ok this is my fear

Arlene F.
on 7/21/04 7:43 am - Marmarth, ND
Do what you can with you protein levels dear.. but you will lose about 1/8 or more of your hair.. I had enough for 2 people.. my niece and also my hair dresser.. said I could stand to loose some.. and I did.. now I like my hair better,, it behaves better.. and it will grow back.. i started to lose at 4 months... then stopped at 5 months.. I got so I did not wash my hair everyday.. cause of the lose.. hope this helps.. it will be ok.. arlene
on 7/21/04 7:47 am - Wonderwhere
Just so you are prepared... I had really thick hair and I lost 3/4's of it. Honestly! Because it is growing back in- right now my head looks like I am wearing a moleskin cap with long hairs coming out of it. It started out slowly and then for about 3 months it came out in amazing amounts, then finally slowed and is now at a normal loss rate. I mean I had sticky lint rollers everywhere to clean myself off and everyone was picking clumps of hair off me. I would lose a full brush of hair everytime- so I quit brushing it. I still am very careful with my hair, I have so little of it. Since the fallout started, I've been only washing it like every 3 days and I rarely brush or comb or even touch it. I just wanted you to know that if that is a real fear for you, it may come true. It sure happened to me. Yes, you should do lots of protein and all that, but if it's gonna go- nothing you can do will stop it. S K all time high/ day of surg/ now/ goal 250/ 230/ 165/ 115?
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/04 7:49 am - Las Vegas, NV
You will either lose hair or you won't. I did not lose any hair. I probably did not each as much protein early on as many people do, so protein is apparently not the answer. I did not take suppliments for hair, so suppliments are not the answer. I am pretty sure I slept through the surgery, so the anesthesia apparently didn't affect me. One thing I may have done differently... I didn't stress over the surgery or losing hair or anything else for that matter. It is generally accepted that physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss (although this may be an old wive's tale, I have not researched this). IF stress can cause hair loss, then stressing over hair loss can cause it. Then again, it may be genetics and completely out of our control... In which case, why worry? Tek
on 7/21/04 7:51 am - on the beach down by the bay, VA
Don't worry about it, I haven'y lost a single follicle, as you can tell by my pictur.........hey!!!!.....where'd my hair go??????...it was there......call 911....(lol) I lost all my hair when my kids got to the teen stage....but I did notice a little more loss right after surgery, due to a number of things, anesthesia, drop in cal, drop in protein, and then when the food routines became more normal things started to grow back in.
on 7/21/04 10:59 am - goldsboro, NC
hahaha thanks that was cute thanks for making me laugh been real nervous latley ,,, only people who are going through this understand.
on 7/21/04 7:53 am - GA
I already have very thin fine hair on top and am also worried about the hair loss. But if that is the only thing I will have to deal with.....I'll get a wig!!! Patti
Melissa N.
on 7/21/04 7:57 am - Houston, TX
although i haven't used it, the shampoo for thinning hair is nioxin. ps. i eat lots of protein and am losing my hair. i got it cut short and that's helped, plus i've started using a "volumizing" gel - it works too.
on 7/21/04 7:58 am - IA
Hair grows back...you're doing this for your health, right? About 90% of WLS post-ops shed hair to some extent no matter what they do to try to prevent it...if you're one of them, you're one of them; if you're not, you're not...It's the luck of the draw... I agree with Tek...stressing over it isn't going to help. Sherry ***Who started raining hair at 11 1/2 weeks post-op and no sign of slowing...*** Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm) 294.5/208.5/150 -86#
Susie P.
on 7/21/04 8:02 am - West, TX
Hi Patrizia, my daughter had RNY 2/16/04 and this is her only complaint. She has called me in tears so many times cause she thinks she is going bald. (it is really thin now) She even had hair extensions put in last weekend. I just keep telling her to hang in there and eat lots of protein and eventually it will stop. She is only 23, so my words of wisdom don't help too much. She has lost 100 lbs though, so everything else about her looks so much better. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones that doesn't loose to much. Susie 256/201/140
Trish Write Stuff
on 7/21/04 8:12 am - A Happy Place, NY
Ah, something I know about - I make a nice furball daily in my hairbrush. I'm 5 1/2 months out, have lost about 1/4 of my hair but not worried. May have been the anesthesia, may have been the first month or two when it was hard to get in enough nutrients or protein. Whatever, it will return. In the meantime I just keep fluffing it up with hair products and a diffuser hair dryer. Besides, people are noticing my weight loss, not my hair.
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