
on 12/17/09 6:02 am
where is this hospital you were in, in Mexico?  and now you are in New York City?

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Marie S.
on 12/17/09 6:53 am
This is a surgical center - not a hospital in tijuana mexico.  I returned from surgery on nov 30 into jersey,  I was ill and hospitalized by thurs dec 3rd.  then when my issues could no resolved in my local hospital, i was transferred to nyc,  hope that clears up the confusion

on 12/17/09 6:36 am

I hope you are going to be OK. I feel bad for everything you have gone through. please keep posting and telling us how you are doing.

((((Maria)))))  big hugs,


once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 12/17/09 6:59 am - somewhere, MI
Get well soon  :(   Sorry this is happening to you
5'5" HW-344 (10/4/09) SW-295 (10/7/10) CW-161 GW-144
Never give up, Never surrender! ~Galaxy Quest

First person to tell me I took the "easy" way out is getting a black eye!
Marie S.
on 12/17/09 7:20 am
Hello Everyone. I was asked to post more proof that I am a patient on some coordinator trying to discredit Emanuel Medical Center, Dr Betancourt an Dr Almanza.When I returned on November 30th, I called and asked for my post op rport to provide my NYC Doctor who would be doing my follow up.  I was provided the following.  This is a GENERIC report that the Center provide.  THEY DO NOT PROVIDE A PERSONALIZED REPORT as I requested it and was told that "They dont do that down there.  My surgery was done on Thanksgiving Day.  i was the second case because I was more comlicated - a revision.  The first case was Mike who is married to a lovely Chinese woman.  When they left  the recovery house she forgot her translator and Shirley called and asked us to look around for it.  Claudia, the 16 year old nurse found it in the end and it was going to be shipped to Shirley for return to mike and his wife.  The third case that was scheduled flight was delayed and her surgery was held over to the next day. Since she didnt have surgery on Thanksgiving he was invited to Dr. Betancourts Thanksgiving dinner at his home but said she ate very li8ghtly. She was an African American woman who had braids and did well.  her husband stayed at the residence and enjoyed Tijauna with the transporters that work for Dr. Betancourt.  They were from Atlanta.  I stayed in the room directly accross Dr. Betancourts Home.  It was a beautiful room!  Mike stayed in the room next to mine but it didnt have its own bathroom and the other upstairs bedroom was vacant the entire time,  The husband (or partner) of the woman from atlanta stayed in the downstairs bedroom.  The house is impeccably clean.  They have a phone downstairs witha 727 area code that is free but they have a note to limit calls to 30 minutes in case another client wants to use it.  Inside the cabinet, they have cambell and knorr soups along with teas, and condiments.  In the freezer are the long type icees that kids drink and the jello was a spanish brand in four flavors. blue red orange and another i cant recall. 

I am not a coordinator - I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOU FROM MY MISERY.  But I have to tell you this is getting old - you will need to make your own decisions and I TRULY WISH YOU WELL!!!  I dont think they mean it and I think they are shaken enough to be making changes - I PRAY THEY ARE.

ANYWAY - Good NEWS!! (well kinda)  They found a leak BUT it appears that it has already been healing since i am fever free now three days YAY.   So I AM SCHEDULED TO BE RELEASED TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    WOO HOO.     However, I had to remove my old PIC line and then do another in the other arm.  I will need to be NPO 5 days on something called TPN.  I am told that is a thick white mixture that will provide me all my nutrients.  I will need to take this nightly via my PIC line and then after the 5 days I will have more testing to verify resolution of the LEAK.  After that, they will determine if I need antibitics, (Remember I still have two open incisions that need daily cleaning and packing.  Although they look very good at this point - but Gosh the big is slow to heal.  I had a total of FOUR incisions infected and the other two are completed clean and healed (WOO HOO AGAIN)


I get to see my babies after soooo many days.......You have no idea how good that feels.  Again GOD BLESS!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Shirley
To: 'Marie '
Sent: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 15:48:51 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Gastric Sleeve OP Report





1.       Take VS by nurse.

2.       Place IV Hartman solution of 1000cc for permeable vein

3.       Administrate the following medication (ask for allergy)

                                                                           i.      Ranitidina 1 amp I.V.

                                                                         ii.      Ceftriaxona 1gr I.V. (in case of allergy change to gentamicina 80mg)

                                                                        iii.      Ondansetron 4mg I.V.

                                                                       iv.      Dexametasona 4mg I.V.


