Daily Atheist Devotional #194 (Atheist Discrimination Edition)
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/11 6:22 am
on 1/19/11 6:22 am
And there it is! Half Wits sister Dim has quoted the bible. The be all and end all. The alpha and the omega. Because her KJV says so that is why. And because some preacher told her so, and like the good little gobbler of bull**** and fairy tales that she is she swallowed it all. And now pukes it back up with to spray all over the unconvinced sinners.
Yeah, I know personally that nothing changes my beliefs faster than a hot gobbet of regurgitated fairy tale splattering on my feet.
Yeah, I know personally that nothing changes my beliefs faster than a hot gobbet of regurgitated fairy tale splattering on my feet.
I am familiar with the bible, thanks. Including Leviticus 19:19. Ever eaten tomato sauce? Because a tomato is a cross-bred fruit, you SINNER! How about mixed fabrics? Are you staying away from those? Are you eschewing pearls, gold and braided hair as God forbids in 1 Timothy 2:9?
And don't even get me started on divorce amongst you folk who *claim* to follow the word of god so closely.
You know...when it suits you. Or when it's *easy*.
By the way - you do NOT want to get into a bible quoting contest with me, Cupcake. I will eat your ******g lunch.
If it is not in the Bible it is not so.
Weight loss surgery isn't in the bible...so get thee hence, *****ie, and ask for a revision!
Seriously. I'm concerned for your soul.
If it is not in the Bible it is not so.
You need to spend more time getting clear on what IS in the bible, and acting in a manner that would make Jesus smile rather than weep. Or punch a wall. I find your words hateful, souless and disgusting...apparently, not only was not being born once not enough for you, twice didn't do the trick, either. Why don't you try again?? This time, ask about the tolerance. You are missing it.
And don't even get me started on divorce amongst you folk who *claim* to follow the word of god so closely.
You know...when it suits you. Or when it's *easy*.
By the way - you do NOT want to get into a bible quoting contest with me, Cupcake. I will eat your ******g lunch.
If it is not in the Bible it is not so.
Weight loss surgery isn't in the bible...so get thee hence, *****ie, and ask for a revision!
Seriously. I'm concerned for your soul.
If it is not in the Bible it is not so.
You need to spend more time getting clear on what IS in the bible, and acting in a manner that would make Jesus smile rather than weep. Or punch a wall. I find your words hateful, souless and disgusting...apparently, not only was not being born once not enough for you, twice didn't do the trick, either. Why don't you try again?? This time, ask about the tolerance. You are missing it.
After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future of the world depends. ~Wallace Stevens
Being familiar with scripture and being able to quote scripture does not mean that you UNDERSTAND it. The Bible is to be rightly divided - meaning that when you read it you have to ask yourself a few questions like when was it written, who was it written to and how does it apply. In other words reading the Bible and memorizing scripture does not mean anything if you do not understand what you are reading. The Bible has to be studied. I admit that I am not an expert in the Bible. But I do get a few basic facts pretty clear - trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your soul. No one can come to the Father but by Jesus. Living a life without Christ will send you to HELL and EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND SAVIOR. Maybe not in this life time but once you die and you stand before him you will confess and beg to be forgiven and it will be tooooooo late. So why not make things right now?
I'm late to this party and I will ask you two questions. One, you keep calling people atheists, yet you don't even know if they are or not or have you asked once if they do follow God eve though they seem to know quite a lot about it. Are you Judgining without merit?
Secondly, THE only words that came directly from GOD are the 10 Commandments. You can quote all the words from any bible you chose, but ALL bibles are written by common men who dechiper what might have taken place before they were born. Historically, you can trace the origins of each version of the bible and I am very sure you find I am correct.
Now, please tell me why born again Christians are better than say, Catholics? Jews? Do we not worship the same God? Why are you going to heaven and I am not? The KJB is a dirivitive of
Moses, but was not interpreted or written until the 1600s. 1600 years after Jesus was born. Add many more years to that when God chose Moses to spread his commandments. Answer me this, can you repeat word for word what your Minister said last Sunday and interpret it exactly as he meant it? Could the person sitting next to you do the same and come out with the exact interpretation?
