What can I do if lap band has been unsuccessful for me?

(deactivated member)
on 2/16/10 11:13 am
What can I do if lap band has been unsuccessful for me? No weight lost at all in 4 years with fills every two or three months. I feel guilty because I haven't been able to maintain a diet once more in my life and I haven't been motivated for exercises as usually. I think my doctor's team must blame me for not been able to follow a diet, an exercise plan and not attending their group meetings. I never could do those things in the past before the band. I  went to new doctor last year and she told me to get my records from my original surgeon but I felt bad to go there and ask them for my medical records. My husband wants me to have my band removed and he is strongly against any other surgury again. I'm  afraid to gain  more weight after band removal and I'm very confused. Please help me!!
on 2/16/10 11:23 am - TX
Girl, I lived in lapband hell for over 3 years.  Fills, unfills, slips, pain, you name it.  Then I got the DS in November and LOVE IT! 

I can eat without pain.  Eat more than what I could with the band, and I am losing weight.  Lost 55lbs since November with little to no effort.

With the DS you have to take your vitamins, must eat 100 grams of protein a day, and 80-100 grams of fat (because you only absorb 20% of fat) and I love my diet now.  Literally bacon is a DS healthfood.

So if you like meat, cheese, butter, and bacon consider the DS.   Please visit the links on my sig to learn more... and come to the Dark Side.

And just an FYI.. I don't usually visit the main board, so it is wild that the very first post I read was yours.   Must be meant to be...
 Come to the Dark Side!!!                     
Band to DS revision 11/09/09.
Learn about the Duodenal Switch at dsfacts.com ! Off site comparisons of the 4 WLS 
http://www.thinnertimes.com/weight-loss-surgery/wls-basics/w eight-loss-surgery-comparison.html
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/10 11:24 am
Well, a couple of things:

1. Four years with no weight loss and you have a band? I'm aghast. Regardless, if it was placed right, you should have lost weight, ergo...I'm thinking it's not in right. Did your doctor even bother to check for slippage? is the band even hooked up right?

2. You had a chance to make this right for yourself by seeing another surgeon and then "felt bad" to ask the doctor for your records. 4 years ago he didn't feel too bad to take your money for a product that he has failed to make work. Sounds to me like you should care more about YOUR feelings than his.

3. You don't say why your husband is opposed, however, being obese is dangerous to your health. Ask him what's worse, you dead or disabled from obesity or a wls with a competent surgeon that works?

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but if you don't stop being a victim, then you'll never get results.

You can do this! You want this! Don't let people push you around.
on 2/16/10 11:28 am
Useless band for me, too.  Converted to RNY in November of last year and I'm thrilled. JUST DO IT!

After my lap band failure, I'm loving my RNY!

1 Cor 4:7 - What do you have that you did not receive?
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/10 11:33 am
on 2/16/10 11:35 am - AL
Your best option for a more normal "diet" and lifestyle is the Duodenal Switch.  Obesity should not be an option. 

I had the DS 4 1/2 months ago and eat a lot and the weight is just falling off.  Come over to the DS forum and read.  The "bites and vites" thread that is posted daily will give you some idea of what our "diet" is like.

Good luck!


on 2/16/10 11:47 am - Roswell, GA
I want to make sure I'm reading your post correctly, Chabala:
you did not follow the prescribed food plan, exercise plan nor attended the doc's support group meetings, and - at no point have you lost any weight in 4 years with the lapband; correct?

IF all that is true, what makes you think any other form of surgery will lead to permanent weight loss and living the rest of your life in a healthy, normal-sized body?

You are in the deadly grip of an extreme form of self-sabotage. I know all about that from personal experience and have blogged about how I overcame that internal "doomsday machine."
I re-posted it on my blog: http://embodysuccess.spaces.live.com
I urge you to read it; and then, really do some soul-searching about what you are willing to do to free yourself from its grip.
So many of my coaching clients come to me because they've gained back significant amounts of weight 3-5 yrs. post-op due to self-sabotage.
There IS an alternative to a life of short-term diet euphoria followed by weight gain, shame & depression!

It all boils down to one question:
What are you willing to do to save your life?

I'm hoping you'll find the desire to commit yourself to the answer: What ever it takes!

Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at: embodysuccesscoach.com

Ms. Cal Culator
on 2/16/10 12:31 pm - Tuvalu
On February 16, 2010 at 7:47 PM Pacific Time, EmbodySuccess wrote:
I want to make sure I'm reading your post correctly, Chabala:
you did not follow the prescribed food plan, exercise plan nor attended the doc's support group meetings, and - at no point have you lost any weight in 4 years with the lapband; correct?

IF all that is true, what makes you think any other form of surgery will lead to permanent weight loss and living the rest of your life in a healthy, normal-sized body?

You are in the deadly grip of an extreme form of self-sabotage. I know all about that from personal experience and have blogged about how I overcame that internal "doomsday machine."
I re-posted it on my blog: http://embodysuccess.spaces.live.com
I urge you to read it; and then, really do some soul-searching about what you are willing to do to free yourself from its grip.
So many of my coaching clients come to me because they've gained back significant amounts of weight 3-5 yrs. post-op due to self-sabotage.
There IS an alternative to a life of short-term diet euphoria followed by weight gain, shame & depression!

It all boils down to one question:
What are you willing to do to save your life?

I'm hoping you'll find the desire to commit yourself to the answer: What ever it takes!

Okay...all that right up there...it's BS.  It's for people who choose to brainwash themselves...and sell brainwashing to others.

The band didn't work for you for the same reason it doesn't work for most people...it's just not that good.

I had mine out, didn't engage in brainwashing and weigh more than hundred pounds less than I did four years ago.

Really...ignore the woman above...she needs everyone to suffer as she does.

In any group of a hundred people, there are probably 2 or 3 sociopaths.  In a group of a thousand, more like 20-30.  They function very well in "affinity groups," where people have things in common and tend to trust strangers.  I am NOT saying not to trust anyone.  I AM saying that there are probably two dozen sociopaths hanging out here and looking for victims.  Most are NOT serial killers.

Read: www.sociopathicstyle.com/traits/classic.htm

Pam M.
on 2/16/10 12:52 pm - WA

~My story on my revision to RNY from the lap-band is in my profile~



on 2/16/10 1:05 pm - Roswell, GA
"Brainwashing!" "Suffering!" "BS!"
Wow. I seem to have struck a nerve with you, Ms. ?
The reason the diet industry is recession-proof is that we chronic dieters go from one magical promise to the next.
The point of sharing my personal experiences and discoveries freely with others has NOTHING to do with "finding fault" or blame; it's about offering a means of getting off that roller-coaster. It does not involve brainwashing or suffering!
In fact, aside from having my stoma stretched open 10 weeks post-op I haven't suffered in the 7 years I've been post-op; I went from 3X to size 12 on my 1st anniv., size 10 by 2nd anniv & size 8 since before by 3rd anniv and remain a size 8.

So, ranting aside, I'm still waiting to hear if I understood Chabela's post correctly...

Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at: embodysuccesscoach.com

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