MY surgery is right and YOU are wrong!!

on 3/14/10 11:52 pm
on 3/14/10 11:39 pm - Schaumburg, IL
Hilarious thread, Bette B.! Thanks for posting!
Tara _
on 3/14/10 11:40 pm
Snort - EVERYONE knows that Wilma could kick Betty's ass in a stoneage minute!
Terry B.
on 3/15/10 12:04 am - Martinsville, IN

You are cracking me up,  thanks for a great Monday laugh!   Do this more often.PLEEEASE.


I am only one, But still, I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do
the something that I can do. 
    Edward Everett Hale
                    Onederland 1/26/2010    

Bette B.
on 3/15/10 12:05 am
I shall do my best. Sometimes, this place really, really needs a mood lightener.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 3/15/10 11:40 am - Minneapolis, MN
Bette is my new favorite poster.    Thank you for the smiles! 
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/10 12:09 am
Thank for this thread. I was okay with all the negative threads do to the amount of research I have done and the support classes I went too.

But I was worried that other pre-op peeps would be frightened needlessly. They have enough to worry about and some of them are already scared.

I am pre-surgery myself and I thought the BIG you know what thread was entertaining. I sometimes go to the Rant and Rage forum just to read the threads. I think they are having fun over there and most of the banter back and forth is what they do for fun.It sure is something to see the post go all over the place with defenders and objectors. But like I said us pre-op patients to not need to read negative and post that are on the verge of being hateful.

So sorry I didn't make funnies of this but I enjoyed all of yours.

Diana (Wonder Woman)
on 3/15/10 12:17 am
You go girl!  Oh, but I'm disappointed that you left out my surgeon is better than your surgeon and that if you don't get the DS you are less than human because of your choice.
Bette B.
on 3/15/10 12:28 am
Well, I will say that MY surgeon is much, much CUTER than YOUR surgeon!!!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Laura M.
on 3/15/10 12:24 am - montrose, PA
LOL GREAT POST!!!!  Glad my coffee isnt done
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