Marie S.
on 12/16/09 5:38 am
I posted this on vertical sleeve a few nights ago.  As of today, I am on hospitalization day # 13. 
I will post an update after the new Docs (I was transferred by ambulance to a facility in NYC for further treatment) have a chance to review records and complete their testing.  I can tell you TWO THINGS ---




I posted before about my infections and wanted to provide an update. DOS Thanksgiving 09 stayed 2 days @ Facility and 2 days @ recovery house.
I dont want to interject emotion but rather present the facts that have occurred to me thus far. The last time I posted I mentioned that I was disappointed that none reached out to me and surprise - the day after a posting here - i got a call from both Shirley and ISIS - but only spoke to ISIS. ISIS was sweet but made it clear that an infection is a risk of surgery. I agree HOWEVER the fact that there have been consistent infections coming out of that facility leads me to belive that there is either a procedure or instrument that is allowing contamination, That they had a responsibility to address that. I reminded ISIS that Shirley did not want me spread it but that she said that Dr. Betancourt felt that there was probably a package os stiches was "compromised" and they were throwing them away. No patient knew about that!

I was hospitalized December 3rd and I AM STILL HERE. I am being transferred to a larger facility.

2) The largest incision was the first to get infected but afterwards, FOUR out of FIVE became infected
3) I was immediately placed on hi doses on the strongest antibiotics. Some of whi*****luded ampicillen, vankomicin, jeez i have so many if you want i am happy to list as i am getting a copy of everything before the transfer.
4)in the battle of fighting the infection - my fevers never relented! with last night being 103. My White blood counts have been as high as 18000 and are currently 15,000
5) i have had FOUR CT Scans where they see the stomach enflammed, pancreas enflamed and liquid in my lungs. The reason for this is one of 2 reasons - side effect to mega doses os antibiotics or 2 there is a leak or problem with the sleeve itslef. OMG I am scared I am angry.

I have 2 autistic children at home and one asked me yesterday crying if i was going to die. Yes I wanted to be thin YES i asked the right questions about leak rates, suturing vs stapling i felt i did my research, I AM NOT ALONE. I ave PM's that the facility has asked patients not to post about their infections. IF THATS TRUE SHAME ON THEM. I am willing to provide personal details to anyone who feels they need it. I LOVED DR BETANCOURT, SHIRLEY, DR ALONZO AND DR HUGO. The FACILITY WAS JOLLY and you felt cared for. The residence house was not as pleasant because we had no heat on (just my luck a 65 degree night) Shirley took care of that right away! There was not 24 hour care because the 16 year old nurse was not in our house. We fenned for ourself for the most part - but no matter what she was a SWEETIE. I am sooooo HURT and disappointed but mostly ABANDONED and SCARED.


on 12/16/09 6:10 am
 Thanks for posting this, Marie. I know it took a lot of courage to summon up the strength to write it when you are so ill.

I hope you are on the road to a speedy recovery and I wish you the best.
on 12/16/09 7:43 am
You are in my prayers!!!!!!


get well
on 12/16/09 7:45 am - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I'm sorry to hear you are going thru all this. Hopefully things will get better soon.  Hospitals are notorious for infections and bacteria.  I will say a prayer for you if you don't mind.

Take care and get well.


Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
on 12/16/09 9:42 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
It is interesting to note that according to my coordinator.this person is a fake and has never had surgery with Dr.Almanza.




on 12/17/09 5:21 am, edited 12/17/09 5:35 am

Your coordinator, legally AND morally, should neither confirm nor deny a patient's name--period.  Granted, I am sure the confidentiality rules are likely different in Mexico than the U.S.; but it would be a HUGE red flag to potential patients if coordinators handed out that kind of information.

To the OP; I truly hope your issues can be rectified.  I am sure it took a lot of courage to post your situation here, knowing there could be repercussions.  However, if it helps even one person, I'd say it was worth it.

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
(deactivated member)
on 12/17/09 7:22 am - AZ
On December 17, 2009 at 1:21 PM Pacific Time, PhatMom wrote:

Your coordinator, legally AND morally, should neither confirm nor deny a patient's name--period.  Granted, I am sure the confidentiality rules are likely different in Mexico than the U.S.; but it would be a HUGE red flag to potential patients if coordinators handed out that kind of information.

