I change my Mind
www.geekmomblog.com -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!

Are you agreeing to Jackie's statement: "To renee, Suzy and the rest of you that felt the need to trash a person who it clearly crying out for help, offer a solution instead of a beating..."
Then why would you tell this OP in a later post to ENJOY DYING FAT???
Then why would you tell this OP in a later post to ENJOY DYING FAT???
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Sorry hon I am on the other side of that argument! I think he needs a good reality check (and if it is in the form of a kick in the butt , or a beating as mentioned in the snip of the thread you copied- so be it). He isn't crying out for help- he is giving up and *****ing and moaning because he isn't getting his way and actually might have to put some effort into something!
So yup- hope he enjoys dying fat but he only has himself to blame for that!
So yup- hope he enjoys dying fat but he only has himself to blame for that!
www.geekmomblog.com -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!

hah she certainly is! She was up to her usual no good and stirring up trouble! But now that she's blocked me I can't see any other ridiculous tidbits she might have posted. Oh well- one less person I would want to smack through a computer screen 

www.geekmomblog.com -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!

So far as I can tell, all the gaps are Reenie. Then again maybe someone else has both you and me blocked! But I know I was responding to Reenie and then all her posts disappeared (which was how I knew she blocked me) and that still seems to be where all the gaps are on my end.
www.geekmomblog.com -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!