4.       Place antiemboli socks

5.       In case that is necessary take EKG

6.       Pass to OR after the anesthesiology visit.





Placing the patient in dorsal decubitus, general anesthesia is administrated, intubation is done, antiseptic wash in abdomen is done too, surgery initiates by placing the trocars through the abdominal wall, inspecting the cavity the stomach is localized and by introducing a catheter to the stomach, we delimit the capacity of the sleeve done by a staple, the sleeve has a virtual capacity approx. 15cc. Resection of the big curvature piece is done and in the sleeve there’s no bleeding or leaking. A drainage is left to measure any exudated. Closure of surgical wounds is done by none dissolving stitches.

Count of surgical material: Complete

Bleeding: Minimum

Complications: None




1.       Strict uniformed nutritional (only ice chips are allowed).

2.       Solutions

Mixed: 1000cc I.V. the first 8hrs and continue with 

                       1000cc + 20mEq of KCL for 8hrs

3.        Medications:

a.        Ranitidina I.V. 1 amp every/12 hrs

b.        Metoclopramida I.V. 1 amp every/8 hrs

c.        Ceftriaxona I.V. 1 gr  every 12 hrs or in case of allergy place  Gentamicina 80mg e/12hrs

d.        Ketorolaco 30mg I.V. e/8hrs

e.        Ondansetron 4mg I.V. e/8hrs Only in case necessary

f.         Dipirona 1amp I.V. e/6hrs Only in case necessary


4.       Place abdominal bandage in case of open surgery.

5.       Place oxygen mask at 100% , 10lts per min. for 3hrs and then change to nasal point for 1 hr.

6.       Take VS and general nurse care by turn.

a.       Inspiratory exercise every 4 hr for 10 min.

b.       Nebulize w/Combivent 2cc+ 3cc Saline solution every turn followed by back palmpercution.

c.        Urine count each shift

d.       Drainage vigilant and count by shift

e.        Remove Foley, shower and change of gauze before 7am by night shift.

f.        Early walk.

(deactivated member)
on 12/17/09 7:32 am - AZ
on 12/17/09 11:16 am

You don't need to prove anything.

I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through.

I wish you only the best, and pray you'll be on the road to recovery soon.


5'0 --HW 205/SW-199/GW-125/CW-107
Goal Weight MET: 2/11/09!!

Starting BMI between 35 and 40?
Visit the OH
Lightweights Board!

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
on 12/28/09 2:58 pm - Wichita, KS
On December 17, 2009 at 3:20 PM Pacific Time, Marie S. wrote:
Hello Everyone. I was asked to post more proof that I am a patient on some coordinator trying to discredit Emanuel Medical Center, Dr Betancourt an Dr Almanza.When I returned on November 30th, I called and asked for my post op rport to provide my NYC Doctor who would be doing my follow up.  I was provided the following.  This is a GENERIC report that the Center provide.  THEY DO NOT PROVIDE A PERSONALIZED REPORT as I requested it and was told that "They dont do that down there.  My surgery was done on Thanksgiving Day.  i was the second case because I was more comlicated - a revision.  The first case was Mike who is married to a lovely Chinese woman.  When they left  the recovery house she forgot her translator and Shirley called and asked us to look around for it.  Claudia, the 16 year old nurse found it in the end and it was going to be shipped to Shirley for return to mike and his wife.  The third case that was scheduled flight was delayed and her surgery was held over to the next day. Since she didnt have surgery on Thanksgiving he was invited to Dr. Betancourts Thanksgiving dinner at his home but said she ate very li8ghtly. She was an African American woman who had braids and did well.  her husband stayed at the residence and enjoyed Tijauna with the transporters that work for Dr. Betancourt.  They were from Atlanta.  I stayed in the room directly accross Dr. Betancourts Home.  It was a beautiful room!  Mike stayed in the room next to mine but it didnt have its own bathroom and the other upstairs bedroom was vacant the entire time,  The husband (or partner) of the woman from atlanta stayed in the downstairs bedroom.  The house is impeccably clean.  They have a phone downstairs witha 727 area code that is free but they have a note to limit calls to 30 minutes in case another client wants to use it.  Inside the cabinet, they have cambell and knorr soups along with teas, and condiments.  In the freezer are the long type icees that kids drink and the jello was a spanish brand in four flavors. blue red orange and another i cant recall. 

I am not a coordinator - I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOU FROM MY MISERY.  But I have to tell you this is getting old - you will need to make your own decisions and I TRULY WISH YOU WELL!!!  I dont think they mean it and I think they are shaken enough to be making changes - I PRAY THEY ARE.

