Warning: Is OH Sharing our info w/ Facebook Now?

Donna C.
on 1/21/10 10:42 am - Durham Region, Canada

They don't need the FB link on this page to copy a link to this thread..... that's my point!  If someone wanted to link to this thread before they dropped the link option on the post they were able to do that already - so nothing has changed!  If you don't want people to recognize your avie or see your posts and other non-private info - then don't post on a site that you don't even need a member ID to read.

   HW/SW/CW/Orig GW/New GW   328/311/161/153/142   LOVE my RNY!!!!      

on 1/21/10 10:47 am
you're so missing my point.  I'm not dense - I DO realize that anyone can copy the URL and Facebook would show the thread.  My point, dear heart, is the ease at which this can now be done.  Someone who might not have taken the time to copy and paste or even thought to share the thread will now be able to at the quick click of a button. 

OR those who would previously copy and paste CONTENT only, will now tie back to the entire thread - seeing many more people that before. 

It's more exposure - tell me about public domain all you want.  I am very careful that you cannot find my OH by my real name - you can, however find my FB by doing so.  I don't want everyone on OH to know my real name - and I don't want everyone on FB to know I have an OH profile. 

I didn't say it used to be impossible - but it damn sure wasn't THIS easy before!!! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Donna C.
on 1/21/10 11:05 am - Durham Region, Canada
Ya you're right it was WAY harder to copy and paste the link than it is now!! 

   HW/SW/CW/Orig GW/New GW   328/311/161/153/142   LOVE my RNY!!!!      

on 1/21/10 11:27 am
Just so you know... the link that *I* saw on FB, did not identify the author of this post IN ANY WAY... so unless someone is interested enough to clik the link, they won't know who wrote it.

Also, when I *did* click on the link, it took me not to the OP, but to a reply posted by the person that linked it on FB.


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on 1/21/10 11:35 am, edited 1/21/10 11:35 am
I appreciate your effort and the info.....

but I still don't like it - won't cotton to it.... nope, not neva


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 1/21/10 10:37 am
Welcome to the world of the wide web.  Nothing is sacred nor private.  While I don't necessarily agree with the little buttons for cross posting on other social networking sites, I recognize it for what it is.. a marketing ploy.  

If someone shares a post from here and links it back, then it peaks the interest of other parties.  In order to respond to the post, one must be a member.  Increased Membership = Greater Targeted Advertising Dollars.  

on 1/21/10 10:40 am
and i can TOTALLY appreciate the marketing.... but I DO believe you should WARN mofos before you do some **** like that!  We got used to a certain way the 'rules' worked on here - this is a drastic change!!!! 

for me - I do NOT and never have used my REAL name - but I do on FB.  I don't want everybody HERE knowing my real name and every who knows my real name should not know the OH me - my pic in my avie is the clue that ties them.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/10 10:43 am
Yes! I agree with all your posts on this thread, but especially this. They could have at least notified members about the change so that those who wanted to lock down profiles/etc. could do it in time.

It's like the difference between writing an article for a local paper and having it published by the New York Times. There's public and then there's PUBLIC.
on 1/21/10 10:45 am
 Then change your avatar if you don't want them linked.  

OH is a business.  Owned by a sole proprietor.  It's not a democracy and there are no stock options that give anyone a right to do anything other than what the private owner wants them to.  If you want to enjoy the benefits of OH or any other free social networking site, you abide by their rules or leave.  You still have a choice.  

on 1/21/10 10:49 am
DUH!  What am I, an idiot??

I full well know what I need to do to solve the problem - thanks for the instructions and the rules of ownership overview...... LOL

that's why I DID change my avie AND lock down my profile - I'm well aware of my options and exercise them with ease. 

that is all.  Good night. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

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