that the votes were calculated by lbs per vote, "the Democrats would win by a landslide for their 'on the Hoof' Vote." Like I've said, I'm usually not at all political, but these folks are just bashing and the people they've decided to bash are the overweight. Grrrrrrwwrr! In an election year, I think it's time we threw our weight around, as it were. Find out where the candidates stand on weight issues. It's clear that the far right radio folks think we're and easy target for slamming. I'm e-mailing those two to let them know that we are not the minority that they think we are. Sorry for the long post and the breach of "don't talk about politics or religion in public" rule that I was brought up with. Just blowing off steam and sharing it with all of us.... What are your thoughts? Dx
bubbleboo K.
on 7/29/04 11:47 pm - anywhere, OK
How very mature of them, NOT. That says alot about these men, don't you think?
on 7/29/04 11:52 pm - West Des Moines, IA
It must have been a radio thing yesterday....I heard a radio show yesterday where they were trying to prove that any woman that sounds "sexy" on the phone is 90% of the time are "big fatties" as I believe they so kindly and maturly put it. Not politicians...but still I dont understand how this is appropriate radio talk.......????
on 7/30/04 12:05 am - Manchester, NY
Honestly - how the heck do they think more than half their audience feels when they hear this crap? Just disgusting - From my neck of the woods - the weight issue is pretty evenly spread around - so it is just ridiculous to say "Democrats are fatter" or whatever. It just shows the immaturity (and in my eyes despiration) of the idiots who spout that nonsense. Yes, it would be interesting to hear what the candidates feel about WLS and other obesity issues.
Mary Beth B.
on 7/30/04 12:13 am - Northfield Center, OH
That type of nonsense ticks me off because I was a MO Republican and now am just an obese Republican. So, just to be fair Democrats are not the only obese people in the country. Obesity is an equal opportunity offender. Mary Beth
on 7/30/04 12:48 am - Tijeras, NM
I am writing to O'Reilly. Considering the percentage of AMericans who are overweight it is pretty dumb to be alienating such a large portion of the voting public............ Obesity knows no boundaries. Renie
Jeanette R.
on 7/30/04 1:13 am - Northern, IL
OK, so have Mike Savage and Bill O'Reilly looked in the mirror lately? They may not be MO but they sure could both lose a pound or 20. Also, since most of America is overweight, I don't know how anyone can say that obese people are the minority. Personally, I don't care what a candidate looks like. I would rather argue about real issues...what a person looks like on the outside says nothing about who they are on the inside. Afterall, Einstein was overweight as well.
Trish Write Stuff
on 7/30/04 1:21 am - A Happy Place, NY
I think they should have paid attention to the fact that there were so many overweight people, period. Clearly we have an obesity problem in this country. Let's see what they have to say about the Republican convention.
Misty S.
on 7/30/04 1:28 am - Helena, MT
That's becuase it is ok to be discriminitory against the obese. I look at like any other discrimination but most think it is just fine to make fun of fat people. I've allways said I would teach my children different and If I ever heard them making a comment about someones looks I would disipline them. I see it all the time on TV fat jokes and all sorts and the more they do it the more people think it is ok to hurt people that way. I think they are racist again obese people and I do view it just like any other prejudice. It makes me soo mad when I hear things like that. I just dont know what to do about it.
E K B.
on 7/30/04 1:49 am - Bluefield, VA
I've always known Bill O'Reilly was one of the biggest idiots in the universe. I wouldn't have expected anything less from that windbag.
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