on 1/7/10 4:01 am
Actually, I checked with the state regarding my doc's license; and was shown by another member here on OH how to check for malpractice suits against my surgeon.  Something I'd recommend to ANYONE.  I'm sure he has people who've been unhappy, though I've yet to read anyone post about a rash of infections, or patients being left in the care of a sixteen year old 'nurse' either.  Unfortunately, Mexican doctors aren't held to the same standards--and I'm guessing malpractice suits aren't prevalent in Mexican courts.

I never said he was a bad doctor--and if you reread Marie's initial post--I don't believe she did EITHER.  She was scared, looking for support, and from what I recall--said he was NOT a bad doctor. ["I LOVED DR BETANCOURT, SHIRLEY, DR ALONZO AND DR HUGO. The FACILITY WAS JOLLY and you felt cared for."]

YOU made claims that she was a fake, because a person with a VESTED FINANCIAL interest said so.  Maybe she is real, maybe she isn't--but to accuse her of not being in need of support because the woman making money off plying her employer is just not right, either.

Personally, I'd be happy to know this post was fake--because I wouldn't wish that kind of fear or suffering on ANYONE.  However, as mentioned before, I am not going to take the word of someone garnering a paycheck that she is.

Marie--if you are real, and still suffering--I pray things turn around for you soon and that you find a good, competent--caring doctor.

5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
on 1/7/10 5:02 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Just because your surgeon hasn't had any malpractice lawsuits doesn't mean he has never had patients with serious complications who haven't filed one. I have also checked Dr. almanza's license which is in order. Do you think he would volunteer that information to you?

All I can say is they have not had a patient by the name of Marie S. It is here say to say anyone was left in the care of a sixteen year old nurse. No one knows how old that nurse might have been,unless they were privileged to have seen a form of identification.  It is not a crime to look younger than you are. It is also wrong,for the same reason to assume she was not a "nurse".

You wouldn't read about a rash of infections if your surgeon had had any because of the aforementioned HIPPA law.

Didn't the staff at your surgeons info meeting and all thru his practice tell you how wonderful he was and what a great surgeon he is and how you would be in great hands? Did you believe them? Of,course,why wouldn;t you? are they garnering a paycheck? of course they are,why wouldn't they?

I don't believe I ever said she didn't deserve support if she is in fact a real person. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am just not convinced she is a real person.

I also would not wish this kind of pain and suffering on anyone and if it is so wish her well. I also would not wish to besmirch anyone's reputation like people are besmirching Dr. Almanza's reputation over what could possible be here say. How is that fair?

Maybe she never said he was a bad surgeon b but her profile has his name on it. Anyone reading this post would have to assume that everything that happened was his fault. I'm my opinion,that hasn't been PROVEN.




Marie S.
on 3/25/10 7:22 am
I am Marie S. I was a patient and all I posted was true. I posted for two reasons: I needed support and thought this might be a placve to get it and I wanted there to be a record for some unlucky sould not to face the same fate. Then came the accusations of me being a paid poster. Requests for proof. Instead of getting support I was trying to justify my existence. I PDF'd my check to Almanza. I forwarded the email of mY Paypal receipt. I forwarded the generic patient post op report Shirley gave me. All to help people know I wasn't a liar and not have to suffer my same physical, emotional and financial pain. It was clear to me that OH was hurting rather than helping me and I reached out to those where justification was not an issue. Did I pass my leak tests - Yes - according to Betancourt. And whether u believe it or not the Us found a leak but after dealing withthe infection first. In the US - they "dealt" with me but made it clear they didn't like "cleaning up another surgeons mess". That pissed me off so bad! When I transferred to NYU that attitude changed by I hated the original hospital I was in. I'm better but not well for those who have patient best interest at heart. My pancreas was damaged by either the surgery or the antibiotics used to fight the surgery. Thank you for asking. I don't know why this post was resurrected but I don't want anything to do with the negativity. My original lap band surgery was done by Alvarez-Cordero in Mexico city. He doesn't advertise here or have any coordinator. He is just akind old man who treated me Great and did a great lap band that had no conpplications. I don't have any interest in any particular doc. I spoke to many. I wish anyone and everyone doing a surgery just to be safe. I did surgery to last for my boys. To be healthy. To have good self esteem. NOT to fight this fight between coordinators. Or. Docs or whattever elsr. God Bless! Be Safe.
on 4/15/10 2:11 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 25, 2010 at 2:22 PM Pacific Time, Marie S. wrote:
I am Marie S. I was a patient and all I posted was true. I posted for two reasons: I needed support and thought this might be a placve to get it and I wanted there to be a record for some unlucky sould not to face the same fate. Then came the accusations of me being a paid poster. Requests for proof. Instead of getting support I was trying to justify my existence. I PDF'd my check to Almanza. I forwarded the email of mY Paypal receipt. I forwarded the generic patient post op report Shirley gave me. All to help people know I wasn't a liar and not have to suffer my same physical, emotional and financial pain. It was clear to me that OH was hurting rather than helping me and I reached out to those where justification was not an issue. Did I pass my leak tests - Yes - according to Betancourt. And whether u believe it or not the Us found a leak but after dealing withthe infection first. In the US - they "dealt" with me but made it clear they didn't like "cleaning up another surgeons mess". That pissed me off so bad! When I transferred to NYU that attitude changed by I hated the original hospital I was in. I'm better but not well for those who have patient best interest at heart. My pancreas was damaged by either the surgery or the antibiotics used to fight the surgery. Thank you for asking. I don't know why this post was resurrected but I don't want anything to do with the negativity. My original lap band surgery was done by Alvarez-Cordero in Mexico city. He doesn't advertise here or have any coordinator. He is just akind old man who treated me Great and did a great lap band that had no conpplications. I don't have any interest in any particular doc. I spoke to many. I wish anyone and everyone doing a surgery just to be safe. I did surgery to last for my boys. To be healthy. To have good self esteem. NOT to fight this fight between coordinators. Or. Docs or whattever elsr. God Bless! Be Safe.

