Updated: Share button addition

on 1/25/10 1:43 am
How did they find your FB account through an ObesityHelp link? I thought if someone shared a post on FB it posted to their FB account not yours...this is weird. Also, sounds as if you need to change the privacy settings on your FB account to friends only.

Tap me and I make beautiful music....
on 1/25/10 2:10 am
 I know you weren't addressing me but I would like to point out a couple of things about your post.  You stated that two people found you on FB with all of your personal information.  I'm curious.. do you have anyone listed as a friend of yours that also has an OH account?  If so, they may have been able to find you through mutual friends.  

Speaking of Facebook, you are more likely to have privacy breaches with them than anything you post here on OH.. UNLESS you use your first and last name for your posting.  If you aren't using your real identity here on OH, then you have nothing to be overly concerned about.  

I do agree that a person does not have to be in the same town to know you.  I have friends spread out across the country.  That alone should prove to you that our worlds are not nearly as finite as they used to be.  Being aware of that should prompt you to exercise extreme caution no matter which little corner of the web you are poking around in.. NOTHING. IS. PRIVATE.  Things that you want to keep secret shouldn't be shared.  PERIOD.  OH didn't out you.. you outed yourself.  

Just Valena
on 1/25/10 10:32 pm - Nunyabizness

If someone found that much on your FB page, that is YOUR fault!!! Make your FB profile open to friends only. They have lots of privacy settings.

Lovin' Life
on 1/24/10 8:55 am, edited 1/24/10 8:55 am

Well said, Danielle.

You have to have a dream to have a dream come true!
My dream came true Nov. 28, 2008-Hit goal!

                                  Maintaining since 11/08. 
                       I don't need no stinkin' malabsorption!

on 1/24/10 6:50 am
There's a few I wish who WOULDN'T SHARE so much, in fact.  Not here, in the Real World.  MY GAWD, I KNOW YOU HAD "The SURGERY" now shut up!
Yvonne McCarthy
on 1/24/10 8:22 am - Plano, TX
On January 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM Pacific Time, m m wrote:
There's a few I wish who WOULDN'T SHARE so much, in fact.  Not here, in the Real World.  MY GAWD, I KNOW YOU HAD "The SURGERY" now shut up!
Shut up? Really?

Regarding the sharing issue: Jeremy spent a very long time explaining the possibilities.  No one at OH is trying to do something bad, cruel, ruthless, increasing revenue etc.  They are trying their best to improve social networking in order to stay current.  Perhaps it wasn't thought out in it's entirety but instead of throwing cruel accusations as to the reason they did this, why don't you simply write a civil post and explain the problems you foresee with this new procedure.  Ask questions.  This is a free service and I personally know most of the staff.  Not a mean bone in their bodies.  Instead of complaining, offer suggestions and improvements instead of scatter shooting and assuming the worst and the negative.  If you think the people that run OH are such awful  people, then don't take part in their services.  Thi****s me personally and I'm sure I'll be flamed but people, this is a simple issue that can be worked out with the utmost civility.

Open RNY 3/30/01  260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog!  Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com     .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

on 1/24/10 9:03 am
 I'm curious, Yvonne.  What exactly are you referring to when you say someone is assuming the worst and the negative?  I can't see where this is happening.  I see dialogue and opinions being shared, even if they are conflicting.  

For example, I stated that this is a marketing ploy.  Do you see that as being negative and that it automatically means I think the people that run OH are awful people?  Please explain.  

Yvonne McCarthy
on 1/24/10 10:35 am - Plano, TX
Thank you for asking me a question to be cleared up instead of an attack.  I have gone way past my usual type of post and I know it is my personal relationship with many at OH that drives my response.  I cannot in good taste go back and point out which thread and who said what but there are many that think this move is purely done without consideration of the members and for the sake of added revenue.  This situation is a bit different because of content so it is touchy but OH is simply trying to stay current with all other social media sites. This site is probably one of the last of it's size that does not have share buttons for facebook, twitter etc.  Jeremy tried very hard to explain the process.

