ASMBS: Gastric Banding Gets Low Marks

on 6/27/10 9:47 am - Athens, GA
Thanks for posting! The stats with the band are very discouraging!!! I see on the lap band forum over and over post of ppl having to have their band removed b/c of slips/port problems/erosion/esophogeal problems.

I think that it is such a shame that patients are NOT told prior to banding what the realistic figures really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!


on 6/27/10 9:52 am - Seward, AK
I had originally thought I wanted the band but after talking to my doctor I am changing my mind to RNY. He basically said that it works great for a select few but for most its a struggle. He said most all of his patients are happy they had surgery but most lap bang patients wish they had chosen RNY.

He said I could choose and he would do either surgery I wanted.

Although any weight loss would be great I feel like this is a one shot only for me and am going to go with RNY because I think it will work better and work longer for me.

(deactivated member)
on 6/27/10 11:04 am - Woodbridge, VA
I thought it was sort of a general bariatric industry standard that success for WLS procedures was typically defined as a minimum of 50% EWL. It's so sad to see that, even when they adjust that threshold to try to boost their figures, the numbers are still pretty sad.

I heard a commercial on the radio the other day about the Realize band (which, for the record, they never even used the word "band;" they only referred to it as a "procedure"), boasting about how it is the only WLS that offers long-term support online and blah blah just made me want to punch my radio in the face.


on 6/27/10 11:36 am
I used to see a band commercial where the woman's appetite is a lion until she gets a band and then it turns into a kitty cat.  magic!

always pissed me off.

it's a good example of how messed up our healthcare system is, where making money is more important than getting people what they need.  they need to stop doing the stupid surgery.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Nic M
on 6/29/10 3:15 am
I hated that one, too! Oh, and the commercial about kissing under the Eiffel Tower or some such nonsense? Like fat people CAN'T kiss under the Eiffel Tower? What the what?

The lapband is such a money making venture. Whoever came up with it was a freaking genius. It doesn't work very well, but it sure makes a lot of money for the manufacturers and the doctors! 

I hated my band. I WANTED to love it. But it's hard to love something that is trying its best to kill you! 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 6/27/10 7:10 pm - Topeka, KS
Yes, my mind went to the same thing -- the things I've read before this study usually call over 50% excess weight lost a success.  And, even that 50% level can leave people very obese if their starting weight was very high.
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/10 11:41 am - Modesto, CA
Sorry, I love my band, but I sincerely appreciate your concern for those of us who are banded.

Good luck with your weightloss journey.  I wish you continued success.

on 6/27/10 12:10 pm
 I don't hate your band!  it's simply information.   Sharing information. 
on 6/27/10 12:10 pm
I gotta say, I love my band, too.  I was banded on 3/4/10 and have lost well over 70 pounds now.  (I haven't weighed in a few weeks and will weigh again at my doc's appt. this Friday.)  If you follow your doctor's and nutritionist's rules, then you will be a success.  If you choose to eat more than you're supposed to, then you will fail.  Just because you CAN eat more than recommended, doesn't mean you SHOULD.  You MUST follow the guildelines that we all get prior to surgery.  This goes for any and all weight loss surgery.  You can choose success, or you can be like an aquaintaince of mine who had that band procedure before me and has lost no weight.  She said that she didn't want to get a fill before her vacation to Hawaii because she wanted to be able to eat what she wanted.  Well, she will not be successful, because she has chosen not to follow her doc's guidelines.  That's her choice.  I choose to follow the rules.  I figure, if I'm going to go to the trouble of having the surgery, then I am going to do what is necessary to be successful.  Is it easy?  Hell, no!  I have to choose everyday to make wise food choices.  The band is a tool, not a magic cure-all.  Guess what, RNY is also NOT a magic cure, either.  You still have to work at using your tool effectively.  I know 5 people who have had RNY.  All of them, except one,  lost SOME weight and quickly gained it all back.  They made a choice not to follow the rules, and they were unsuccessful.  Whichever tool you choose, you must be willing to make the necessary life changes in order to be successful.
Best of luck on your journeys,
on 6/27/10 12:13 pm
Congrats on your success so far!

Again, it's just an article.  I share it simply for informational purposes - I was just at this conference the info came from.  

It's simply realistic.