HELP!!! I swear I am never gonna eat again!
Ok...its not even possible... I gained 12 lbs over night...I have been struggling for three weeks or so to get below I cut back my food intake work out more...walked 4.5 miles the other day...and what I gain a ton of weight...I drink atleast a gallon of water a day. I dont know what else to do I am going on a two week fast. I give up, maybe this will break it. All I want is to get below 256 by July 21st so I can say I lost 200lbs in one year... its just not working...some advice...some something would be nice! Thanks all!
Ok, take a deep breath first! LOL slow down a second here. Evaluate things in a logical manner. You can do this!!! And are you kidding me!!! 200 lbs in a year! YOU ROCK!
Ok, first of all, you MUST get in enough calories for your body to burn fat. If you don't it will store everything thinking you are starving to death. So try to make sure you are getting enough calories. Next, what kinds of foods make up those calories? You need to be eating protein foods, and low carb, low sodium.... especially during the heat and humidity type weather. Salt makes you retain all the water you are drinking. So, read your labels closely!!! Next, you need to be sure you are exercising on a regular basis. Walking everyday .... not just all in one day then off for the next three. Routine walking times are important.
PEW is the answer to getting thru a slump like this. Protein, exercise, and water.
I suggest you analyze that very closely and see what you can do to improve it and balance it out.
Don't get me wrong... not saying you are not doing these things... just saying this is the key to how I got thru it all and the roadblocks I experienced.
I am so impressed with your success. Keep your chin up and get it done!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Fasting is not a good idea. It will throw it all out of wack!!!!
Huge hugz,
Ok, first of all, you MUST get in enough calories for your body to burn fat. If you don't it will store everything thinking you are starving to death. So try to make sure you are getting enough calories. Next, what kinds of foods make up those calories? You need to be eating protein foods, and low carb, low sodium.... especially during the heat and humidity type weather. Salt makes you retain all the water you are drinking. So, read your labels closely!!! Next, you need to be sure you are exercising on a regular basis. Walking everyday .... not just all in one day then off for the next three. Routine walking times are important.
PEW is the answer to getting thru a slump like this. Protein, exercise, and water.
I suggest you analyze that very closely and see what you can do to improve it and balance it out.
Don't get me wrong... not saying you are not doing these things... just saying this is the key to how I got thru it all and the roadblocks I experienced.
I am so impressed with your success. Keep your chin up and get it done!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Fasting is not a good idea. It will throw it all out of wack!!!!
Huge hugz,
Thank you both, it is just so frustrating to me, somedays I feel on top of the world and others...I'm in the deserts of dispar...Not even a year ago I thought I would never ever have this operation, then one thing lead to another and from july to october i loss 60lbs, and was going under the knife...I have loss a total of 175 lbs sense july 21, and i am so goal orentated that I am feeling like it is less and less likely that I will make my goal every day. Idealy I would like to be at my goal weight of 190, or 180 by october...not gonna push that one too much though. I am working on my protein, and cals...but honestly dont know what to eat anymore...I dont feel that I was prepared enough for this operation...and that when I go back on the liquid proten for a few days to a week it gets be back on track...low salt...low fat...low carbs...but cals and protein is there. I wont lie I have been depressed lately, I dont see all the changes but seem to notice every peice of saggy skin...but oh well it is worth it...I just hope that some day...not soon...but someday having done all of this will allow me to live a healthy and compleat life...that includes a few children of my own...I have been pushing myself on the working out, and have recently started doing push ups and crunchs to work on my tummy and panny area...I cant aford a gym so i do what i can at home and am gonna start riding the bike if the weather gets better. well thanks everyone for lisiting to my complaints and lifting my spirts.
Fer Pete's sake--quit flogging yourself for a non-existent problem.
You've done great, and there's no way you could possibly have put on 12# of actual weight. Water weighs 8.8lbs per gallon; if you've been drinking a lot, if it's hot, etc., etc., etc.
There are a lot of things that could be contributing to this but fasting is just about the dumbest thing you can do to change it.
I'm sorry if this is a little harsh, but you need to get a grip and stop hurting yourself.
RELAX. Your body is probably trying to make some adjustments and you need to just leave it alone. You are NOT on a diet any more.
There's no timetable anywhere, except in your brain.
Enjoy your new life; you've earned it.
You've done great, and there's no way you could possibly have put on 12# of actual weight. Water weighs 8.8lbs per gallon; if you've been drinking a lot, if it's hot, etc., etc., etc.
There are a lot of things that could be contributing to this but fasting is just about the dumbest thing you can do to change it.
I'm sorry if this is a little harsh, but you need to get a grip and stop hurting yourself.
RELAX. Your body is probably trying to make some adjustments and you need to just leave it alone. You are NOT on a diet any more.
There's no timetable anywhere, except in your brain.
Enjoy your new life; you've earned it.
You've been given good advice.....I will just add.....a two week fast would shut you down....your metabolism needs to be fired....not starved........don't be foolish. Increase your protein and fluids...and move.....I broke every stall that way.........we are capable of being our own worst enemies......but we're also capable of stopping! So are a supreme success.....your body needs love and nurturing....not anger. Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero
286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)
LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09
I am finding days when I eat more, I tend to lose rather than stay, could be why I hit this stall for so long, I was not eating enough, and then adding exercise oh dear, some days I would work off every single calorie I ate, and that is not good, even getting in my protein. So I try to have extra snacks on days I work out just for the energy and such, or eat a higher calorie meal than usual.
Hey Melissa!
Wow! I just looked at your pictures! You're just a baby! The first pictures you posted, you looked I scrolled through, I could see the're a young-un (as they say in Tennessee)! Please don't be disappointed! Your body has been through so's confused and needs time to say..."hold up, what's going on"? I know what it is to set up a big goal for yourself...I wouldn't advise a fast....could not possibly be good for us! Now, no giving up...never! So you lose 200 pounds in 15 months...big deal! 200 pounds anytime is AWESOME!!! Way to go on what you've done so far! Woohoo, you are fantastic! I bet Memaw is proud of you!! Your entire family must be so happy! I know you are! Connie
Wow! I just looked at your pictures! You're just a baby! The first pictures you posted, you looked I scrolled through, I could see the're a young-un (as they say in Tennessee)! Please don't be disappointed! Your body has been through so's confused and needs time to say..."hold up, what's going on"? I know what it is to set up a big goal for yourself...I wouldn't advise a fast....could not possibly be good for us! Now, no giving up...never! So you lose 200 pounds in 15 months...big deal! 200 pounds anytime is AWESOME!!! Way to go on what you've done so far! Woohoo, you are fantastic! I bet Memaw is proud of you!! Your entire family must be so happy! I know you are! Connie
I wanted to say that I took a peak at your profile and WOW! Your transformation is amazing! Aren't you gorgeous?!? Wow! Please do not beat yourself up! You have done AMAZINGLY well! 200 lbs in a year? HOLY COW!!! I am praying to lose half of that in a year!
Be PROUD of yourself and listen to what others are saying about the bad effects of fasting! I am 41 years old and wish I would have gotten (and listened to!) that advise when I was much younger! Maybe I would not have the problems I have now and the bad metabolism!
I am proud of you! You be proud of yourself! You're amazing!!!
Be PROUD of yourself and listen to what others are saying about the bad effects of fasting! I am 41 years old and wish I would have gotten (and listened to!) that advise when I was much younger! Maybe I would not have the problems I have now and the bad metabolism!
I am proud of you! You be proud of yourself! You're amazing!!!