PRE OPS: Never had surgery? Here's what to expect!
I'd like to add an addendum to "2. STAY OFF THE FREAKING SCALE. "
It's actually NOT necessary to stay off the scale. However, if you're the type to worry about or at all freak out about gaining weight during/after surgery in the early post-op days, or who will tweak their plan early out to try to make the scale do what you want it to do, throw away the damned thing. The numbers on the scale are nothing but data. You will lose the weight. The scale may climb while your waistline shrinks. It happens. It's okay. Do not worry if the scale stays the same or goes up for two weeks. It happens. It's okay.
TL;DR: Scales are fine for people who can use them without freaking out about them.
It's actually NOT necessary to stay off the scale. However, if you're the type to worry about or at all freak out about gaining weight during/after surgery in the early post-op days, or who will tweak their plan early out to try to make the scale do what you want it to do, throw away the damned thing. The numbers on the scale are nothing but data. You will lose the weight. The scale may climb while your waistline shrinks. It happens. It's okay. Do not worry if the scale stays the same or goes up for two weeks. It happens. It's okay.
TL;DR: Scales are fine for people who can use them without freaking out about them.
This! To the Nth degree! It astounds me how many people expect they will "wake up thin" or lose half their weight within the first 2 months....You won't.
You will come home FULL of fluids, feeling "yucky" and probably have actually GAINED weight. Remember, WEIGHT is not the be all/end all. You had this surgery to be HEALTHIER and yes THINNER! Some people can wear a size 12 and be 190 lbs and some wear a size 12 and are 140 lbs...It's not the NUMBER on the scale...It's what you can wear and how you FEEL (activity wise).
Not having to take Diabetes, HP or cholesterol meds is what we should be measuring our "goals" by.
1) You WILL, absolutely WILL hit many "stalls" and plateus. These usually hit around 3-4 weeks out, 2 months out, 4 months out, 6 months out, etc.... They are NORMAL! Usually no one is "noticing" your "weight loss" when you are losing on the scale. When you are stalling you are usually losing INCHES, and that is often when people notice!
2) Many people (including yourself) will NOT notice any "weight loss" until you have lost between 70-100 lbs. When we are Obese it takes a lot more weight to lose before people notice.
3) Heavier people will lose FASTER. This is normal. They have more to lose. If you are 230 lbs when you start, you will not lose as fast as someone who is 330 lbs or 430 lbs. Again...You did NOT get Obese over night! What diet can you think that you have ever been on before where you have lost 10-5 lbs a month?) Slow and steady WINS the race!
4)Yes, you an eat most of what you did before! If you had a D/S or VSG you will be able to have everything you had BEFORE surgery but in smaller amounts. If you are RNY do NOT "count" on dumping syndrome to keep you "behaved and on track"...MOST RNY folks do NOT dump!! (only about 30% do). You may have sensitive pouch or lactose intolerance or sensitivity to fats or sugars but NOT all of us dump. With ANY WLS, you still need to WORK in exercising and eating right.
5) If you do NOT take your vitamins, calcium, protein, etc...You WILL feel miserable in the beginning. Do what your doctor orders you to. Or, if your doctor tells your "Flintstone Vitamins are fine!" for the love of God and Country...Please read on here what you SHOULD be taking.
Protein+Vitamins+Calcium Citrate+ Iron = You will be feeling better MUCH sooner!
6) Your dreams WILL be screwy for the first couple weeks...This is you getting rid of the anethesia and pain meds. For two weeks I only dreamt in WORDS, no pictures! It was weird!
7) Your Poo, Pee, Period (if your an intact woman) WILL be out of whack. You may start your period right after surgery. If your urine is really DARK it means your are dehydrated...DON'T fool around!!!! Call your surgeon ASAP and head to the local ER for liquids! Being Dehydrated makes you weak and also nauseous...It's a vicious circle.
8) Just because you feel as if you COULD (Go to work, run a marathon, party all day, etc) 3-5 days after surgery....DON'T! Rest....Rest and heal! The vacations, and holiday parties and what not will come again. DON'T tempt yourself and make sure to rest! Walking is fine...Partying and running all over the mall is not. In that vein...
9) You WILL experience exteme weakness and and off for the first month...For some of us we nearly pass out in the shower! We pass out walking across the room, we are weak as newborn kittens! (The older you are, more obese you are etc, the worse this weakness can be).
It's NORMAL! You are taking a body who is used to running on 2,000+ Kcals a day and basically STARVING it. You are dehydrated, healing and barely eating enough to survive, not to mention healing from major surgery...You will be WEAK.
10) Yes protein can taste is MEDICINE! Take it as such! If a whey based protein makes you ACTUALLY VOMIT, then look for a Soy (Isolate) based one. It is not an option, it is medicine. Tell yourself this. Without using your protein you will not heal, and you will remain weak and not losing as much and taking longer to heal.
11) Your Surgeons Office should ALWAYS be the first line of defense if something feels "off" or not right. Yes, come to the boards and read others experiences or ask questions. But if you are throwing up constantly or in excruitiating pain or passing blood, etc then CALL your surgeons office. That is what they are there for. We are not your doctors and do NOT know your individual case.
12) If your doctors office is not telling you information about your particular type of surgery...Please, for the love of all that is Holy and good...READ about it from a reliable source!
Coming here, 3 days post surgery and asking "What should I be eating/drinking." is suicide. You should already KNOW what you should be eating and drinking. The Internet is a wonderful thing.
