Daily Atheist Devotional #195 (Atheist Terrorist Edition)
After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends. ~Wallace Stevens

There! I made it all better.
Now...can you please explain to me WHY *****IE IS STILL TALKING TO ME?? She excommunicated me last night! I thought I was off the hook. But today she's back...did she forget what she said last night? Please explain.
After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends. ~Wallace Stevens
For example...Luke reporting that Jesus told his disciples the apocalypse would happen during their lifetimes. Oopsie! That's a big **** up, huh?? nope another misinterpretation on your part. it was a prophesy the Bible clearly says you will not know the day nor hour the Lord will come.
Which part of Genesis is correct - the one that says Noah took TWO pair of animals on the ark, or seven? HOW CAN BOTH BE TRUE??? Oh, and also - what's up with the bit about how eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge will kill you, yet Adam and Eve LIVE? Noah DID take 2 of every animal on the ark and he also took an additional 7 to offer as a burnt offering to God. Adam and Eve did die. They died a spiritual death. oopsie.......guess you missed that one huh?
You know the earth is older than 6,000 years, right? And Jesus didn't have a pet dinosaur, despite what you and Sarah Palin seem to believe. - nope the earth is just around 6000 years old. dinosaurs were around in old testament. try reading Job. oh never mind I forgot you have no comprehension skills
Try again Cupcake....ur still WRONG!!!!
THE BIBLE is not infallible...I just proved that and will do so again, since you need to hear things over and over and over, apparently.
But before I begin, let me just say that before you mock *my* education and reading/writing skills, you MIGHT want to try mastering the difficult task of spelling out "you're" instead of typing "ur" as you keep doing. I'm sure it's because you don't know when to use your vs. you're - or maybe just because you're catacylsmically stupid.
Now, back to Bible study. You didn't want to take Luke's word for it that Jesus was WRONG about the apocalypse happening during the apostle's lifetimes? Okay...how about....MATTHEW! Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Now let's board the ark! Genesis 7:2 - Of every clean beast you shall take to you by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
And here's Genesis 7:9 There went in two and two to Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. HMM! SEEMS WE HAVE AN ERROR, LORD!
They died a "spiritual" death? Really? That's the best you've got? Because if you SAY the bible is the word of GOD, then *****ie old sock...YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORD OF GOD.
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." That's what the bible says. Now...you're editing GOD?
I've read Job. Now you try reading a ******g science textbook...maybe pop into a museum sometime. There are these things called facts, you see. Scientists use them to prove the earth is older than 6,000 years....and to prove you're a bonehead.
Please, don't make me smack you with the bible again.
After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends. ~Wallace Stevens
6000 year old earth, though, is one I am fortunate I never had to defend, as my flavor of fundementalism wasn't quite so literal. It also helped that I never felt the need to read the scientific info about evolution, after all, my sect wouldn't mislead me, would they?