Daily Atheist Devotional #195 (Atheist Terrorist Edition)

Terry B.
on 1/26/11 10:36 pm - Martinsville, IN
On January 26, 2011 at 6:53 PM Pacific Time, thatann wrote: At times, it felt as though I was teaching a cat to bark.

  I do have a cat that barks!  She also has to be kept away from the dog food or she will make herself sick on it!  She retrieves too.  Cats can be taught unlike *****


I am only one, But still, I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do
the something that I can do. 
    Edward Everett Hale
                    Onederland 1/26/2010    

on 1/28/11 7:09 am
On January 26, 2011 at 6:30 PM Pacific Time, thatann wrote:
And I've had better conversations with my aloe plant...

Which has been dead for months.

Do you suppose your aloe plant could be born again?
on 1/30/11 11:48 am - Syracuse-ish, NY
I'm not sure if I should give it holy water or bathe it in blood. Maybe both?

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends.
~Wallace Stevens

on 1/31/11 1:27 am
Aloes are succulents, so I'd definitely recommend blood. Maybe just a sprinkle of holy water. And don't forget to pray for it.
Terry B.
on 1/27/11 1:24 am - Martinsville, IN
On January 26, 2011 at 5:20 PM Pacific Time, *****ie wrote: smack me again with the Bible??? hummmm I must have missed when you did it the 1st time.  Look I am done with this ******g contest.  You "think" you are right and I KNOW I am.  I went to Church tonight.  Guess you didn't bother huh??  Wonder why?!?!?!?!

Let me take a step back.....why don't you tell me what exactly you believe.  I would like to understand...

Woooo, here it is, proof positive.  YOU went to church so you are better than all the other posters on here!  So all you doubters just listen up,  *****ie went to church.  Stop arguing with her or trying to convince her to listen to any other viewpoint, not even to consider another thought.   She has it wrapped up..WENT TO CHURCH!  Well you convinced me *****  You must be right!     
 Oh wait, I go to church too!  At least once a week.  OK, so my way must be right!  Why won't you listen to me and consider what I say??? 


I am only one, But still, I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do
the something that I can do. 
    Edward Everett Hale
                    Onederland 1/26/2010    

FirstFlight Mike
on 1/26/11 11:41 am - Bolton, MA

Damn, you really ARE dumber than a box of rocks, aren't you? You really are willing to believe any dumbass **** some dickweed wrote on a goatskin and called it "divine inspiration".

You and your like are exactly as evil, stupid, uneducated as the muslim extremists who kill innocent people in the name of THEIR dumass **** written by some other fucktard on a goatskin.

I console myself with the hope that in another 200-300 years humans will have left all of this magical thinking behind, and realize that we are all that we have, and that human morals don't need supernatural fantasies to enforce them.

Oh, and we will have also learned that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be controlled by the slightly less stupid, but more evil, fucktards *****ad the goatskins to the unwashed. And collecting the tithing, of course. Because you HAVE to go for the dough.

on 1/26/11 12:41 pm - Huntsville, AL
On January 26, 2011 at 7:41 PM Pacific Time, FirstFlight Mike wrote:

Damn, you really ARE dumber than a box of rocks, aren't you? You really are willing to believe any dumbass **** some dickweed wrote on a goatskin and called it "divine inspiration".

You and your like are exactly as evil, stupid, uneducated as the muslim extremists who kill innocent people in the name of THEIR dumass **** written by some other fucktard on a goatskin.

I console myself with the hope that in another 200-300 years humans will have left all of this magical thinking behind, and realize that we are all that we have, and that human morals don't need supernatural fantasies to enforce them.

Oh, and we will have also learned that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be controlled by the slightly less stupid, but more evil, fucktards *****ad the goatskins to the unwashed. And collecting the tithing, of course. Because you HAVE to go for the dough.

like mjke
FirstFlight Mike
on 1/26/11 9:02 pm - Bolton, MA

Like LeaAnn even more.

on 1/26/11 1:06 pm - Huntsville, AL
FirstFlight Mike
on 1/27/11 12:35 am - Bolton, MA

Science is easy when all the answers are the same.

God, this is funny!!! (see what I did there?)

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