Read about your (Band, RNY, DS, VSG, etc). Have the items you will need BEFORE surgery (the small glasses, a protein powder, Miralx, etc.) No one wants to be running around on day 2 home looking for protein powder and crystal light. Make sure when you come home your UNDERSTAND your doctors orders and what he wants you to eat and drink...
13) Everybodies doctors seem to have different orders. My doctor had 2 weeks of clear liquid diet, then onto pureed foods, then onto soft then onto regular...Mary Sue's Surgeon may have her eating eggs the first day. Do what YOUR surgeon wants you to do, not Mary Sues.
You will come home FULL of fluids, feeling "yucky" and probably have actually GAINED weight. Remember, WEIGHT is not the be all/end all. You had this surgery to be HEALTHIER and yes THINNER! Some people can wear a size 12 and be 190 lbs and some wear a size 12 and are 140 lbs...It's not the NUMBER on the scale...It's what you can wear and how you FEEL (activity wise).
Not having to take Diabetes, HP or cholesterol meds is what we should be measuring our "goals" by.
1) You WILL, absolutely WILL hit many "stalls" and plateus. These usually hit around 3-4 weeks out, 2 months out, 4 months out, 6 months out, etc.... They are NORMAL! Usually no one is "noticing" your "weight loss" when you are losing on the scale. When you are stalling you are usually losing INCHES, and that is often when people notice!
2) Many people (including yourself) will NOT notice any "weight loss" until you have lost between 70-100 lbs. When we are Obese it takes a lot more weight to lose before people notice.
3) Heavier people will lose FASTER. This is normal. They have more to lose. If you are 230 lbs when you start, you will not lose as fast as someone who is 330 lbs or 430 lbs. Again...You did NOT get Obese over night! What diet can you think that you have ever been on before where you have lost 10-5 lbs a month?) Slow and steady WINS the race!
4)Yes, you an eat most of what you did before! If you had a D/S or VSG you will be able to have everything you had BEFORE surgery but in smaller amounts. If you are RNY do NOT "count" on dumping syndrome to keep you "behaved and on track"...MOST RNY folks do NOT dump!! (only about 30% do). You may have sensitive pouch or lactose intolerance or sensitivity to fats or sugars but NOT all of us dump. With ANY WLS, you still need to WORK in exercising and eating right.
5) If you do NOT take your vitamins, calcium, protein, etc...You WILL feel miserable in the beginning. Do what your doctor orders you to. Or, if your doctor tells your "Flintstone Vitamins are fine!" for the love of God and Country...Please read on here what you SHOULD be taking.
Protein+Vitamins+Calcium Citrate+ Iron = You will be feeling better MUCH sooner!
6) Your dreams WILL be screwy for the first couple weeks...This is you getting rid of the anethesia and pain meds. For two weeks I only dreamt in WORDS, no pictures! It was weird!
7) Your Poo, Pee, Period (if your an intact woman) WILL be out of whack. You may start your period right after surgery. If your urine is really DARK it means your are dehydrated...DON'T fool around!!!! Call your surgeon ASAP and head to the local ER for liquids! Being Dehydrated makes you weak and also nauseous...It's a vicious circle.
8) Just because you feel as if you COULD (Go to work, run a marathon, party all day, etc) 3-5 days after surgery....DON'T! Rest....Rest and heal! The vacations, and holiday parties and what not will come again. DON'T tempt yourself and make sure to rest! Walking is fine...Partying and running all over the mall is not. In that vein...
9) You WILL experience exteme weakness and and off for the first month...For some of us we nearly pass out in the shower! We pass out walking across the room, we are weak as newborn kittens! (The older you are, more obese you are etc, the worse this weakness can be).
It's NORMAL! You are taking a body who is used to running on 2,000+ Kcals a day and basically STARVING it. You are dehydrated, healing and barely eating enough to survive, not to mention healing from major surgery...You will be WEAK.
10) Yes protein can taste is MEDICINE! Take it as such! If a whey based protein makes you ACTUALLY VOMIT, then look for a Soy (Isolate) based one. It is not an option, it is medicine. Tell yourself this. Without using your protein you will not heal, and you will remain weak and not losing as much and taking longer to heal.
11) Your Surgeons Office should ALWAYS be the first line of defense if something feels "off" or not right. Yes, come to the boards and read others experiences or ask questions. But if you are throwing up constantly or in excruitiating pain or passing blood, etc then CALL your surgeons office. That is what they are there for. We are not your doctors and do NOT know your individual case.
12) If your doctors office is not telling you information about your particular type of surgery...Please, for the love of all that is Holy and good...READ about it from a reliable source!
Coming here, 3 days post surgery and asking "What should I be eating/drinking." is suicide. You should already KNOW what you should be eating and drinking. The Internet is a wonderful thing.
Read about your (Band, RNY, DS, VSG, etc). Have the items you will need BEFORE surgery (the small glasses, a protein powder, Miralx, etc.) No one wants to be running around on day 2 home looking for protein powder and crystal light. Make sure when you come home your UNDERSTAND your doctors orders and what he wants you to eat and drink...
13) Everybodies doctors seem to have different orders. My doctor had 2 weeks of clear liquid diet, then onto pureed foods, then onto soft then onto regular...Mary Sue's Surgeon may have her eating eggs the first day. Do what YOUR surgeon wants you to do, not Mary Sues.
I went with my DH to his nutritional seminar this week and shook my head when she said that we all will dump if we eat to much sugar or carbs. I had to speak up and make the comment that NOT ALL post ops dump, most will not.
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
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