Results of Taste Testing 74 Protein Powders

on 9/19/10 12:52 pm, edited 9/19/10 12:52 pm - Plainwell, MI

Interesting that most of the ones I've tried you did not though the ones I have tried that you've tried I agree with.

Here are some additions I have:

Excellent/Very Good:
Unjury Chocolate
Unjury Vanilla
Isopure Zero Carb Banana Cream (FABULOUS with milk!)

Isopure Zero Carb Pineapple Orange Banana (I like it mixed with a little more water because it can be a bit strong)

Isopure Zero Carb Mango Peach (I think I'd like this mixed with a Vanilla better)
Isopure Zero Carb Vanilla

on 9/19/10 1:09 pm - Royal Oak, MI
Great list!  Thanks so much!!
on 9/19/10 8:44 pm - Silver Spring, MD
UnRuli:  The Unjury chocolate and strawberry were the very first samples I tried, but it was at the very beginning before I kept notes.  I remembered I liked them, but not by how much.

Thanks for adding these to the post.
on 9/19/10 1:14 pm - somewhere, MI
the only unjury you've tried was chicken soup? LOL Hmmm thats the only one that doesnt come in my sample pack I ordered! :)  I appreciate your list thanks! IM scared off from these powders after having a VERY bad experience with one.
5'5" HW-344 (10/4/09) SW-295 (10/7/10) CW-161 GW-144
Never give up, Never surrender! ~Galaxy Quest

First person to tell me I took the "easy" way out is getting a black eye!
on 9/19/10 1:51 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Thanks for doing this.

Our top seller by far is the Champion choco. I think the combo is #2.

I didn't see Gaspari Myofusion, but I did only a quick scan.

Not sure if you are aware that my dh is in deep doo right now and that leaves me far less aavilable in muchly freaked out.

I didn't use medical speak, but you'll get the drift.

* * * * * *

*** This is my apology for any abruptness of replies and my delinquency in responding. Here is the long and short of my status. August 20, Don acquired a very serious kidney infection. Although he recovered, he was very ill for 2 weeks. When he finished his course of antibiotics and was cleared, then he really got sick.

He was OK at 3 am early the morning of Sept 7, but at 6 am he was on the floor unable to move. He felt chest pain (a spasm, is how he describes it now) and planned to stand up and walk it off. There seems to be a 3-4 second gap in his memory. I heard a loud THUD and he was on the floor. He can't say if his bad knee crumpled or if he lost consciousness or perhaps the paralysis had begun.

In any case, when he fell, he hit his head on (?) something unforgiving and it snapped his neck backward breaking/displacing C-4. The nerve damage was immediate and he became a Spinal Cord Injury patient.

The local EMT's responded immediately and the ER team was excellent in diagnosing his issue and ruling out any possibility of heart or stroke issues. We still don't know what the chest pain was (not strong) and we still don't know why he went down.

He was transferred and had surgery 9/9 (they waited for swelling to go down). They fused C 3-4-5-6. He began to have movement again in his hands/fingers/legs. But it will be months before these things work well. This surgery is done via the throat and back of his neck and a drain was installed in his throat area. All this causes swelling in his throat area and he cannot swallow.

He was moved to in-patient rehab at the closest hospital. They did swallow studies and his problem seems to be mechanical, not more nerve damage. He does PT, OT, ADL and speech therapy all day.

As of 9/20, he is still in Good Samaritan in Puyallup rehab and can speak again, but is being tube fed. The danger of his aspirating his own saliva is still present. ****

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

sleeve genie
on 9/19/10 2:12 pm - Alhambra, CA
I am so sorry to hear that this is happening, i wish you hubby and you all the best.  Lots of people love you and are praying for you and i hope this gets resolved in his favor very soon.  Take care of yourself and him and God Bless  jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 9/19/10 2:52 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
thank you very much. i am finally accepting help from others and that is so not in my character. I am the helpER not the helpEE. Not at all.

Of course, I'm delegating Don's stuff, not mine. LOL

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 9/20/10 5:18 am - Columbia, SC
My thoughts, prayers and hopes go out to you and yours. Hoping karma is true... you do so much good for others.
on 9/20/10 11:48 am
I'm so sorry to hear about this. It's hard work being a caregiver. My thought are with you and your family.
Deb T.


on 9/20/10 1:32 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
My retired neighbors have rehabbed, scrubbed, oiled and sanitized all the walkers, potty seats, and shower chairs I had, plus added more. I scored a wheelchair on Freecycle and a non-wheeled walker, more like a stabilizer for the toilet. They will tidy those all up.

When we're done, I will offer to the hospital rehab to give away or Freecycle them back out, or my neighbors will take to their church to loan.

The guy who had the wheelchair had 3. One motorized, one that folds (I took) and one that doesn't. He had the stabilizer, commode, regular walker, another shower chair.

If he can't place them, I will find homes for them, as well.

I cringe to think the hospital charges $55 for a regular walker and I have SIX here. I know darned well there are ppl like us, the "working poor" who do not get free ones via insurance or some other way who can use these things.

In the meantime, he is quite mobile, which is a miracle, considering the extent of the damage and it's 2 wks tomorrow. The swallower is the problem and they plan to run another test tomorrow. If he passes, he can eat and drink again.

He's been at goal wt for years, but suddenly dropped nearly 20#. He looks like a toothpick, which is sad for a morbidly obese guy.

He texted me, which shows his determination. He HATES texting and his phone is not text friendly AND he hasn't even begun PT for fine motor, but he wanted to do that, so YAY!

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