ANYWAY - Good NEWS!! (well kinda)  They found a leak BUT it appears that it has already been healing since i am fever free now three days YAY.   So I AM SCHEDULED TO BE RELEASED TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    WOO HOO.     However, I had to remove my old PIC line and then do another in the other arm.  I will need to be NPO 5 days on something called TPN.  I am told that is a thick white mixture that will provide me all my nutrients.  I will need to take this nightly via my PIC line and then after the 5 days I will have more testing to verify resolution of the LEAK.  After that, they will determine if I need antibitics, (Remember I still have two open incisions that need daily cleaning and packing.  Although they look very good at this point - but Gosh the big is slow to heal.  I had a total of FOUR incisions infected and the other two are completed clean and healed (WOO HOO AGAIN)


I get to see my babies after soooo many days.......You have no idea how good that feels.  Again GOD BLESS!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Shirley
To: 'Marie '
Sent: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 15:48:51 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Gastric Sleeve OP Report





1.       Take VS by nurse.

2.       Place IV Hartman solution of 1000cc for permeable vein

3.       Administrate the following medication (ask for allergy)

                                                                           i.      Ranitidina 1 amp I.V.

                                                                         ii.      Ceftriaxona 1gr I.V. (in case of allergy change to gentamicina 80mg)

                                                                        iii.      Ondansetron 4mg I.V.

                                                                       iv.      Dexametasona 4mg I.V.


4.       Place antiemboli socks

5.       In case that is necessary take EKG

6.       Pass to OR after the anesthesiology visit.





Placing the patient in dorsal decubitus, general anesthesia is administrated, intubation is done, antiseptic wash in abdomen is done too, surgery initiates by placing the trocars through the abdominal wall, inspecting the cavity the stomach is localized and by introducing a catheter to the stomach, we delimit the capacity of the sleeve done by a staple, the sleeve has a virtual capacity approx. 15cc. Resection of the big curvature piece is done and in the sleeve there’s no bleeding or leaking. A drainage is left to measure any exudated. Closure of surgical wounds is done by none dissolving stitches.

Count of surgical material: Complete

Bleeding: Minimum

Complications: None




1.       Strict uniformed nutritional (only ice chips are allowed).

2.       Solutions

Mixed: 1000cc I.V. the first 8hrs and continue with 

                       1000cc + 20mEq of KCL for 8hrs

3.        Medications:

a.        Ranitidina I.V. 1 amp every/12 hrs

b.        Metoclopramida I.V. 1 amp every/8 hrs

c.        Ceftriaxona I.V. 1 gr  every 12 hrs or in case of allergy place  Gentamicina 80mg e/12hrs

d.        Ketorolaco 30mg I.V. e/8hrs

e.        Ondansetron 4mg I.V. e/8hrs Only in case necessary

f.         Dipirona 1amp I.V. e/6hrs Only in case necessary


4.       Place abdominal bandage in case of open surgery.

5.       Place oxygen mask at 100% , 10lts per min. for 3hrs and then change to nasal point for 1 hr.

6.       Take VS and general nurse care by turn.

a.       Inspiratory exercise every 4 hr for 10 min.

b.       Nebulize w/Combivent 2cc+ 3cc Saline solution every turn followed by back palmpercution.

c.        Urine count each shift

d.       Drainage vigilant and count by shift

e.        Remove Foley, shower and change of gauze before 7am by night shift.

f.        Early walk.

Marie, I'm so glad to hear you are doing better. Glad you got to come home. What a great Christmas gift to your kids. Sorry you have had to deal with everything and now having to prove you exist. Please keep us updated.

Includes 12 lbs lost pre-op.  
Karen M.
on 12/17/09 8:02 am
God Bless You I will be praying for you,I hope you feel better.
on 12/17/09 10:54 am
Thank you for sharing your story and I hope you make a full recovery. The owner of lapbandtalk/vertical sleeve, is in business with Betancourt and pockets $1500.00 for every person who books surgery with Almanza through his board. Any negative posts about Betancourt/Almanza are deleted because it hurts Alex's business as well as Almanza's reputation.

Surgery in Mexico is safe provided you make sure you're in a real hospital that has intensive care capabilities, REGISTERED Nurses (not teenagers or housekeepers who have been "trained" to give care and administer medications... soooooo dangerous), and certified MDs who can prove they have passed the Boards.

Despite the fact that a few people doubt you (when you hurt their business they are forced to TRY and discredit you), rest assured that you ARE saving lives by sharing your experiences. It's disgusting that Shirley would try and say you're not a patient and the proof you posted makes her look like the fool she is.

I hope all goes well with you and hope you make a full recovery. Please keep us posted.
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