Warning: Is OH Sharing our info w/ Facebook Now?

on 1/21/10 10:58 am
 I never implied you or anyone else was an idiot.  Just stated facts.  Good for you being proactive instead of just complaining.  Feel better now?  
on 1/21/10 11:01 am
oh - my bad - I thought the purpose of the thread was conversation and exchange of ideas and the progression of thought.  Here I am mocking statements of the blantantly obvious, which I thought were axioms - no need to restate. 

Thanks for the clarification. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Just Valena
on 1/22/10 1:55 am - Nunyabizness
Why u change your screen name!? You coulda just ditched your pic...
on 1/22/10 1:58 am
hey - call me paranoid - I'm making sure one can't be matched to the other. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/10 10:49 am, edited 1/21/10 10:50 am
I disagree that "accept it" or "leave" are the only options. Yes, OH is a business, but would not thrive without user-generated content and ad views.

As users and basically customers of the site, I see nothing wrong with voicing our displeasure if we choose. 
on 1/21/10 11:08 am
 Nothing wrong with voicing your displeasure.  It's a free country.  You should speak your mind, just don't expect that it means everything will change because of it.  

I can assure you that in the length of time that i've been a member on OH, there have been THOUSANDS of folks that have come, used it for what they needed it for and then moved on.  There are precious few that stay the course and are in it for the long haul.  It may sound crappy but you are a statistic to the business side of OH.  A nameless, faceless human just like at the Social Security Office, at the DMV and down to the morgue that assigns you a toe tag identification number.  You are a user of the site but you don't pay one red cent for it's use.. it's the advertisements that fund this place and those advertisers want to know that their advertising dollars are being spent to as wide an audience as possible.  So OH has marketing folks that sit around and think of ways that can increase the audience, thereby increasing advertising dollars.. ensuring them of a paycheck.  

It's reality.   
on 1/21/10 10:52 am
I thought OH was a help/support site, NOT a social networking one?  It's a shame people have to 'lock down' their profiles so OH can increase 'traffic' by those curious to see why so-and-so is linked to an obesity help forum. 

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
on 1/21/10 10:42 am
Arrrgggh...what a great business move--link an obesity support/help site with multiple social networking sites.

I don't 'hide' the fact that I've had WLS; but I don't advertise it on my social networking page, either.   I would guess OH thought they were 'helping' by offering the 'service'-since many do use Facebook, Twitter, etc; but it still blows for those of us who would prefer not to cross the two.

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
on 1/21/10 10:49 am

But it is a great business move.

For all the people that might be scared off by this change, think of the new eyes that will follow from the increased circulation without any advertising? 

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/10 6:50 pm
 I have to say I think the OH marketers are choosing short term  profit over long term membership increases .   When potential members seet hat they  can't trust the site to preserve their anonymity - they will stop USING the site i.e. visiting the site regularly .

There are truly anonymous support groups out here like Overeaters Anonymous where your face and vulnerability are not going to be shared with your co workers and college classmates .  Oh has taken advantage of the fact that people trust the strict anonymity policy of twelve step support groups and has misled us that they were  a safe haven like such groups - and now- without informing us or warning us - made us FAR more vulnerable to being "outed " inthe outside world.

Its like being a gay website - those aren't cross- linked with facebook and twitter DELIBERATELY .  Why should OH be ?

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