Yummy! Ammonia-Treated Pink Slime Now in Most U.S. Ground Beef


on 1/2/10 11:40 pm

people should be ANGRY this is going on with our food supply.

unless  they prefer to keep their heads in the sand.

*insert ostrich photo here*

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 1/3/10 3:34 am - Colville, WA
At the end of FOOD, INC. it shares a lot of good ideas for what we can do to make a difference:

Buy organic. (For those who rightfully argue that it's more expensive, you've got a point.  BUT, organic food is more pure, and more nutritionally sound, and I've found that I'm more satisfied and satiated on less of it!  Also, as organic food gets more popular, the price is coming down.)

Buy locally grown/produced.  Usually these foods are labeled as such.  This includes honey, dairy, meat, eggs, and even seeds/plants/trees.

Buy from farmer's markets.  Wish these were available year round!  :(

Grow a garden.  Even a small one!

Preserve more of your own food.  Even if it's not grown by you, canning and freezing in-season produce from local vendors or farmer's markets goes a LONG way in cutting out these corporate monsters from your kitchens.  Don't like doing it alone?  Start a canning group.  Many communities have a commercial kitchen that can be rented by the hour or day.  Buy in bulk, share the cost and the labor, divide the food!

Cut back on, or stop eating fast food.  McDonald's is the largest purchaser in the United States of this pink slime beef, of potatoes, eggs, and even apples!  (Who knew they sold THAT MANY apple pies?)  A lot of people will say, "But sometimes you're out and about, and you need something fast!"  This has never been enough of a reason for me to eat fast food.  I simply stop by a grocery store and buy a few apples, some yogurt, maybe some beef jerky or a packaged salad to go.
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.  ~Dr. Suess

on 1/4/10 5:06 am
VSG on 12/15/09 with
I find it interesting to see someone from Sweden start a thread like this (after all, Sweden is the origin of that grand old dish surströmming (fermented herring)and their neighbors, the Norwegians, with their lutefisk (lye soaked cod). Excuse me while I go hurl!

And why is it Bush's fault anyway? I'll wager the same practices were going on under Clinton and we all know that Obama hasn't done anything to change them in the entire year he has traveled, golfed and vacationed at our expense.

If you want to hurt the beef and poultry industries, buy vegetables or fish. Nothing hurts business quite like sagging sales and an empty bank account .
Sleeved - 12/15/2009  Dr. Nick Nicholson
on 1/4/10 3:15 pm - Sweden
I dont think either of those swedish dishes misrepresent how they are made or whats in them.....neither of them is made like that to increase profit either. Those dishes are the result of people who lived in a harsh climate and needed to survive.

The problem we have here is that what is going in the food supply is now being misrepresented and they are now allowed to rename things in order to mislead the consumers. The ingredients arent there to help us survive, they are there to help companies make a better profit.

Where did I mention Bush? I dont see this issue as republican or democrat...both parties sold the people down the river to cater to the profit interests of corporations instead of seeking a balance between consumer protection and corporate profit needs. This is a long on-going problem and the destruction of the food supply has continued over the years even while the US switches back and forth between the parties.

Personally I am a vegetarian but I do buy meat for my son who continues to be a meat eater.  We buy from a local farm which is what I hope more people look to do. As someone mentioned here....they buy the cow and have hire a local butcher. Thats a good option as well.  We pay more and we have to plan in advance and many times we can only get whats available, but thats fine. My son doesnt eat meat daily either, he also eats other protein sources like soy, beans, eggs etc.

'would rather get gunned down than dumbed down...K'naan

on 1/10/10 11:43 am
the only thing i'm commenting on was your question of where did i mention bush....right here in the first line that you posted from the article...and not stating it was from the article so people will assume it was your words.

Post Date: 1/2/10 9:38 am
http://www.alternet.org/environment/144904/yummy%21_ammonia- treated_pink_slime_now_in_most_u.s._ground_beef

You're not going to believe what you've been eating the last few years (thanks, Bush! thanks meat industry lobbyists!)

Ruth Ann 


on 1/10/10 1:13 pm - Sweden

I quoted the entire article and included the link...how in the world would that be seen as me trying to take credit for those words???

I put my own words down at the very bottom in italics. (like that)

While Bush did plenty to help de-regulate all kinds of industry.....Clinton and the democrats are no better. This kind of thing hasnt sprung up in just the last decade. We have been on a steady decline for many years.

You seem more worried about partisan politics than you do about the actual food supply.

'would rather get gunned down than dumbed down...K'naan

(deactivated member)
on 1/4/10 5:38 am, edited 1/4/10 5:39 am - Somewhere Out There, XX
We buy a cow every year from a local who feeds them only the best.  It's spendy, but so worth it.  We have it ground by a company locally also  We often split the cost with a good friend who gets half of the meat..  If a person has the freezer room, this is the best way to go.  I can't stand the thought of what goes into hamburger you buy in the grocery stores.  He also cuts allt he other meat like steaks, roasts, ribs, etc.  I even keep bones to boil and make homemade vegetable soup with.
on 1/4/10 3:18 pm - Sweden

This is also a good idea. There are many other ways we could handle our meat industry...ways that would improve life for local ranchers and farmers too. Not only would this be good for local industry and smaller businesses...it could even see reductions in subsidies which equal savings to tax payers.
We can also handle the industry in such a way to reduce the suffering of the animals to a real minimum...there is no reason for them to be tortured while they live. They can live a decent life and be killed humanely...causing the least amount of stress and trauma to the animal should always be a priorty as well. They are creatures who have emotions and feel pain just like we do.

'would rather get gunned down than dumbed down...K'naan