Religion is personal. Religion is for each person to interpret and follow as they feel God would want them. God gave us free will and only the individual can be judged by God. He isn't asking any of you to be his judge, jury and executionor. Isn't that exactly what he didn't want?
Secondly, THE only words that came directly from GOD are the 10 Commandments. You can quote all the words from any bible you chose, but ALL bibles are written by common men who dechiper what might have taken place before they were born. Historically, you can trace the origins of each version of the bible and I am very sure you find I am correct.
Now, please tell me why born again Christians are better than say, Catholics? Jews? Do we not worship the same God? Why are you going to heaven and I am not? The KJB is a dirivitive of
Moses, but was not interpreted or written until the 1600s. 1600 years after Jesus was born. Add many more years to that when God chose Moses to spread his commandments. Answer me this, can you repeat word for word what your Minister said last Sunday and interpret it exactly as he meant it? Could the person sitting next to you do the same and come out with the exact interpretation?
Religion is personal. Religion is for each person to interpret and follow as they feel God would want them. God gave us free will and only the individual can be judged by God. He isn't asking any of you to be his judge, jury and executionor. Isn't that exactly what he didn't want?
She has demonstrated that she cannot comprehend of at least SOME of the ten commandments .... when it was constantly pointed out that she is STEALING the work of others when she quotes the writings of others without giving credit, she blocked me rather than face up to the fact that in her holiness she was breaking a commandment to "spread the word"
I'm GLAD that she is NOT an example of a TRUE believer, because a true believer would NEVER be full of the viciousness and pettiness that she has demonstrated.
I'm GLAD that she is NOT an example of a TRUE believer, because a true believer would NEVER be full of the viciousness and pettiness that she has demonstrated.
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
I have to work with a contractor who is a BAC, he is not normal, at all. Weird part, he preaches to anyone in ear range, but I, and others have caught him breaking the law, scaming his customers, etc. How is that being a christian? Hypocritical is my best adjective to describe a BAC. It isn't being a reflection of God, only do as I say, don't do as I do attitude.
Discerning, Not Condemning
“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church."— Ephesians 4:15
It seems as though every nonbeliever knows Matthew 7:1: "Do not judge others, and you will not be judged." Generally, it goes something like this: The Christian approaches a compromising Christian or a nonbeliever and talks about his or her need for Christ. At some point, the Christian will say that a certain thing is a sin. The other person will respond, "Who are you to judge me? Doesn't the Bible itself say, 'Judge not, lest you be judged'? "
So what does this verse mean? Is Jesus suggesting that we are never to speak truthfully to someone, even if what he or she is doing is wrong? Is that indeed judgmental? Does this mean that Christians are never to be critical or make an evaluation? What did Jesus mean when He said, "Judge not, that you be not judged"?
Some people believe that to be a real Christian, you must love and accept everyone. You must be tolerant of everything and never register an opinion. But is that what a Christian is? No, it isn't. That assumption actually contradicts what we read in other passages of the Bible.
People often say that Jesus was a great humanitarian, loving and caring and sharing. He was those things, but Jesus also was a revolutionary. Jesus confronted people. He had some choice words for the Pharisees, calling them vipers and hypocrites and dead men walking. When confrontation was necessary, Jesus would speak the truth to a person.
We must do the same, but we need to do so lovingly. As Ephesians 4:15 says, "Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church." That is what we do with those we love. We should be discerning, but not condemning.
The funny thing about your response is that you are saying exactly what we are saying, yet you don't see it. The whole point was this new governor WAS judging and condemning without merit. How does this show being a reflection of Jesus? Still in the end on judgement day no one is judged on others actions, only your own. So condemning someone you don't know and not walking in their shoes is just as sinful even if you do think you are right. Tell me this, Gandhi gave of himself every day for the love of all. Something 99% of us could ever give up our worldy goods (like this internet we are both usung right now) Do you believe he is in hell because he didn't worship exactly as you BELIEVE GOD and JESUS demanded? Can you say you have done for others even 10% of what he gave of his life? Or is he an exception? or are you?