I change my Mind
I got approved for RNY but I change my mind
i am not going to get it done because it is just to dangerous
you can bleed to death and have serious complications everyoen in my area said they have serious complications and regret it my cousin almost bled to death and she vomits constantly I dont want this or need this
I am also on Texas Medicaid and there is no doctor close to me that accepts Medicaid the closest is Austin Texas 5 hours away I have to get a hotel when I go
I ws told that I would have to pay 115 dollars for the nutrition meeting and 75 for exercise and was told I would have to coem back for checkups I cant afford it i only get 674 a month after bills have about 50 left a month so I guess I will die fat but I am saved by the Blood Of Jesus so one day I will get my glorified body
i am not going to get it done because it is just to dangerous
you can bleed to death and have serious complications everyoen in my area said they have serious complications and regret it my cousin almost bled to death and she vomits constantly I dont want this or need this
I am also on Texas Medicaid and there is no doctor close to me that accepts Medicaid the closest is Austin Texas 5 hours away I have to get a hotel when I go
I ws told that I would have to pay 115 dollars for the nutrition meeting and 75 for exercise and was told I would have to coem back for checkups I cant afford it i only get 674 a month after bills have about 50 left a month so I guess I will die fat but I am saved by the Blood Of Jesus so one day I will get my glorified body
You are right. YOU should not get it. YOU obviously are not willing to put the work into it to monitor your blood test and make sure that you get the vitamins and nutrition YOU need. So yes YOU should not get it.
I seriously doubt that everyone in your area has had serious complications. If they had all these comlications, the doctor(s) in that area would be under medical review at the very least.
But you just go ahead with your "Someday my prince will come" crap.
I seriously doubt that everyone in your area has had serious complications. If they had all these comlications, the doctor(s) in that area would be under medical review at the very least.
But you just go ahead with your "Someday my prince will come" crap.
Back in the U.S.A.
"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was. I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door. I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer." Kirmy
I think if u are backing out ,GOD has told u to not have it honestly. Also I believe if u have more fears than anything then u should trust ur instinct. The surgery defintely isnt for everyone and shouldnt do it just because your over weight (not that thats your only reason at all) . I believe we all know what we should do and you believe you shouldnt. I completely understand. I hope you find your answer,truely..GOOD Luck and GOD bless...and yes things happen during surgery but sometimes the risk is worth it compared to the risks of not having it.
This is a personal choice. I respect your decision.
I personally am thrilled God allowed me to become a better servant to his will by living a longer happier life with my decision to have this surgery. Allowing me to serve people in need, as well as, be a witness to the beauty of life and the sorrow of death. I am truely blessed that I have been allowed to be this witness for the last 15 plus years of my life!! That I was shown the way, through surgery, to continue this... my life's work to attend to the sick and injuried.
I say this prayer everyday, on every call... "God, guide my hands".
With respect for your decision.
I personally am thrilled God allowed me to become a better servant to his will by living a longer happier life with my decision to have this surgery. Allowing me to serve people in need, as well as, be a witness to the beauty of life and the sorrow of death. I am truely blessed that I have been allowed to be this witness for the last 15 plus years of my life!! That I was shown the way, through surgery, to continue this... my life's work to attend to the sick and injuried.
I say this prayer everyday, on every call... "God, guide my hands".
With respect for your decision.
Saved by the blood of Jesus!
What sort of interest rate does that pay? Peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, GERD, buried penis etc etc....play atheist you get better medical coverage i.e. you don't hide behind a pretend construct to validate your inaction in treating your life threatening disease.
Suck it up, take responsibility and get the op! None of us are dead from complications. Think! Read! Learn! then post when you have a clue what you're on about (shaking my head in disbelief...blood of Jesus...bloody hell)!
You have won my most ludicrous post of the month award. Congratulations!
What sort of interest rate does that pay? Peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, GERD, buried penis etc etc....play atheist you get better medical coverage i.e. you don't hide behind a pretend construct to validate your inaction in treating your life threatening disease.
Suck it up, take responsibility and get the op! None of us are dead from complications. Think! Read! Learn! then post when you have a clue what you're on about (shaking my head in disbelief...blood of Jesus...bloody hell)!
You have won my most ludicrous post of the month award. Congratulations!
So your thinking is that an atheist who is not emotionally prepared for this procedure should have it? Or that believing in g-d renders his opinions worthless?
This gentleman does not WANT the surgery, for a variety of reasons. This renders his surgery available for someone who DOES want it, and prevents him from making a terrible personal mistake.
Really Kirmy -- Think! Read! Learn! Then post when you are able to tease out the real issues from your own personal crud.
This gentleman does not WANT the surgery, for a variety of reasons. This renders his surgery available for someone who DOES want it, and prevents him from making a terrible personal mistake.
Really Kirmy -- Think! Read! Learn! Then post when you are able to tease out the real issues from your own personal crud.
Charming I'd be disappointed if I didn't attract your attention. I'm so glad you took the time to fixate on a limited statement and drive yourself into a self righteous flurry of indignation. Of course if I'd said the opposite you'd pile onto this guy but because you have the knives out for me for now cow towing to you and your rigid opinions. For this we get the entourage effect! DELIGHTED! Feel free to follow me across the boards with your special brand of derision my pet.
My point being (and for an intelligent person it's a shame you need cliff notes) is that people use religion as the great paper mache mask to avoid look at the issues. Before Elizabeth had posted there was nothing but a slew of God bothering comments and nothing of any value to tell this guy to stop and wake up to what he is doing. No fluffy God construct is stopping him from dying of obesity and no matter how much some happy slappy minister blesses his blood it's still going to down him in heart failure one day if he doesn't do something. So you go on fighting the good fight and let this man slide behind his delusions. Perhaps he'll not come on a WLS support site in the future sprouting misinformation. You should read to the end of this post where shock horror...you will discover this guy doesn't add up and is likely a troll.
Really Charming-Think! Read! Learn!
TADAH...but of course Charming is ALWAYS right!

My point being (and for an intelligent person it's a shame you need cliff notes) is that people use religion as the great paper mache mask to avoid look at the issues. Before Elizabeth had posted there was nothing but a slew of God bothering comments and nothing of any value to tell this guy to stop and wake up to what he is doing. No fluffy God construct is stopping him from dying of obesity and no matter how much some happy slappy minister blesses his blood it's still going to down him in heart failure one day if he doesn't do something. So you go on fighting the good fight and let this man slide behind his delusions. Perhaps he'll not come on a WLS support site in the future sprouting misinformation. You should read to the end of this post where shock horror...you will discover this guy doesn't add up and is likely a troll.
Really Charming-Think! Read! Learn!
TADAH...but of course Charming is ALWAYS right!

"No fluffy God construct is stopping him from dying of obesity and no matter how much some happy slappy minister blesses his blood it's still going to down him in heart failure one day if he doesn't do something."
Brilliantly said, Kirmy, as usual. His god made him obese. His god put him in an area where "everyone has problems" after the surgery. So I guess his god SUCKS and doesn't want him to have surgery, and wants him to die of complications of obesity. Otherwise, he'd have things working in his favor, right?
But if he thinks bathing in the blood of a dead carpenter is going to get him skinny somehow, while RNY will not, then more power to him.
Brilliantly said, Kirmy, as usual. His god made him obese. His god put him in an area where "everyone has problems" after the surgery. So I guess his god SUCKS and doesn't want him to have surgery, and wants him to die of complications of obesity. Otherwise, he'd have things working in his favor, right?
But if he thinks bathing in the blood of a dead carpenter is going to get him skinny somehow, while RNY will not, then more power to him.