PLEASE HELP ME!!!! O M G I just got the phone call from H--LL I'm scheduled for RNY on April 7th & my surgeon's office just called to tell me that Dr. Brian Lane has resigned. I'm so hurt right now, this feels like DEATH I feel it in the pit of my stomach its awful, I cant eat, I got an instant headache! PLEASE HELP ME, does anyone out there know what happened? Has this happened to you? I know GOD will find a way, I was so close, I'm suppose to start my 2 week diet on March. 24th Im all ready, my husband has already taken 2 weeks off work to be with me. I live in the Toledo/Sylvania area does anyone know of a good surgeon that will accept me that takes my insurance I have Front Path. Where do I start? what do I do? Im soooo confused,so upset the kids are asking why Im crying thanks for any help/ advise Im gonna go crawl back into bed.
I called this morning to ask him to get my bloodwork faxed over that I could get pregnant via IVF on April 5th. The hospital called me back ...I dont know if they got my message or it was a coincidence. I am at a loss and dont know what to do either. The lady did give me an email address to use but I doubt I will hear anything back. It's [email protected]
I do want to say that they were the worse for getting ahold of after surgery was over it....alot of people on here have complained about that, too. Before surgery, no problem...after surgery is awful....take it as a blessing in disquise. I loved them...but hated that I had such a hard time getting return calls and such. They may end up calling everyone soon to let us know where they moved to...but, I dont know. I know that the same thing happened a few years ago when they left Bowling Green and alot of people were upset then, too.
Have you found out anything new since you found this out?

*19.6 of the pounds were lost during the 2 week pre-op diet.
If he has resigned, there is definately a serious reason why...most bariatric surgeons don`t just up & quit! Look at this as a sign...if you had gone ahead with your surgery, who knows what could have happened. Not trying to downsize your dissappointment, `cause I would have been devastated like you.
My suggestion would be to contact the surgeon`s board and tell them about what happened to you and see if they can help!! Good luck and we`ll all be sending our positive thoughts to you!
Then I'd be on the phone with the insurance company explaining what happened, and ask them if they have a list of surgeons that will do the procedure. Have them make notes in your file about the happenings so hopefully re-approval will go super quick.
After those two things are done,..I would of course start hunting for information on what happened. Start with the state medical board, and all that stuff, just to dig around and see if there is anything you should know!
Once the adrenaline and frustration wear off, sit back, relax, know you're doing everything you can. This WILL work out.
Good luck!
There is a post on the DS board from another lady who just got a call about Dr. Lane's resignation, but no information about what happened.
I would agree with the posters who said to call your insurance and get a referral to another surgeon. Good luck to you, and I hope you can get in somewhere soon.