Daily Atheist Devotional #196 (Devil Dog Edition)
Sure! I don't mind at all.
I was 14 and we were studying world religions in school. I had grown up being told I was Christian, but my family wasn't fervent. I had a couple of Jewish friends, but other than that, I didn't really know about any other religion. So (being a huge nerd) I was super excited to learn about Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. (Interestingly, we did not learn about atheists or "AKAs/ others"). After the unit was over in school, I got some more books and read more about it (told you I was a nerd).
At some point over those months, I realized several things. Religions all seemed to have the same purposes: to explain the unexplainable, to make people act in particular ways, and to soften some of the most unpleasant truths to life (i.e. we all die, etc.) I realized that it is hard not to know exactly how life began, "why" we're here, or what happens when we die. It's even harder to acknowledge that when we die, there is nothing. I can see why people sooth themselves with thoughts of a wonderful utopia after death, and of a benevolant man in the sky who plans your life (turning bad luck or tragedy into a lesson that we just haven't learned the reason for yet).
I realized it was human nature to make up stories to explain the unexplainable. I realized that people trust themselves in their morals, but want to put rules on others "just in case". So the religions all set out dire consequences for those who would act immorally. It did happen pretty quickly- just a matter of months. I wrote my parents a note telling them I did not believe in god, just like I no longer believed in Santa. I wrote that kids need the thought of Santa to make them be good and give them a hope for a reward if they are and the threat of punishment if they're not. Adults need the idea of god for the same reason.
Been an atheist ever since. I'm watching a friend of mine ruin her life right now because she lives her life based on religion. I keep my trap shut, because she has the right to believe that if she wants. But she is staying in a marriage for the wrong reasons (AKA it's in the Bible) and it hurts to watch. She told me she's afraid her family will disown her if she gets a divorce, and afraid her church "family" will judge her, and afraid she'll go to hell if she leaves a loveless marriage, so she has chosen to stay with him. You can see how that looks like a tragedy to me: we only get one life, so why throw it away?
I was 14 and we were studying world religions in school. I had grown up being told I was Christian, but my family wasn't fervent. I had a couple of Jewish friends, but other than that, I didn't really know about any other religion. So (being a huge nerd) I was super excited to learn about Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. (Interestingly, we did not learn about atheists or "AKAs/ others"). After the unit was over in school, I got some more books and read more about it (told you I was a nerd).
At some point over those months, I realized several things. Religions all seemed to have the same purposes: to explain the unexplainable, to make people act in particular ways, and to soften some of the most unpleasant truths to life (i.e. we all die, etc.) I realized that it is hard not to know exactly how life began, "why" we're here, or what happens when we die. It's even harder to acknowledge that when we die, there is nothing. I can see why people sooth themselves with thoughts of a wonderful utopia after death, and of a benevolant man in the sky who plans your life (turning bad luck or tragedy into a lesson that we just haven't learned the reason for yet).
I realized it was human nature to make up stories to explain the unexplainable. I realized that people trust themselves in their morals, but want to put rules on others "just in case". So the religions all set out dire consequences for those who would act immorally. It did happen pretty quickly- just a matter of months. I wrote my parents a note telling them I did not believe in god, just like I no longer believed in Santa. I wrote that kids need the thought of Santa to make them be good and give them a hope for a reward if they are and the threat of punishment if they're not. Adults need the idea of god for the same reason.
Been an atheist ever since. I'm watching a friend of mine ruin her life right now because she lives her life based on religion. I keep my trap shut, because she has the right to believe that if she wants. But she is staying in a marriage for the wrong reasons (AKA it's in the Bible) and it hurts to watch. She told me she's afraid her family will disown her if she gets a divorce, and afraid her church "family" will judge her, and afraid she'll go to hell if she leaves a loveless marriage, so she has chosen to stay with him. You can see how that looks like a tragedy to me: we only get one life, so why throw it away?
That just amuses me, its so simple, yet i never thought of comparing religion to Santa. It makes sense, though. I too, am watching a loved one ruin their life in a bad marriage because "its what the bible says". Someone down there in the thread said it best, that Jesus was a cool dude but his words are twisted and abused by many. Sad situations those folks are in.
You dont think, as a believer, that ive never questioned Gods existance? Hell yeah i have. I work at a childrens hospital here in Indy. I take care of kids dying of cancer, dying at the hands of their "mothers and fathers", everyday. Why? For what? I questioned his existance when i came home to find a military chaplin standing on our doorstep to tell us that my 19 year old brother had been killed in Iraq. Yet, i still manage to find faith in "him". Why do you think that is? Cause knowing me, you let me down once, you dont get a second chance! It suprises me too. But as i mentioned earlier, do i think you should believe in God? Nope. Do i think you a horrible, lesser of a human being for believing? Nope. But i do value your insight, viewpoints, and anything you would say to get my gears a churning!!
Thanks for sharing!!
You dont think, as a believer, that ive never questioned Gods existance? Hell yeah i have. I work at a childrens hospital here in Indy. I take care of kids dying of cancer, dying at the hands of their "mothers and fathers", everyday. Why? For what? I questioned his existance when i came home to find a military chaplin standing on our doorstep to tell us that my 19 year old brother had been killed in Iraq. Yet, i still manage to find faith in "him". Why do you think that is? Cause knowing me, you let me down once, you dont get a second chance! It suprises me too. But as i mentioned earlier, do i think you should believe in God? Nope. Do i think you a horrible, lesser of a human being for believing? Nope. But i do value your insight, viewpoints, and anything you would say to get my gears a churning!!
Thanks for sharing!!
~Life is too short to live with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forget the ones that dont. Remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, LET IT!~
I think with all the grief you face/faced, you HAVE to believe there's something more to keep your sanity.
Still, comforting as religious thoughts are doesn't make them so.
I wouldn't want to mess with people's belief systems if it weren't for people taking their beliefs to the levels of using it to look down on others/try to control others/stifle scientific advancement, etc.
It seems to me, too often, religious belief turns inside out from love and understanding to hate and intolerance.
Still, comforting as religious thoughts are doesn't make them so.
I wouldn't want to mess with people's belief systems if it weren't for people taking their beliefs to the levels of using it to look down on others/try to control others/stifle scientific advancement, etc.
It seems to me, too often, religious belief turns inside out from love and understanding to hate and intolerance.
While that may be true, in regards to people using their belief to look down on others and control people, you really cant throw us all in to one basket and say we are all alike. Its sickening what religion and politics make people do these days. Suicide bombers, priests molesting kids of the church, West Boro Baptist protesters (make me sick and they are a disgrace to the human race), they do not stand nor speak for ALL believers.
Like i said, i really enjoy hearing/reading insight and others peoples point of view. However, searching the internet for pictures to "prove" or "disprove" what i believe, unfortunately will get you no where with me. My beliefs are carved in stone, just like yours.
Like i said, i really enjoy hearing/reading insight and others peoples point of view. However, searching the internet for pictures to "prove" or "disprove" what i believe, unfortunately will get you no where with me. My beliefs are carved in stone, just like yours.
~Life is too short to live with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forget the ones that dont. Remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, LET IT!~
GinaMarie, It is nice to hear from another tolerant Christian. There are actually quite a few of us on OH and alot hang around here for some stimulating conversation. Stick around and have fun.
Bu****ch out for the "intolerant" ranters. Those ones that make all Christians look like a bunch of prejudiced, my way or go to Hell, posters. Some of the "heathens" on here can get pretty hard and heavy on Jesus, but I figure it is about like me posting nasty things about the Easter Bunny. How can I insult something I do not believe in? Most of the posts are humerous and a bit scandalous.