Daily Atheist Devotional #196 (Devil Dog Edition)
Back in the U.S.A.
"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was. I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door. I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer." Kirmy
Allow me to Illustrate, will you?
I am new to OH , I thought it was all about Obesity Help. I found nothing about that in this post.
You are right, the main topic is Obesity, specifically focussed on Weight Loss Surgery. However, that this thread is allowed, and others like it (but from the believer perspective) are allowed will become apparent to you. In point of fact, if you've been around more than a couple hours, you've seen several posts that were both OFF-TOPIC (not obesity related) and BELIEF BASED, which you apparently had no issue with.
If this is what OH is all about I am unsubbing.
Now, are you telling me your observation is that OH is all about Atheist Devotionals? Really? Perhaps Unsubbing is an option, but perhaps a more realistic appraisal of the situation is called for?
I found nothing here to help anyone with obesity issues.
That doesn't seem unreasonable. When I made the same observation... YEARS ago... about the "Praise Jesus" posts, I was told that our obesity is the result of EVERY ASPECT of our lives: Our Faith, Our Lack of Faith, our spouses, our children, our family, our friends, our enemies, our pets... all of these may affect our obesity, so they are fair game here.
Perhaps you were drawn to an Atheist devotional because of some inner conflct related to your beliefs, that somehow contributes to your obesity? Perhaps if you accept the FACT that there is no evidence for gods, you could better reconcile your words and actions? Just a thought.
I had no idea people used these forums to promote their life choices.
As you said, you're a newbie. There are people pimping blogs, products, life coaching, doctors, programs, even their religion. Not to mention, our "life choices" to have WLS. Are they not all inter-related?
OH may not be the best, but it is the biggest. You will read a lot of valuable information, and a lot of crap. Which is which is up to you to decide. If you need help, just ask me... I am the one source of totally accurate information on OH.
The point I was trying to make is your NOT intruding. You are imposing your expectations on us, which honestly isn't unusual.
I also am not defending myself. While some think explaining the realities of life need some sort of excuse, I don't. If you don't like the realities as I explain them, that's your choice... you'll come round, if not pre-op, you'll be shocked at how things change when FOOD is not Job 1.
If you get nothing from Off-Topic threads, that's just your flavor. After 8 years, WLS is not Job 1 anymore, so most often it is the Off-Topic stuff that keeps in interesting here... at least interesting enough to get us to talk to newbies *****ALLY are interested in a different life.
I honestly thought when I saw today's topic, it was about the Marines. LOL
Ahem, anyway....
Horrible, terrible, awful what happened to that poor dog. Anyone with a heart would condemn this action, regardless of religious (or not) affiliations. I also think that even if it wasn't a bible (say a Good Housekeeping magazine instead), that this nut would have done the same thing. It just happened to be a bible and therefore, makes a perfect fit for crazy zealots.
Btw, LeaAnn...this Sunday is the last Sunday of the month. I would love to invite you to my church this weekend....we get out the snakes and cyanide Kool-aid along with the communion. Better than any show in Vegas!
The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'. -Anonymous