Daily Atheist Devotional #195 (Atheist Terrorist Edition)

on 1/25/11 5:30 am

God Is Always Victorious; I Will Not Fail

The Weekly Walk "No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD." - 2 Isaiah 54:17   I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about trials. At the end of day, if you pinpoint what's difficult about the trial, it's the not knowing. The biggest reason why I fear and doubt; despair and falter—is that I don't know how it's all going to end. That's why I'm so thankful for this great promise: God is always victorious; I will not fail.   It turns out that I do know how this all ends—God wins. In Him, so do I! That's the promise in Isaiah 54:17.   This is one of my absolute favorite verses in the whole Bible. Read it again. God made this awesome assertion to the postexilic Israelites as they came back to the land that He had promised them. Judgment was over and now blessing was coming. God gave them this promise and extended it by His grace to all of His children.   This promise literally means that nothing "formed against you shall prosper." Nothing built, sharpened, aimed, or fired against you, your family, your church family, God's kingdom, or God's people will succeed. They may seem to win for a while—a job may be lost; a child may wander and be lost; and a life may even be lost—but in the end even these tragedies will assist God's prospering of those who are truly His.   Today is your chance to honor God. This is your opportunity to prove the superiority of the life lived in Jesus Christ. Now is the time not to be held back!   Just like you, I have uncertainties. I have health concerns. I have burdens in my family and in my marriage and in my career. I'm going through the same struggles that the people who don't know Christ are going through. The difference is, I have the Lord. I have the Spirit of God alive inside me. I have the grace to love when I'm hated. I have the strength to give when I'm taken advantage of. I have a supernatural capacity as one of God's sons or daughters to live in Christ.
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/11 5:54 am
 Well, first things first; for Lady Lithia, you are plagiarizing again *****ie, you know stealing is a sin and yet you keep doing it.

For ThatAnn; Hey Cupcake, you missed the point of the thread - again. 

And for me, if the only proof you have on offer is from your bible than you have no proof. That particular book, while being a rip-roaring history book full of blood and death and murder and mayhem, not to mentions lots and lots of sex, is meaningless as any kind of proof.

People don't believe because there is nothing to make them believe. If I were god I would do a much better job of convincing people of my existence. People can only believe in the xian gods because they will themselves to do so. They turn off intellect, rationality and common sense and take a dive into the idiot pool. Hope you're wearing your water wings ***** cause you are in way over your head.
Lady Lithia
on 1/26/11 8:14 am
Thanks for having my back.

I can understand someone stealing in the way that *****ie does when they haven't been educated on the correct behavior. But upon learning of her SIN, she should have immediately gone to EVERY ONE of her posts, updated them with an apology to all of those who she sinned AGAINST (The people who she misrepresented herself to..... meaning US), and THEN exhaustively done her research, found her sources, and emailed a personal apology to EVERY single person whose work she stole. It is the Christian thing to do. Honestly. Perfection won't ever happen in this life, but upon realization of wrong doing, the sin should be renounced, and forgiveness sought.

When a person KNOWS they are sinning, and repeats the sin, it is as if they are NAILING the cross to Jesus ALL OVER AGAIN....

I just can't believe that someone who is so religious can so gleefully, with full knowledge, sin so obviously over and over and over again.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 1/26/11 10:02 am, edited 1/26/11 10:03 am
seriously??  do u have a life??  i think u r a sad sad person who comes to this site because u have no real friends and u come here looking for people to lift ur spirits and make u feel alive.

Well guess what Jesus can do that for you.  Find a good Bible believing Church and get some real friends that will help you see that you are on the WIDE path that leads to destruction and u need to find the narrow way that leads to salvation.

I CHOOSE not to disclose who I get these wonderful daily devotionals from because I do not want you and your kind to bash these wonderful wonderful men of God who preach the TRUTH.  U people can say what u will about me not a big deal.  But I CHOOSE not to allow u people to say hateful things about these men of God.

So call it stealing if you want that is ur choice.  I call it protecting them from the likes of you people.I share their words and thoughts in the hopes that someone coming to this site will get a blessing out of them and maybe even turn from their sinful ways.   

So Litha do urself a favor and spend some time with God and figure out who u r and why u r the way u r.

it is funny how God works....these daily devotionals come right when I need them.  God is good ALWAYS!!
on 1/26/11 10:12 am
Here is the exact text *****ie posted:

http://a-light-for-my-path.blogspot.com/2011_01_01_archive.h tml

Now... Everybody... Get'em!!!!

NOTE: This may not be the original source, nor *****ies source, since this stuff is frequently copied and recoppied.
Lady Lithia
on 1/26/11 11:00 am
Thank you for the "source"..... I'm sure I could find pretty much all of her sources if they're on the 'net.

I just find the stealing to be somewhat ludicrous.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 1/26/11 11:05 am
Just to be clear, my reason for posting it was her claim that *we* would go there and make trouble.  That *we* don't won't change her world view, but silent lookers-on will again see *we* don't go to believer turf and kick over the apple cart.

Again, the godless athiests (yes, it's redundant) are honest and tolerant.
Lady Lithia
on 1/26/11 11:10 am
Oh I know.... I know.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 1/26/11 9:08 pm
you need to reread my post.  i never claimed that you would go anywhere and make trouble.
i said i choose not to disclose their name because i do not want you to bad mouth them.  that would be unfair of me to put the in the line of fire.  if u bad mouth me no big deal i choose to be here in the site.  they never asked to be.  i just quoted thier stuff because it is good and hope someone gets a blessing out of them.
on 1/27/11 2:02 am
Have we 'bad mouthed' your source? No.  So, either way, you have (again) misjudged us.

Honestly, seeing that you C&Ped again, I doubt anyone did little more than scan the post.

Your source doesn't know we exist.  Even *IF* we chose to discuss his thoughts, he wouldn't care, or if he does care he would likely be thrilled we read his thoughts, that we discussed them, and that HIS WORDS were FINALLY creditted to him.

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