Eating with a DS: A Day in the Life (pics!)

on 6/21/10 4:32 am
On June 21, 2010 at 9:01 AM Pacific Time, Ms. Cal Culator wrote:
On June 21, 2010 at 5:20 AM Pacific Time, shele wrote:
On June 20, 2010 at 7:56 PM Pacific Time, Ms. Cal Culator wrote:
Tell me more about the latte.  I don't know anything about espresso or making lattes, so details please.

ETA...I am WAY more post-op than Jenna, and I could not eat that much at the meals.  I would, however, easily forage all day and consume the same quantites.  But as three, individual meals, I'd get full before finishing.

AND that is exactly what happens to failed rny's! They get used to having to eat all through the day, and eventually the meals become a larger volume, and with little to no malasorption ... RE-GAIN happens!  And we are left thinking... what in the world ... how did this happen??


...and that's why when I revised from the band it was TO the DS.  And good thing, because I have post-weight-loss regain with the DS, but nothing like i'd have with the RnY.  (I have too many IRL friends who had the RnY and a VERY small percentage are still teeny little things.)  I had to go for the surgery that had the lowest long-term regain rates because I'm old, set in my ways, and a bit insane...and I knew that in the long term, *I* wasn't going to change, so I needed a surgery that would do all the work.

Alas, the DS doesn't do ALL the work, but I know that the self-control that the RnY requires post-op, combined with a SLEW of medical conditions involving taking prednisone (I get hungry thinking about it) in addition to disabling conditions that leave me loaded and on the sofa instead of moving even a little...I'd have gained a lot more.  The malabsorption is the only thing that is keeping me from being MO again....'cause it sure ain't my behavior!  LOL

I am in the process right now of trying t get this mucked up revison I have changed to a REAL ds, not a wanna be LOL.   I just hope I can swing the financial part of it all, the ins should be a easy deal, but the out of pocket surgeion fee and travel expense is more than I expected.  I have an appointment with my revision surgeon tomorrow to see what he says,  LOL maybe he will feel bad and refund my money LOL haha

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

Kayla B.
on 6/20/10 12:57 pm - Austin, TX
...I'm still scratching my head at the chick that thinks that's a lot of food!  It looks like quite a pleasantly normal amount, to me!

Oh, and yum.

Invite me for sashimi next time, kay??
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne  
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:15 pm
 Thanks, Kayla. For a minute, I was sitting here wondering if I was the only person who ate A LOT pre-op. I mean, like, a whole pizza at a time, an entire carton of Ben & Jerry's every night, etc.

For me, being able to eat a 6-8 ounce meal (and a 2-5 ounce snack) feels "just right". 

You're on for sashimi! 
on 6/21/10 11:53 am
Oh hell! I could eat a whole pizza before my DS. I could eat soo much food it was unreal. My surgeon said I had the longest stomach he'd ever seen.

Your meals look positively beautiful and actually, the same portions as I currently eat. In fact, I was out of town for the weekend and I ate two big steaks yesterday, one for lunch and one for dinner. One had garlic goat cheese on it. I even ate a salad with bleu cheese dressing and bacon on it before and then a big piece of chocolate cake afterward. Oh, and big rolls wirth lots of butter. Yummm!

Rock on, Jenna! Thanks fpr sharing what you enjoyed yesterday. I want to visit your "restaurant" the next time I am in town!


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

on 6/20/10 1:16 pm - Sulphur, LA
Great post Jenna, very helpful. For the record, thats not exactly a "gross" amount of food. I would think that someone in need of any wls has surly partaken in at least that much food more than several times in his/her life or they would not need wls. Or if they think they haven't they are in complete denial about what they ate to get obese enough to need wls. Either way it was a GREAT post Jenna and will be very helpful for those who appreciate it for the good intentions in which it was created! Hope to see more posts like this!
Thanks Bunches!

HW-437 SW-417 CW-280
Weight I'd like to be 180-190
I can do all things through Christ who strengthes me!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:32 pm
 Thanks, Christa! I think sometimes it's easy to forget what eating was like pre-op. I do this myself.

Over the past few months, I can definitely eat a bit more than I could at the beginning of my DS. Sometimes I've freaked out, like "OMG I can eat so much", and then my DH gives me a reality check and shows me his portion compared to mine. Then, I really start to think about what I used to eat, and it's a world of difference.

Rena H.
on 6/20/10 1:20 pm - Spokane, WA
Ok ahhahaha get out the guest towels! I am coming for a visit. 

haha and i agree... why are so many shocked at the amount? seems kinda weird i could eat 4-5 times that pre-op. weird how we forget what we used to consume so easily...
HW - 395 / SW - 358 / GW - 150

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:32 pm
 Rena, I have a futon! You are welcome anytime. 
on 6/20/10 1:23 pm - Bloomington, IL
mmm your food today looks so yummy!  I like this idea!  Keep rocking your DS! -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!         
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:33 pm
 Thanks, Raven! 
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