Daily Atheist Devotional #192 (Atheists are Fat Edition)

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 3:58 am - Switzerland
 Actually, I think it is in Hillsborough. But close enough.
on 1/17/11 4:58 am - Huntsville, AL
  Fat Kentucky Man-forced-to-eat-beard

Nuff said.
(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 4:03 am
 Apparently they did not interview any of the Southern Baptists that I know. Some of those guys are ginormous. Praise the Lord and pass the Krispy Kreams!
on 1/17/11 5:08 am - Huntsville, AL
on 1/17/11 5:43 am
Correlations does not equal Causation.  There are many reasons why Christians may be thinner that has nothing to do with religion.  I'll take a shot at some:

Atheists tend to be in Cities, and Christians rural.  People in cities get less exercise, sit more at desks, eat more fast food.  People in the country do tend to eat big, but they also work big, physical jobs.

Most every smoker I know is a non-religious believer.  People don't like disapproval, and you get lots of that at church, so it makes sense that many non-smokers would just rather skip it.  Let us not put the fact that Smokers in church know it's frowned on, so they :gasp: lie about it.

At any rate, these are statistics.  While statistics give us trends and statistics, the don't say squat about individuals or small groups.  That individuals or small groups fall outside the majority is quite expected.  Nowhere do you see 100% doing anything, but eating, drinking, breathing, and dying.
on 1/18/11 3:09 am - Huntsville, AL
Yeh, I don't think atheists are concerned with petty "moralities" like smoking, drinking, swearing...

.....eating babies...skull ******g kittens.....

on 1/18/11 3:13 am
I don't think believers are overly concerned with moralities ;)