Why can't I have SUGAR? (I am 7wks post op RNY)

on 12/8/09 2:41 am
Just because you CAN does not mean that you SHOULD.  You aren't even anywhere near the point where you should be trying it either.  So don't tell someone who is 7 weeks out that because your 9 weeks out she could have it in moderation. You firmly believe that is it ok to indulge a little but you will be back in a year wondering why you have lost your weight are are possibly gaining. 

Do you say to the crack addict..here take a little hit of the pipe, it won't hurt as long as it is done in  moderation.  I hate when people come along and blow false sunshine up peoples asses.

Laureen S.
on 12/8/09 2:14 am - Maple Shade, NJ
I think you are missing the boat here. . .  you may be able to get away with many things, but at 7 weeks post-op when you can get maximun weight loss results you are testing the waters? 

This surgery is on the stomach, not the brain, if we do not change our relationship with food, then guess what, as someone else stated, we wind up, if we are lucky, signing up for revision surgery or just going back to shopping the Large and Lovely or Big n Tall shops. . .  diabetes, hbp and all those pre-wls conditions will be back and then we changed our anatomies for what reason. . . I won't be hypocritical here, my first Christmas eve I had a mini cannoli at my family gathering, found out that I don't dump, what I feel looking back is this, did finding that out somehow alter the results I had, as I was a slow loser and am still 12 lbs from goal.  I volunteer as a support group leader where I had my surgery and I give my honest experience within that and I tell people this, if you want to find out whether you will dump, that is your right to chose, however, at 1 year post-op when you look back at what you would/could have done differently, that might just be one of the things that made a difference in your outcome and hey, the tool works long beyond that, but what you fail to realize is you are not changing the behaviors and that, ultimately, is what will give you a lifetime of success within this process.

Ok, now you know, but you really don't know, because you may have that experience yet, don't pu**** and give yourself the opportunity to have the best possible results.  Your time to experiment will come.  Today I moderate most recipes, but on occasion I will have a "little" something, but because I have worked hard at changing what I could, my relationship with food, I hope to be a success story for years to come. . .  Alcoholics and Addicts are told to avoid people, places and things that might set them off initially, perhaps you might consider avoiding places where your focus is going to be food related. . .I do most of what I was intially told to do still and because of that am living the life I dreamed when I set out on this journey.

Best wishes on your journey.  Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/8/09 2:42 am
Lisa, your a nice girl, and I like you a lot.  You must have known you were going to get flamed for posting something like this.  Use your noodle. 
on 12/8/09 2:43 am
Lisa, Im not going to jump on you.  But I do hope you take a long look at what's being posted here.   You are 7 weeks post-op.  You have tested the waters by eating cotton candy, cherry pie with cool whip, etc   You also have admitted in another post that you dont follow the rule about not drinking when eating meals.  Log off the internet and call your surgeon, your NUT, someone and see if they can hook you up with counseling.  You are an addict, like many of us here.   I have a friend who would give her arm & leg to have wls but is getting the run around from her insurance company.  You have been given a gift. Get the help you need so you can use that gift to the fullest.  I truly hope you find the help you need and hope you have a successful journey.
on 12/8/09 2:52 am - Fort Worth, TX

     No offense, but your reply is ridiculous!!! "GET HELP!!!" Just because someone has a few bites of cotton candy  does not mean they need counseling. Are you implying that by having RNY you should automatically NOT have cravings anymore? Now, I will agree that eating cotton candy 7 weeks out is NOT a good decision, but when someone is posting a sincere question and instead of adressing THAT, you attack the person... Makes no sense to me.... Have YOU or ANY of the folks blasting this gal EVER eaten sugar? Ever eat popcorn even though it could shred your pouch? Ever drink Soda? Wait to eat 20-30 after you drink and wait 30 minutes after your eat to drink? Do you drink out of a straw? etc.... It's tough to live in a glass house... As for calling a nutritionist, I am pretty sure this gal KNOWS that cotton candy is not a good choice, therefore does NOT need that validation from the nut. Moreover, what she needs to understand is that RNY is a tool. A tool that will work as hard for you as you work for it.

     Our decisions have consequences, good or bad, food related or not... Instead of cotton candy a better alternative might be nuts, fruit, or string cheese. WLS is about making changes and progressively getting better each day, not so much about perfection from day 1. Poor, prolonged decisions will equal residual weight gain and will metigate the good that can come from RNY. As for "Dumping", not everyone does dump. I personally, almost 2 years post-op, have never dumped, but then again I have not tempted fate and to this day, do NOT eat deserts UNLESS they are sugar free or no sugar added. My suggestion would be to steer clear of foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, have little or no nutritional value, and try NOT to temp fate and stay away from "Junk" food. Rather than seeing what we CAN get away with, let's try to focus on how well we can discipline ourselves to never find out. IMHO...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

(deactivated member)
on 12/8/09 3:05 am - Granite City, IL

Bravo, Dan....  :)

on 12/8/09 3:08 am
Dan is almost 2 years out...you are 3 months out.  Have you tried cotton candy yet? 

on 12/8/09 4:36 am - Owings Mills, MD
oh dear you made them deactivate..... shame on you Chili!
Ticker is from Day of Surgery.. weight goal is personal preference as I've MET my doctor's goal



on 12/8/09 5:25 am
On December 8, 2009 at 12:36 PM Pacific Time, ladybugnessa wrote:
oh dear you made them deactivate..... shame on you Chili!
OMG...I just blinked twice...that is awful...bad chili, bad chili
on 12/8/09 3:06 am, edited 12/8/09 3:07 am
Im not Judi, but Im going to respond here because I happen to agree with her.   Had it just been the one episode with the cotton candy, I would agree with you.  But read thru her posting history & her blog.  She has pushed her luck MANY times with food.  She also is NOT following the drinking/eating rule.  And she's only 7 weeks post op.  Im not jumping on her.....honestly Im not.  I just think she's on a slippery slope.  I personally think counseling would help her with her food addict issues. 
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