Why "no lotion" etc day of surgery?

on 1/2/11 10:10 am - CA
No preop diet and no mag citrate/enemas. Crazy huh? I can eat drink whatever I want up til midnight as long as I don't blow it out. I was just told to not gain weight before surgery and I have actually lost some.

So far today all I have had is boost protein, SF Torani orange flavored water and some cream of mushroom soup with added protein powder from unjury. I'll have 32+ oz between now (6:00) and midnight and call it a done deal.

I forgot how cold the OR will be, I just hope I'm not parked in preop for 2-3 hours like I was with my last surgery, that drove me crazy. No husband, no cell phone and alone.

I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
Monica M.
on 1/2/11 11:49 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
Here in Ontario (canada) we have to go on an optifast diet for 2 - 3 weeks (depending on your preop weight, to shrink the liver so its easier to do the surgery laparascopically... weird.
on 1/2/11 2:27 pm - Canada
In Winnipeg we have to go on a 2 week diet consisting of 3 meditrim shakes and 2 cups of veggies/ day.
on 1/2/11 11:11 am
Good Luck!!!! Blinda, I had to shower with a special soap before I went to Hosp and then again when I got to Hosp with special soap. And I was more than happy to better safe than sorry then ending up with an infection. Had my Rny on 12/29 and doing well even ventured out to Wally World today  for some extra walking and some sugar free Popsicles.
on 1/2/11 11:58 am - CA
Thank you 22many. So nice to hear that you are doing well - 4 days out and a trip to wallyworld...sheesh! Amazing!!

I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
Jackie McGee
on 1/2/11 12:02 pm - PA
My husband says it's because anything oil-based or something like that would interfere with things if they have to shock you back to life.

I think it's because all of those things would offend the Muslim doctors ;)

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

on 1/2/11 8:02 pm
I wore toenail polish but no fingernail polish.  I know they check your nails while in the hospital...sometimes it's a telltale sign of something going on.

As far as lotion, makeup, powder etc...it's for sanitary reasons.  Anything to decrease the amount of bacteria on your body.  My surgeon required me to take two showers (one the night before and one the morning of my surgery) with a special sponge kit they gave me to help keep the skin as sterile as possible.

I have had a staph infection from a surgery before...took 6 months to get rid of it.  I will do anything it takes to prevent that again.

on 1/15/11 4:20 am
On January 2, 2011 at 2:16 PM Pacific Time, Binda wrote:
My surgery sheet says "no lotions, makeup, deoderant, take off nail polish" etc the day I have surgery.

I can understand the makeup and the nail polish but not the deoderant or the lotion? I HATE sticky armpits. It will drive me to distraction but ohwell.

Why? Anyone know?
Because they have to work all day and don't want you to look nicer or smell nicer to them. But also what everyone else said :)
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