on 3/27/10 6:49 am - Canada

I've been lurking on some of these threads too and thought I had to add my voice to Mel's here.  I also live in Saskatoon, in fact, I was one of the patients that Mel has mentioned who went for my surgery with Dr. Almanza (in November, not December but close enough) and had a leak.  I personally know of one other person on these forums who has blogged about her experience with Dr. Almanza and about her leak in November as well, so I know I'm not the only one in that month alone.

I will say this - Dr. Almanza is a sweet man, he appeared very thorough to me.  The clinic was clean to the best of my knowledge, but it certainly did get crowded.  And I had to wait a day and a half before they fixed my leak - in fact, I wasn't even told that I had one and was going to be sent back into the OR, Mel had to call me from Canada to tell me.  She had kept track of my progress and touched base with the staff there the entire time I was down.  I'm glad they caught it before I left, but I was upset that nothing as communicated to me by the staff at the clinic.  They sent me home the following day with nothing - no pain pills, no antibiotics.  It was straight from the xray to the airport and though it was great to be out of the clinic and on my way home, I was a little put out that I hadn't even gotten to see Dr. Almanza or Mr. B before I left.  I guess it happens when you're in such a busy clinic!  I think it was the culmination of all of these experiences that she's seen first hand that has caused Mel to stop advocating for Dr. Almanza and the clinics that he works for but I do know that she is not out to bash them or ruin their business and is definitely not criticizing those who have chosen Dr. Almanza as their surgeon - because frankly he was hers, and mine but I can definitely see that, in light of all this new information she just wants to make sure that everyone is FULLY informed before they make their decision going forward.  You can't fault her for that.  

As for me, I also acquired a severe infection once I got home from the clinic, like I've heard many others talk about.  Not just one or two of my incisions but ALL of them were oozing, 2 split back open and I could just touch the area around them and get gobs of puss from them.  I am a meticulous person and I followed sanitary instructions to the letter, so I know that it had nothing to do with the products that I was using or the way I was doing it, infection happens to a lot of us and we just have to deal with it as it arises, lung infections were also not uncommon.  Luckily enough, Mel was available to take me to a great walk-in clinic doctor here and he cleaned everything, put me on antibiotics and had me on my way.  Things have healed up nicely now but I can definitely vouch for some of the things people have said on here with regards to the clinic.

I love my sleeve.  I do not ever regret having it and my experience wasn't nightmarish or anything, but it wasn't ideal.  If I had any inkling of the number of leaks and infections coming out of that clinic, I would have simply chosen another one.  There are so many great surgeons to choose from and even though everyone is going to throw their two cents in on who's the best, I just have to say that the decision is ultimately yours and yours alone.  Do as much research as you can, weigh the pros and cons, take everyone's advice and criticisms with a grain of salt and ultimately, go with your gut (or at least...20% of it *lol*). 

I can only hope that everyone gives some of these people with complaints or concerns a bit of leeway because really what they're doing is challenging us and trying to understand what's best for them and looking for some sort of an online support forum - how novel?!


Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
~ Ralph Marston ~

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/10 10:52 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
First I'd like to ask you how are you doing now ?

I'm sorry that there was no support here when you needed it the most. I have been on this forum ALL DAY LONG  and I am shocked at the clown posse here that thinks it is their job to protect what is looking more and more like to me at least A MAJOR COVER UP.

This Dr. and clinic that they are protecting is out of his ever loving mind. I just keep coming up on more and more post's like yours and I am going to keep bumping them to the front so no one else is hurt by this Dr.

Hopefully by this time you are on the road to recovery.

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/10 10:56 am
Marie, just found this thread through Pumpkin's bump - I know you've had a long row to hoe here, and I sincerely hope you've found some relief and your new doctors were far more focused on your health.  I hope you're doing better.
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/10 11:23 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Hey, How you doing ?
on 8/4/12 9:30 am

I was banded by Dr. Almonzo excactly one year after you. The hospital I belive is the same , but is known by New Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana. I developed a small infection after the surgery and was treated with some stronger antibiotics and healed after a couple of weeks. What I did forget about was that infection when I went back on June 07,2012 for a tummy tuck. it is now August 05 2012 and I will be having another surgey to correct the horrible disfigurement that I have undergone due to a horrible infection that has ravaged my body. I was in the hospital for over three weeks and have been with a home nurse for another three weeks. I was hooked to a wound vac and have absolutely no skin from hip to hip and from my belly button well past my pubic line. I nearly died after surgey at Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana. I have been asked if I blame the doctors and at first I would have defended the hospital, but now afte4r further thought I wouold not. Nobody should have a surgery like that unless they have a doctor here in the States that has already agreed to take you on as a patient. The complete lack of after care is where the hospital falls short. It is unethical for anyone to do surgery like this and not follow there patients after care. A clogged drainage tube and the fcat that no doctor here would help me,created an environment for infection to develope and me to loose my life. This has been the most traumatic experience of my life and I would think twice before trying to save yourself a few thousand dollars.
(deactivated member)
on 6/8/10 10:43 am - AZ

JFTR.... pumpkin is a friend of mine and her question was sincere.

got your phone message today, i have much to tell you. i will touch bases with you tomorrow.
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