There was also a personal comment aimed at a member that would benefit from this as well.  If only the truth were known about many of the active members here that volunteer time and are either not compensated at all (me) or others that are compensated in pennies.  I am a total volunteer and that may or may not have a thing to do with this but since I am coming off 2 weeks of the most severe flu I have ever had....I'm not particularly clear minded.  My basic premise was instead of members coming up with all the bad reasons this was done and talking about it....just write to OH and speak your mind without malice.  I hope that made some sense Haven. Thanks for listening,

Open RNY 3/30/01  260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog!  Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com     .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

on 1/24/10 11:15 am
I don't know that you would necessarily remember me but at one time I was a fairly active member here and also volunteered my time (without the backing of OH) to help others to create profiles for them that were more personal and represented them a bit more.  So I understand about the volunteering for nothing part.  I also used to be a fairly involved poster and did my best to be supportive of others as well as seeking out my own support.  I too, have a "history" with OH.  

I can understand why you might feel a sense of loyalty to the site and so can the others that share the same opinions that I do regarding this move to add the networking buttons. HOWEVER..  just because I am grateful that this site was here when I needed an outlet to seek out information, network with other people that had a clue what I was going through and feel a sense of belonging to something larger than just me doesn't mean that I am not realistic in viewing how this move was a business decision.  I don't think that making this business decision means the people behind it are awful people.  In fact, I see it as as fairly business savvy move.  

Having said that, I still stand behind my point of view that the BUSINESS ASPECT of OH doesn't give two shakes about the people that make up the site.  Why do I say that, you ask?  I'll provide you with an analogy of a different set of cir****tances but that support my theory.  I purchase an item at Walget Mart (not trying to open up another can of worms for the folks that hate Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart so i'm using a fictitious name).  When I get home with said item (and many others), I put things away, throw away the receipt unwittingly and go about my business.  A week later, I need said item and go to find it in the cabinet.  Upon opening the item, I find that I purchased the wrong thing by mistake (suppose I had three screaming children with me and got distracted).  I put the item in my car, head back to Walget Mart, stand in that line at the service desk that is three miles long (with the same three screaming kids) and when I finally get to the counter, the attendant behind the desk tells me that I can't return it.  Why?  I don't have my receipt AND it's opened.  I try to explain about the receipt getting thrown away by mistake, explain about the kids (although I fail to understand why that needs an explanation.. she rolled her eyes at me the instant my gang shuffled up to the counter) and I also explain how money is tight in this economy and can she please make an exception to me because I wasn't aware of their policies.  She says no.  I'm angry and want to complain.  I write a nicely worded letter to corporate.  I get no response or if I do get a response, it's not the one I wanted.  So.. I decide to boycott Walget Mart.  Do you think they care??  Ummm.. no.  My money isn't going to be missed because someone else will bring THEIR money to the store and purchase the same item that I bought by mistake.  The BUSINESS of Walget Mart couldn't care less about me as a person.  Same here.  Making a savvy business decision doesn't mean that the people behind it are vindictive, malicious people.. it just means they are also trying to make their own way in this economy.  If you don't believe me.. drive up to your local Walget Mart parking lot and see how full it is.  Policies are made for the benefit of the owner and it's shareholders.  Since OH is not one to have shareholders (I don't think anyway.. i'm not sure to be honest, I never researched it), the business decisions are made by the one that is getting the profits from the ad sales.  Period.

One thing I am glad you did point out though.  You do agree that this is a social networking site.  It is a place where people of a like mind or having a common ground meet and discuss or seek out support.  If this weren't a social site, there would be no need for forums.. it would purely be a site for information and information only.  I think Jeremy did a fine job of explaining things and I can't fault him at all for his approach.  

I just think some folks are afraid that everything they've said will all of a sudden spill out onto the WWW with a neon sign that says.. "YOU'RE FAT".  Geez.. we're all fat or have been fat at one time.  It's kind of hard to hide that unless you stay holed up inside your home 24/7.  I can understand that you might not want to share all of your struggles with those that you know on a very limited basis which is why you do things in ADVANCE to protect your identity if that's a concern.  For those that think this site is private because it caters to a specialized demographic.. post your full name, social security number and major credit card number (don't forget the three digit code on the back, please).  I *promise* to keep it private!  o_O


Yvonne McCarthy
on 1/24/10 11:40 am - Plano, TX

Sweetie, I probably didn't make it clear but I think it is not a good idea.  I wish there was a way to only share my post if I wanted.  I totally understand those not wanting this out there.  It wasn't thought out well.  And YES I do remember you!! (and always respected you)  This is a very private thing for many and I want them protected.  I would never share a thread without everyone's permission.  I hope there will be a solution for all.
hugs, Y

Open RNY 3/30/01  260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog!  Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com     .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

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