Hypoglycemia, Anyone have it?

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/17/10 1:25 am, edited 8/17/10 1:28 am
Nuts and nut butters. They are may savers. Anywhere. And funny - eating nuts doe not cause me to gain weight. I eat a lot of nuts. The also regulate my BM.
I eat nuts last thing before bed. if i do not - i wake up really hungry in a middle of the night or can't fall asleep.
Nuts also includes seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin, etc.

i started taking some herbs: "Holly Basil", "Glycemic Support" by Gaia Herbs. Also take chromium picolinate and Alpha Lipoic acid. All these help to stabilize blood sugars. Since i start taking them - (yea I know - more pills...) I had fewer episodes and can eat more fruits without crashing. Even when I "push the envelope" just a bit too much... I still do OK. I do not do that that often... but - i am a human. And for me the RH is like Russian roulette - with more than one bullet in the gun... so more than not - I will get it, if i am not careful.
I also notice that it is for me a cumulative effect, I can get some more carbs - but I can do that only every few days. As if i am letting my system to "calm down". i.e. i can have some starchy carbs one day (one meal) and be OK, but if i try to get more carbs (the one I know I am sensitive to) in another meal the same day - I would crash. Same thing if i do the the next day. But - I can have some starches maybe 2-3 days apart and I shall be fine... (unless i am really stressed, or had some alcohol, or too much coffee).

There is a logic in my "madness" and I believe I am discovering what works and what does not work for me.

good luck with discovering what works for you.

BTW: when I am traveling - my stress level is higher (unless I am on vacation) and my body would be supper sensitive to carbs. So I only allow myself foods that I know do not casue any problem + graze on nuts.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/10 3:17 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Not uncommon, but the remedy is easy: eat every 3 to 4 hours and make it high protein with complex carbs. That keeps your blood sugar on an even keel.

I get episodes of it, but not often. My A1C is typically 5.6 on my annual blood tests. When I feel "the trembles" coming on, I've tested my blood glucose and found it to be about 70 or so. Not really low, but low enough for me to feel the necessity to eat.

Don't panic about it. It's easily taken care of by most of us, except for poor Melting Mama, who seems to have the worst of it.
Bless her heart, she just keeps truckin'!!
on 8/15/10 1:28 pm
 Jesus -- no.

I'm not that bad.

I don't even have nesidioblastosis.

I dump, and I have hypo episodes every few days or weeks, but it's not that bad!  
(deactivated member)
on 8/15/10 2:55 pm - Santa Cruz, CA

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 

Forgive me!!
on 8/15/10 9:08 pm
No, don't be sorry - you just made it sound like I was dead.  LOL.

The hypoglycemia isn't killing me. 

The seizures - however - are making me crazy.
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/16/10 4:01 am

BTW - I have to stay away from most starchy carbs - even complex. And milk.   
Even when i try to pair them with proteins and fats - I still get RH.  (i.e. brown rice, whole wheet stuff, etc). For me it is not only what - but how many total carbs it has. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/10 8:27 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Whew!  A double whammy!  Well, it sounds like you know how to deal with your idiosyncracies, so I'll just wish you luck!
on 8/15/10 9:32 am, edited 8/15/10 9:33 am - Concord, CA
I know someone named Jenni, who does not post on here, but had WLS a year ago.I have seen her eating cookie dough and asking friends who know how to make sweet drinks (alcohol). I am so worried for her, and she does not dump from sugar, so she says. Oh I have heard her say... she has low blood sugar.. so it balances out. BS
I think she is full of BS, and for some reason, can eat sugar. I am afraid she is going to someday weigh what she did before surgery. (which is out of my control of course) Actually her journey is out of anyone's control.
Since she is thin, she thinks her DH is old and is totally uninterested . This man is a saint, and puts up with this.. or perhaps he has no idea when she says she is going out, it is on a date.. from some website she signed up for. I wish he would stay here and not move to Ohio.. he is a doll .
Yea, they are all moving to Ohio in a few weeks... and from what I have seen or heard, she is pretty much out of control.  Shame on her for being so rude to him when living with him. I see him sitting outside the house, reading his bible... Lord know, he is looking for strength to get through life right now...

Not really looking for what to do.. because there is nothing I can do.. just needed to vent...

 Kristen Hunter
"Sierra and Echo"  springer spaniels    

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/10 2:58 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Well, when your acquaintance gets into real trouble, I sure hope someone is there to catch her, even if it's not her DH.  Transfer addiction to alcohol is very common, and can really mess up her life.

As you said, there's not a lot you can do about it.

I feel sorry for her and her family.
So Blessed!
on 8/16/10 4:31 am

My blood sugar tanks out if I have too many carbs at once.
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