Eating with a DS: A Day in the Life (pics!)

on 6/21/10 12:49 pm - BFE, CA
"Hmm, I thought the sushi was a no-no due more to the high mercury levels than the possibility for bacteria."
Oh, but did you know that this is a HUGE urban legend? A pregnant woman would have to eat high-mercury level fish for every meal and every snack every single day of her pregnancy to run a real risk of issues for the baby. Seriously.

Okay, I mean, I may be exaggerating a little, but the "risks" are even MORE exaggerated. There's a tiny risk. And of course, you can't do ANY risk when pregnant. Le sigh! Riiight. Just breathing has risk for crying out loud. EAT THE SEAFOOD!

~ Sarah P. 
Ask me about pregnancy after the Duodenal Switch!

They're here! My surro-sons were born July 21, 2009. Welcome to the world, Benjamin and Daniel. We love you very much!

on 6/21/10 1:43 am - Fridley, MN
I am one of those reallllllly paranoid pregnant women when it comes to food safety.  I know the risks are super low, but pregnancy does make a person somewhat immunocompromised and in my case, paranoid.  I always heard gorg and other blue cheeses were OK if pasteurized, and then I read some ****amamie article saying yeah, the milk is pasteurized but the mold is added after that and thus I have developed a complex about it.    It's silly, I know, but I am never such a rule follower as when I am pregnant.  Hell, I make up new rules that aren't even rules yet.  Like I didn't have caffeine for the whole first trimester because I read an article that cited a study showing a higher miscarriage rate for caffeinated moms.  Nutty, huh?

But I think I could get over my paranoia for the cooked gorgonzola butter, though!  LOL, I know I sound like a wreck - it is probably my way of exercising a little control over something that is so out of my control once it's in motion. 
Lilypie - (SzbI)
on 6/21/10 8:41 am - Tacoma, WA
 I was strict with my first pregnancy. But then with the second I had mild (I was never hospitalized or put on fluids but I did knock back loopy making anti-nausea meds the whole pregnancy) hyperemesis (hey did you know you could throw up a single hard candy specifically made to combat motion sickness and/or pregnancy nausea). And I basically vomited every single wee****il the day I delivered...and then I puked while in labor too a few times. 

Since my stomach was so WHARGGGRBL I just ate whatever the hell I felt like I could get to stay down. I had a coke every morning because it was the only way for awhile I could gaurantee I would not hug a toilet until three in the afternoon. XD



I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *

on 6/21/10 11:00 am - Fridley, MN
Ohhhhh, you poor thing.  That sounds awful and I get not giving a rip about any rules in that situation.  I am really blessed to have no aversions or nausea this time around.  If I did, I'd probably be WAY less of a purist and just eat what I could stand.  I ate practically nothing but PBJ for a long time in my first pregnancy because I was so ill.  I wonder if the B-vites I take are preventing nausea or if it's just a fluke.
Lilypie - (SzbI)
on 6/20/10 2:31 pm - IN
Just wanted to say I love this post! And not just because the food looks so damn delicious, but that you broke down the nutritional info. That's awesome info for a pre-op going through the painstaking decision between DS and RNY. So Thanks!
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/10 11:51 pm
Thanks for the comment. I'm really glad to hear it was helpful to you!
on 6/20/10 2:43 pm
What a fun post - thanks!!

Ok...I'll admit I am apparently the only one that thinks your portions look small.  LOL!  But, then, I'm pre-op and over 300 lbs.

I think for the average meat eater your food would look appealing... but as a vegetarian I had to cringe.  This is why I probably won't get a DS.  A high protein high fat diet doesn't appeal to me even a little.  VSG is a better match for me.
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/10 12:02 am
Thank you for saying that about the portions! I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

And I hope the pics didn't make you too uncomfortable. My brother is a vegetarian and I always feel badly when he visits because my kitchen is like bacon-palooza.

Sounds like you are doing really thorough research about what surgery would work best for you. I do know of a few DS vegetarians (since as you know, there are a lot of good non-meat protein sources). Some DSers don't eat a whole lot of fat, either. Personally, I eat fat because I enjoy it and it helps keep things moving.

Some days, I do think "wow, it would be nice to not have to worry about getting X amount of protein in", but the further out a get, the less of an issue it becomes.

At any rate, best of luck with your pre-op process, and good luck on whatever you decide - whether DS or VSG.
on 6/20/10 3:41 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Everything looks Delicious!  I'm an Atkins girl and minus the ice cream you had a perfect day of food.  Great pics!
            Plus an additional 42.2lbs pre op! Starting weight 300lbs.                 
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/10 12:02 am
Thank you! 
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