Help...I've become a scale junkie!

on 12/21/09 11:22 pm
I appauld people  like you that use the scale PO and continue to use it for the rest of your life, shows you want to stay on track and not regain.. I get on mine once in the morning and once in the evening...I refuse to regain,,,,,bless you for taking control, .......Happy Holidays ...........Wendy

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

on 12/21/09 11:52 pm - Dumfries, VA
Thank you Wendy!!  You gave me a healthy way at looking at my addiction.  I refuse to regain, and this is my way of staying on track.  I never consciously understood my strong desire to get on that scale every morning, but what you said makes total sense.  I definitely refuse to gain the weight back and the scale does help dictate my behaviors for the day.  Thanks again,  Deborah
on 12/22/09 12:30 am - Ladysmith, WI
I am a scale addict as well. I am 14 months out and I hit my goal at about 7 months and have been maintaining since. I weigh my self at least 3-4 times a day still!! Now I have been told that this is very excessive and I agree. I think once a day is a good thing. I honestly feel that this is what keeps me staying on track though. Now at first I would let my moods fluctuate with the scale and I know that was not healthy because you are going to have days that for no apparent reason your 2-3 lbs up and then the next day you will be back down. So now I just try not to let it effect my mood and just keep in mind that it is normal. Good luck and take care.

Julie H
Starting Weight-240/Surgery Weight-220/Current Weight-125/Goal Weight-130  5'3"

"A hundred years from now it will not matter the size of my bank account, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove…but the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.?

on 12/22/09 5:59 am - Laguna Beach, CA
 Hey Jana, there will be a 4 page article on scale obsession in the Jan issue of OH magazine. But in the mean time this might help as well. Thanks. ith-weighing-myself/
Lisa J.
on 12/23/09 12:33 am - OK
From one scale junkie to another= nice to meet you. I take the daily ups and downs with a grain of salt, but I can't NOT get on the scale, and like you, often several times in the day. I'm heaviest at the end of the day and if I'm real close to my morning weight at that time, then I am really happy before I go to bed.  Otherwise I'm just pretty pleased! LOL.

For people avoiding the scale and not saying 'those numbers' out loud for decades, I think this is one compulsion I can certainly live with!!
Lisa J
HW: 277   Day of Surgery: 234    CW: 161 Goal: 135 sounds good but....? Who knows!

HW/277   EVAL/260  PREOP/246  SURGERY DAY/243   CW/162 1/3/2011
So Blessed!
on 12/23/09 12:45 am

Getting on the scale every day helps keep me on track with my maintenance.
