WARNING TO PRE-OPS: Think twice, cut once -- or else!
Thanks for the info, Justin. He does still present it as an option at the seminars and we discussed it (albeit briefly) at my initial appointment. I attend the support group at BG, and some people there have had the DS. I may have to dig deeper with them and see if Dr. Lalor actually performed their surgery.
I appreciate the input!
I appreciate the input!
No prob, Darlene. I reading Dr. Lalor's website reminded me of my time in Bowling Green. I miss Dr. Dawley. That man gave me the BEST exam I have EVER had.... EVER.
I do want to say though, in reality, Dr. Lalor hasn't done the DS dice he moved to Bowling Green. It wasn't part of his former practice either. I know it's confusing. His office told me "Yes, he can do the DS," but when asked point blank how many he has done the answer was "none."
To me, presenting the DS in an RNY/LAP surgeon's presentation is like going to a one car dealership to learn about another type of car. If they don't actually sell that car, they are financially motivated against it.
I do want to say though, in reality, Dr. Lalor hasn't done the DS dice he moved to Bowling Green. It wasn't part of his former practice either. I know it's confusing. His office told me "Yes, he can do the DS," but when asked point blank how many he has done the answer was "none."
To me, presenting the DS in an RNY/LAP surgeon's presentation is like going to a one car dealership to learn about another type of car. If they don't actually sell that car, they are financially motivated against it.

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Is the spell check broken?
SW= 268
CW= 145 ***GOAL REACHED on Christmas Day 2010****
5'6" BMI= 23
LapBand 3/2006 to Revision DS 12/2009
Get the FACTS about the Duodenal Switch at www.DSFACTS.com or http://www.duodenalswitch.com/
Extended Tummy Tuck, BL/BA scheduled for 11/18/11 Dr. Larry Lickstein
CW= 145 ***GOAL REACHED on Christmas Day 2010****
5'6" BMI= 23
LapBand 3/2006 to Revision DS 12/2009
Get the FACTS about the Duodenal Switch at www.DSFACTS.com or http://www.duodenalswitch.com/
Extended Tummy Tuck, BL/BA scheduled for 11/18/11 Dr. Larry Lickstein
I didn't get fat overnight , so when I could of had the rny easily, i decided to wait and fight for the ds, took longer, but its coming. Aetna changed their rules to include it, now tricare is reviewing their policy, open public comment session closes Christmas, so things change and maybe universal health care will be a reality, Medicare allows it and I will get it that way. very soon.
That was exactly my situation as well. I could have easily had the RNY in a few months, but I chose to fight for 2 years for the DS. I'm one of those wacky chicks that still loves to eat...a lot! At 3 years out, I would have been gaining by now with the RNY (like several of my real life friends).
No one could do any surgery on my brain to change ME. I know many can make a complete lifestyle change, but a lifetime of dieting taught me that I couldn't.
Hang in there, Walter. You'll get your DS and if yous is anything like mine, it will be so worth it!!
No one could do any surgery on my brain to change ME. I know many can make a complete lifestyle change, but a lifetime of dieting taught me that I couldn't.
Hang in there, Walter. You'll get your DS and if yous is anything like mine, it will be so worth it!!
4 Years Post Op: At Goal And STILL Loving My DS!
340/180/180 ~ 5'11" ~ I lost 160 lbs!!
LBL & Hernia Repair: Done! Arm Lift: Done! Next Up: Thighs & Boobs!
Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at DSFacts.com