To the OP; I truly hope your issues can be rectified.  I am sure it took a lot of courage to post your situation here, knowing there could be repercussions.  However, if it helps even one person, I'd say it was worth it.


The coordinator is in the US, HIPAA laws DO apply.

on 12/17/09 11:18 am

I had in my mind the coordinator probably WAS in the US, but didn't want to assume anything because I have no idea how all of that works.

This 'cooridnator' isn't too smart if she's commenting at all on patients, IMHO.

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
(deactivated member)
on 12/17/09 11:44 am - AZ
On December 17, 2009 at 7:18 PM Pacific Time, PhatMom wrote:

I had in my mind the coordinator probably WAS in the US, but didn't want to assume anything because I have no idea how all of that works.

This 'cooridnator' isn't too smart if she's commenting at all on patients, IMHO.


I have had THREE PMs letting me in on the conversations.  They are claiming *I* am the one promoting MY doc.  Any vet here knows I rarely even discuss my doc.  Betancourt claims I am posing as fake patients promoting my surgeon.  ANY vet here knows I do NOT promote my surgeon.  I have hundreds of posts.  Less than 1% even refer to my surgeon.  I have never started a thread suggesting anyone go to my surgeon.  I do not discuss him unless someone specifically asks about him or my experience in Mexico.  I KNOW who the good surgeons with long standing reps are.  They are Aceves, Zapata, Ortiz, Ungson, and Rumbaut.  I have never suggested only my surgeon is safe.

I hate these people and I have them on tape telling people I push my surgeon.  They are in the US.  I think it is high time I hire a lawyer.

The coordinators ARE in the US and they are breaking HIPAA laws and the slandering and libel is an issue as well.

Legit patients with horrific stories are told.... complications/infections are being told lies!

I talked to Maria today.  She is very real and very sick.  I am horrified by the way the coordinators are dealing with this.  It is time to fight fire with fire.

There is one person, Adrianne... she has a patient coordinator that has on her blog that she was non compliant, she gives the patient's full name, she has broken every HIPAA law on the books.  She claims her leak was her own fault.  I have a TON of information and I think it is time to act.

Sandy Johnston.. coordinator for Betancourt has used more IDs than you can imagine.  She comes up with new IDs more often than she changes her underbritches.  She slam dunks my surgeon to promote her own.  I used to be a mod on the forums that she posts on. I have her IP address and screen shots of her IDs.  I can prove what she does.  It's all she can do to defend her surgeon that she is promoting this year.  She is sooooo manipulative, she can talk you into buying things that do not exist.

She told Maria that to be Board Certified in Mexico for Surgery it is $15,000 and there is no test, no requirements.   It is just for show.  That is SOOOO not true!  Board Certification in MX is the same in MX as it is here.  You pay a small fee to take the test.  You pass the test, you are board certified in surgery.  Almanza hasn't passed that pesky test.  He is not board certified.  She lies to patients left and right and then tells all potential patients that *I* am posing as ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL their infected folks.

I will PM you a list, you tell me what you think.  I am not as they claim, a paid coordinator for Aceves. I am a poster.   My surgeon.. I paid him enough money.  He can promote himself.  I paid him to do a job, he can advertise for himself.

Yes, his coordinators are in the US.  They are ALL liars and I can prove it.  I think it is a horror that one who has an infection and a leak has to PROVE she is telling the truth because the ****ty coordinators for this doctor claims that every infection is really me!


Honestly, I think it's time I see a lawyer and put an end to this nonsense.

on 12/17/09 12:22 pm
It's CRAZY that Holly even mentioned her coordinator commenting on this.  As you said, it violates HIPAA laws, and makes HER look stupid as dirt for even DISCUSSING or COMMENTING on whether a person is or is not a patient.

If you asked that in the US, you'd get 'I'm sorry, that is confidential information'.

I've read plenty of your posts to know you don't push your doc, WHATSOEVER--what you do push is researching your surgeon VERY VERY carefully--which applies to BOTH sides of the border.

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride