Daily Atheist Devotional #196 (Devil Dog Edition)
On January 25, 2011 at 10:49 PM Pacific Time, StrawWalker wrote:
.....and what does religion or the lack of it have anything to do with obesity? I am sure obesity is the theme of this forum. Correct me if I am wrong.StrawWalker

Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand, this is truly a dreadful story. It ranks up there with honour killings in Pakistan, muders of so-called witches in Nigeria and the murders of so-called witches in Salem. Let it slide, people. You're going to die shortly and hopefully be reunited with your maker whereafter you'll enjoy an eternity of bliss. Granted, some of us want to expedite the journey but that would be behaving exactly like the cow in this article.There's no need to be cruel to **** sapiens and other animals in this blip of geologic time that we occupy planet earth.
I think this is my first reply on D.A.D but Gina do you really think someone burning a poor dog to death while it hangs from a tree deserves a "to each his own"? It's a poor loving dog that in no way could understand WTF it was chewing on. What kind of a human being does that and what kind condones it? "GOD" I wish you did exist so you could save us from the monsters you created.
Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there pilotlady. My "to each his own" comment was replying to LeAnn(?) altering my signature to reflect her point of view. Where in this thread did i condone (or even refer to this article, actually) this womans actions?
~Life is too short to live with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forget the ones that dont. Remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, LET IT!~
Nah, you read well, it just didnt flow well. Her YEH was related to the alteration of my signature quote below the "YEH". All is good.
~Life is too short to live with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forget the ones that dont. Remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, LET IT!~