Daily Atheist Devotional #195 (Atheist Terrorist Edition)

on 1/26/11 9:17 am - Syracuse-ish, NY
And *I* am tired of selective ignorance, which is why I cannot - simply CANNOT allow *****ie's to run rampant here.

I'm not asking her to burn the bible, or to denounce god, or change her religious beliefs in ANY WAY. I'm just asking - okay, insisting - that she use the proper terms. Faith is not knowing. Belief is not truth.

Words matter. What we call things ~matters~. That is what *I* believe.

I don't know your backstory, by the way...but it certainly sounds interesting. :)

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends.
~Wallace Stevens

on 1/26/11 9:34 am
Unfortunately, selective ingorance isn't always chosen by the individual, it's chosen for them by people they (wrongly) trust.  Fundementalists are trusting people that are misleading them by misrepresenting the facts.

I agree, details matter.  Language matters.  Accuracy matters.  Consistency matters.  Truth matters.  Belief, well, doesn't.  Faith, not so much.

But, fundementalists believe as strongly as you and I that they have the truth.  Until fundementalists decide to actually TEST their beliefs, they will continue to trust the wrong people.  Unfortunately, the people they trust build strawmen of the facts, then easily dismantle them.

You and I test our knowledge, verify sources, entertain contradictory arguments, then form an opinion.  Fundementalists entertain one source, and it's not the Bible, it's the person telling them what the Bible means.

Bottom line: Critical Thinking is bad because 'critical' = 'judging' and good Christians don't do that.
on 1/26/11 10:21 am - Syracuse-ish, NY
Which is weird, because the word "judgment" appears in the KJV of the bible 294 times. "Judgments" is in there 127 times.

Tolerance? Yeah, that word's not in the bible.

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends.
~Wallace Stevens

on 1/26/11 10:25 am
Even weirder, most of the New Testament, outside of the Gospels and Revelation, is advice to Christians on how Christians should behave.  So, all those scriptures they throw at us non-believers weren't INTENDED for us, they were intended for other Christians.

Christians were admonished to watch their fellow Christians, and avoid or eject them if they didn't measure up.
on 1/26/11 10:40 am - Syracuse-ish, NY
I like you. You have insider information, yet you make ~sense~. I'm keeping you.

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends.
~Wallace Stevens

on 1/26/11 9:20 am
smack me again with the Bible??? hummmm I must have missed when you did it the 1st time.  Look I am done with this ******g contest.  You "think" you are right and I KNOW I am.  I went to Church tonight.  Guess you didn't bother huh??  Wonder why?!?!?!?!

Let me take a step back.....why don't you tell me what exactly you believe.  I would like to understand...
on 1/26/11 9:41 am - Syracuse-ish, NY
Somehow you've missed it the first 60 times. Willfull ignorance...

*****ie, you don't *know* jack squat. That's what I keep trying to explain to you:

You have FAITH. You BELIEVE.

And do you think the fact that you went to church tonight somehow makes you superior to me?? Isn't *that* christian of you! What I believe isn't really any of your business, nor is it part of this conversation, except for the following things:

I believe in the separation of church and state.

I believe words have meaning, and should be used properly - for example, having FAITH isn't the same as KNOWING THE TRUTH.

I believe that people who think going to church and being born again makes them better than other people who don't believe the same thing are betraying their own humanity.

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends.
~Wallace Stevens

on 1/26/11 9:50 am
yep i was right the 1st time.... you are an idiot.  I am right you are WRONG.

I done.....

Going to Church does not make me better than anyone.  Being born again also does not make we better than anyone.  We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD.  For by GRACE am I SAVED.  not of MY WORK.  I am very humble person and thank Jesus everyday for saving my soul.  I give him all the honor and glory.

What I am that U apparently R not is SAVED!!

When U R really to learn what the means and how u can go about becoming SAVED yourself...look me up......

Over and out.  I am done going back and forth with you the same as I am with FIN.  I get no where with you guys,  How sad is that for you.

I do wish you the best and certainly hope that u will one day get it right and find out what the REAL TRUTH is b4 it is 2 late.

on 1/26/11 10:04 am
On January 26, 2011 at 5:50 PM Pacific Time, *****ie wrote:
yep i was right the 1st time.... you are an idiot.  I am right you are WRONG.

I done.....

Going to Church does not make me better than anyone.  Being born again also does not make we better than anyone.  We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD.  For by GRACE am I SAVED.  not of MY WORK.  I am very humble person and thank Jesus everyday for saving my soul.  I give him all the honor and glory.

What I am that U apparently R not is SAVED!!

When U R really to learn what the means and how u can go about becoming SAVED yourself...look me up......

Over and out.  I am done going back and forth with you the same as I am with FIN.  I get no where with you guys,  How sad is that for you.

I do wish you the best and certainly hope that u will one day get it right and find out what the REAL TRUTH is b4 it is 2 late.

I can't quite place it, but is this post based on "The Golden Rule"?  No, that's not it.

How about "The Sermon on the Mount"?  No, not it.

I know you, a Christian try to emulate Christ, to be 'Christ-Like", but I just can't remember the scripture where he calls ANYONE an "idiot"?  Or, where Christ petulantly claims "I am right, you are wrong"?

Hmmm...  Maybe Christian doesn't mean what YOU think it means? Or, maybe it doesn't mean what WE think it means, you know, "Christ-like"?

Oh well...
on 1/26/11 10:13 am
nope it was not Christ-like.  I will give you that.  this was me allowing you people to get to my fleshy nature once again.  That is why I am backing out of having a conversation with her.  just the same as I did with fin.

I will however continue to tell the gospel as it is written.  I will however continue to teach of Jesus and his saving GRACE.

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