Something I haven't seen anyone post about
The level of honesty. People address everything, what they can or cannot eat, reasons people have the surgery, never read this before, the surgery wars. which one is best, and on and on. I been on for 6+ months and everything but this has been talked about. I am just floored. I think it is such a basic issue that no one has talked about before. What can you say to add to it? noththing. . . . . . thats it.
Oh ok, I just thought maybe you were inferring that it's something that should've been left unsaid. lol. I've been wanting to talk about it for a while myself - but was too shy to bring it up. Mainly because my overwhelming fear of not being able to take care of myself right after surgery. Ugh!
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.

No way, if anything, this is the raw honesty this site should be about. Talking about it without fear is what everyone should be able to do. Its not about the trivial things in life, WLS affects such major areas of ones life. Quality and dignity in life is precious gift so many do not understand until they loose it. So many things people take for granted.
Well, I have seen at least a dozen poo this just is a post about having to struggle IN the bathroom, regardless of having to go #1 or #2.
I too was worried about posting it, but I knew that it was relevant to having wls and one of those WOW moments we kinda disregard, but is so so important! haha
Good to see you again Medley!
I too was worried about posting it, but I knew that it was relevant to having wls and one of those WOW moments we kinda disregard, but is so so important! haha
Good to see you again Medley!
LOL i laugh because one thing i haven't seen much posted about is the fact that i had to move my seat in my van up way closer than i ever had before i had it so far back I don't think it would go any further lol now i have it so close my husband can't even get in it lol.
Oh now i feel like my butt is getting so small i might fall in the toliet.
Oh now i feel like my butt is getting so small i might fall in the toliet.
I couldn't bend over and tie my shoes. My shoe laces would alway be tied toward one side because I had to prop my foot on my knee to reach it. Even then, it was hard.
I avoided sitting in bath tubs. I felt so HEAVY when trying to get out and I was so big that the water couldn't circulate all the way around me.