Eating with a DS: A Day in the Life (pics!)

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 10:32 am
Hope they were good, Lynn! I love that lamb chops are so flavorful and can be done easily and simply. 

I season mine, toss on the grill pan for just a couple minutes a piece and then deglaze with a little butter and red wine to drizzle over top. One of my favorite "quick-yet-decadent" meals.
Blank Out
on 6/21/10 4:10 am
 This was intended to be educational!
on 6/20/10 12:36 pm
 I found this to be a really interesting post, and I wasn't upset by it at all.  And...dun Dun DUN...I had RNY.  I liked that you put a disclaimer in (although I wouldn't have been upset if it wasn't there), and I hope you realize that some people just like to try and start surgery wars.  You are ROCKIN' your surgery, doing everything YOU need to do to be healthy, and I really hope other people's jealousy and idiocy don't bring you down.  This is/was an awesome post!  I wish all surgery types would do something like this, it's really interesting!  And who can say no to food porn?
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 12:41 pm
Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you grokked what I was trying to do here! I genuinely wanted this to be a fun and informative post, not a put down of anyone.

I so often see posters here say things like "that much fat can't be healthy for anyone" and other comments based on misinformation and a fundamental misunderstanding of malabsorption.

Anyway, looks like you are rocking your RNY too. I also wish all surgery types would do a post like this. I always find it so interesting to see what others are eating.

on 6/20/10 12:40 pm - Newark, DE
I love your photos Jenna. I was thinking to myself, "Can I come eat at her house for the day???" yummmmmmm
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:04 pm
 Thanks, Amanda. Glad you liked them. My family laughed at me as I was trying to artfully snap the pics with my iPhone. 
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 12:44 pm
It seems you are a great cook from my observations.  The food looks delicious, and I say more power to you.:)
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:04 pm
 Thanks, Rose Marie! : )
on 6/20/10 12:46 pm - Tacoma, WA
 Your pile of bacon is bigger than mine usually is, but I also eat a piece of heavily buttered low carb toast...we're talking the middle is a puddle. Sometimes if I intend to be super extra saintly all day I'll eat half an Australian toaster biscuit under my two runny fried eggs. 

But yeah, that could very easily be my daily eats! 

I'm envious though you splurge with ice cream living on the island those mini cups would be ice cream shots by the time I got them home :(



I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 1:06 pm
Heh. You should see my pile of bacon when that's ALL I eat for breakfast. That pic would probably traumatize some folks from the sound of things.

I can't help it, the crispy bacon just compresses down to nothing, it seems. And it's such great dense protein.

Yeah, the mini-cups do melt fast. If I didn't live so close to the supermarket I wouldn't bother with them. 
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