sorry bowel question i apologize if this grosses anyone out?.............

Susan C.
on 7/29/04 10:56 am - New York, NY
i am 3 weeks post op and last week suffered from major constipation. today the opposite. i haven't eaten anything different to what i usually do but all day had stomach cramps and diarreah i don't understand it! I do suffer from chrons/colitis but have been in remission 6 months so i'm thinking it's from surgery but not sure i have absolutely no idea what's going on here any ideas is this normal to go from one extreme to another?
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:13 am - Northern, MS
Susan, I'm at 11months post-op and I still have radical swings from time to time. In the first 2 months I went from one extreme to the other constantly. In about the third month I settled down to a "regular" BM schedule for the most part. I think it has most to do with your bodies change of metabolism during the extreme weight loss, as well as the by passing of so much of the intestine. Don't despair, You're not alone on this one, and it does get better, Dx
Susan C.
on 7/29/04 11:17 am - New York, NY
thank you so much this was really getting me down i do appreciate your response
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