Can you give me some ideas?????

Nicole R.
on 7/29/04 10:32 pm - Greenville, SC
I am preparing for my surgery and would like some opinions on protein suppliments. I have heard about so many but would like to know which ones taste the best. Thanks
Susan C.
on 7/29/04 10:36 pm - New York, NY
truthfuly this is so hard to answer. i know it sounds silly but until you are post op you have no idea what anything will taste like. what you like now you may not like post op. many of us spent fortunes on protein drinks, shakes, supplements etc only to find our body can't tolerate them post op. so to recommend any to you is not the best thing to do i'm afraid it's going to be trial and error for you. i have approx $100 worth of shakes in my fridge and shelves sitting there all brands i can't tolerate and believe me i tried every one pre surgery and liked them now they make me gag! good luck
Mina J.
on 7/29/04 10:37 pm - Orlando, FL
Missy L.
on 7/29/04 10:51 pm - New York, NY
Hi, I like Isopure. They have bottled clear drinks that are about 40 grams per bottle - they taste kinda like crystal light and have a clear liquid consistency. I also have the Isopure powder mix (creamy vanilla) to make shakes - Susan Maria's book has some amazing recipes for shakes. I have my own which is a take off of some of hers - 2 scoops of the iso pure, 1 cup ice, 1/2 cup water, 2 inch chunk of banana (must have potassium), 1 heaping tablespoon peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of Atkins sugar free fat free chocolate syrup, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. I also throw in some freshly ground flax seed. Two scoops of Isopure is 50 grams of protein. You can buy Isopure in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe. I even got the clear liquid bottles at my local shop rite! Best of luck to you, Meredith
Sonya E.
on 7/29/04 10:59 pm - Frenchtown, NJ
Meredith, You found the clear Isopure at Shop Rite? Which one? How much? GNC has it for 3.75 for one bottle. HIGH! Would love to stock up if they have at a good price. ~Sonya
Missy L.
on 7/29/04 11:36 pm - New York, NY
Sonya, It was at the same price at Shop Rite - there was the grape (which is my favorite), alpine punch and blue rasberry. Meredith
Debra L.
on 7/29/04 10:56 pm - Negaunee, MI
My nutritionist suggested Carnation Instant Breakfast ( sugar free ) and I tried several but like the taste of CIB best and the way I miss it is in the blender. Like a shake ! Good luck with your surgery !
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:11 pm - Northern, MS
Hi Nicole, This is one of those "taste" things. Everyone will have a different set of things that will taste good or bad to them. Many have praised the clear Isopure, but for me it leaves a metallic taste in my mouth. I like Promote vanilla, it is pre-mixed in a can and has super high Protein as well as a full spectrum of vitamins and micro nutrients. It is the stuff that was poured into my "feeding tube" at the hospital. It's not usually thought of as one of the "tasty" ones, but I find it to be very good. The Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast is also great, but you need to mix it up in advance or use a blender so it doesn't have that "powdery" quality. Hope you find one you like, Dx
on 7/30/04 12:08 am - Dallas, TX
Nicole, You will have no idea which protein supplements you will like til after your surgery - and for the first few weeks, you probably won't like any. My suggestion would be to order some samples of different types of protein and try them after your surgery - then you can find out what you like and order some. I like Fuzzy Navel, Crystal Sky and Roadside Lemonade - they are Nectars by SynTrax. Proplete Gold makes some good flavors that are more like shakes. Unjury has chocolate, vanilla and unflavored that are good mixed with skim milk or with Crystal Light. The unflovored can be used in a variety of foods other than drinks. Patty Open RNY 11/29/01 TT 2/4/03 -181 pounds
on 7/30/04 12:28 am - Williamstown, nj
It is really hard to say what you may like after surgery. My nutritionist recommended carnation instant breakfast(no sgar added) and I seem to like that. Before my surgery I was a chocolate milk fanatic so I also like atkins advantage shake (chocolate delight) It comes in a can so you don't have to mix it and has 20 grams of protein. I have one for breakfast everyday...they are very filling
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