How often do you throw up?

on 5/21/10 10:11 pm
I never actually get anything up but it seems like the past few days I Heave every morning. I'm getting real sick of it!!!!!!!!!
RNY 5/5/10
Dr. Brian Gluck
on 5/21/10 10:36 pm
I'm 4 weeks out and this week (when i started solids) it's been nearly every day.  Thursday was bad I threw up all day long but i think my pouch was irritated from getting sick so it rebelled anything I put in it.  Yesterday was only once tho and it was because I ate one bite too many at dinner.  Hopefully today will be a good day.
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/10 12:12 am
I had surgery a couple of days before you, and I used to throw up daily.  After a while my pouch seemed to start agreeing with food.  I now throw up every other day....I think it's getting better for me, and it will get better for you.
on 5/22/10 12:22 am - Suffolk, VA
I've been very fortunate in that I've never thrown up or even felt like I wanted to.  I burp a lot.  I'm 2 months post-op and I chew, chew, chew and still measure everything out like the nutritionist told me to.
on 5/22/10 12:34 am
I'm 7 years out and still throw up twice a week or so.  However, I know why.  I eat too fast.  Take too large of bites.  Don't chew enough times.  Whenever I'm mindful of these things, like the poster above, I don't throw up.  {sigh}  It's something you have to pay attention to the rest of your life, I guess - but it's definitely worth it.  Slow down and enjoy your food, for cryin' out loud!   I love being slim, and you will too.  Good luck, all!  
on 5/22/10 2:36 am
Never since surgery. I chew well, eat moist foods and don't drink for an hour or so after eating...thank goodness! Sorry you're having trouble.    Connie
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/10 3:02 am - AZ
I'm sleeved and I never puke.
Jackie McGee
on 5/22/10 3:25 am - PA
You lucky *****

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

(deactivated member)
on 5/22/10 3:30 am - AZ
On May 22, 2010 at 10:25 AM Pacific Time, Jackie H. wrote:
You lucky *****

Heh... that is why I got a sleeve. ;o)

I will NEVER live with a pouch and stoma again, those days are history.  Today, no food intolerances and no puking, sliming, or foaming like a rabid dog.

Jackie McGee
on 5/22/10 3:24 am - PA
Months one to four, post-operatively speaking, I was throwing up 10 to 15 times a day. Everything made me sick - water, vitamins, food, protein drinks, oxygen, Lifetime Movie Network, Jesus, everything! I finally had an EGD done and they found an ulcer. I took carafate for a bit and the vomiting died down a bit.

Now at almost 15 months post-op, I throw up once or twice a week, usually when I eat something I know I shouldn't eat - bread, pasta, etc. - or when I eat and drink at the same time.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

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