Thanks,Marie,for your reply. I understand more about leaks that happen farther out after surgery. I didn't mean for my questions to sound hateful. they were just questions that had occurred to me as time went on and  as I continued thinking about your post.

I sincerely glad you are doing better and hope that continues. I hate the surgeon wars also,but my experience was so vastly different than yours and others who have had complications that it has been hard for me to reconcile the differences.

I didn't want to resurrect this thread out of malice but out of concern and curiosity. Also,I know people who happen upon this thread would also like to know the end of the story,if you will.

i wish you only the best,thanks for your blessings and I send the same to you.




on 12/17/09 11:47 am
I'm so happy to hear you are going to get out of the hospital.  I worried about you but I also worried about your family with Christmas coming up.  I know that the Mama is the core of the family and the glue that keeps things together.

Please keep us posted on your recovery.  I  hope others heed your experience.  A 16-yr. old kid is not a nurse.

 (23 prior to surgery)   

 I'm 5'8"
The old broad


on 3/24/10 7:29 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On December 17, 2009 at 7:47 PM Pacific Time, Rosebud2 wrote:
I'm so happy to hear you are going to get out of the hospital.  I worried about you but I also worried about your family with Christmas coming up.  I know that the Mama is the core of the family and the glue that keeps things together.

Please keep us posted on your recovery.  I  hope others heed your experience.  A 16-yr. old kid is not a nurse.
I met cCaudia at the recovery house. she is 16 yrs old and goes to high school in the morning and nurses school in the afternoon.

She is a prodigy. Ever hear of one of those? If she is smart enough to apparently skip grade and carry two class loads at once while should she be faulted for that. She is just as skillful as any of the other caregivers who with me.

IMHO,self righteous,arrogant people who don't even know what they are talking about should not speak.




on 12/30/09 11:56 am
I have just prayed for you and your family. Hang in there and get well soon!
on 3/24/10 7:40 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Hope you are well out of the hospital and doing fine. I have thought about you a lot since your post. I wonder:did you not pass the three leak tests that you were given in Mexico? Surely,if you had not passed all three tests you would have been taken back to surgery and the leak corrected.

Second question. Were you not given your Xray to bring home showing no leaks.?Everyone else received theirs.

Third question, why in the  WORLD did it take 13!!!!! days for your NJ and NY doctors to find a nearly healed leak when they couldn't find an apparently very active leak sooner than 13 days!

Also fluid in your lungs is often pneumonia. did you not get up and walk and deep breath and cough like you were instructed to do ? Not being active after surgery is the reason people get pneumonia post op.

Pleas post and let everyone know haw you are doing. Everyone is concerned and would love to know.
Good luck,




on 3/25/10 1:39 am - VA
On March 24, 2010 at 2:40 PM Pacific Time, hollykim wrote:
Hope you are well out of the hospital and doing fine. I have thought about you a lot since your post. I wonder:did you not pass the three leak tests that you were given in Mexico? Surely,if you had not passed all three tests you would have been taken back to surgery and the leak corrected.

Second question. Were you not given your Xray to bring home showing no leaks.?Everyone else received theirs.

Third question, why in the  WORLD did it take 13!!!!! days for your NJ and NY doctors to find a nearly healed leak when they couldn't find an apparently very active leak sooner than 13 days!

Also fluid in your lungs is often pneumonia. did you not get up and walk and deep breath and cough like you were instructed to do ? Not being active after surgery is the reason people get pneumonia post op.

Pleas post and let everyone know haw you are doing. Everyone is concerned and would love to know.
Good luck,
Wow Holly, it is really nice how you threw in the "everyone is concerned and would love to know" at the end after posting message after message stating she is a liar. I guess the "everyone' excludes you, huh? I am a lurker on these forums and normally don't post, but I am appalled at you saying she is fake and whatnot. People come to these forums for help and support, not to be called a liar.
So Blessed!
on 3/25/10 1:53 am
On March 25, 2010 at 8:39 AM Pacific Time, lovemypugs wrote:
On March 24, 2010 at 2:40 PM Pacific Time, hollykim wrote:
Hope you are well out of the hospital and doing fine. I have thought about you a lot since your post. I wonder:did you not pass the three leak tests that you were given in Mexico? Surely,if you had not passed all three tests you would have been taken back to surgery and the leak corrected.

Second question. Were you not given your Xray to bring home showing no leaks.?Everyone else received theirs.

Third question, why in the  WORLD did it take 13!!!!! days for your NJ and NY doctors to find a nearly healed leak when they couldn't find an apparently very active leak sooner than 13 days!

Also fluid in your lungs is often pneumonia. did you not get up and walk and deep breath and cough like you were instructed to do ? Not being active after surgery is the reason people get pneumonia post op.

Pleas post and let everyone know haw you are doing. Everyone is concerned and would love to know.
Good luck,
Wow Holly, it is really nice how you threw in the "everyone is concerned and would love to know" at the end after posting message after message stating she is a liar. I guess the "everyone' excludes you, huh? I am a lurker on these forums and normally don't post, but I am appalled at you saying she is fake and whatnot. People come to these forums for help and support, not to be called a liar.

I'll confess that I'm curious about the motive in resurrecting this three-month-old post. 

Was it to prove some kind of point or settle a grudge?  Was it that serious? 

What's that about?

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