WARNING TO PRE-OPS: Think twice, cut once -- or else!
on 11/22/09 11:10 am - saint john, Canada
weight surgery day Feb 12 2009 251
Current weight 174
First goal 199 Onederland ( Reached goal Aug 8 @ 198lbs)
Second goal 193 Century Club ( Reached on Aug 30 2009 )
Third goal 180 pounds ( Reached on Nov.23 2009 ) (my personal goal)
Final goal 170 pounds ( reached Jan 5 2011) ( only stayed that weight breifly)
I'm still maggie from the grove

2 years down, a lifetime to go!!!!

on 11/22/09 9:48 pm - Woodbridge, VA
No, it isn't strange at all. He is losing business because he doesn't perform the DS. Money talks. In a presentation he gave at the OH event in Chicago, he actually used DS statistics in his general WLS presentation -- and when questioned about this, considering that he does not perform the DS (read, has not proctored, and is not qualified to perform the DS), he admitted to using the DS stats and that his practice was addressing how to get their surgeons trained to perform the DS.
So, good try, but you fail, once again. Call his office, and ask to speak with the Bariatric Coordinator, she will confirm that they are moving forward in developing their DS program, whi*****ludes an extensive after-care program (read, as in, this will cost them more money to support DS patients instead of just churning & burning the RnYers).
~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight = 370# / 59.7 bmi @ 5'6"
Current Weight = 168# / 26.4 bmi : fluctuates 5# either way @ 5'7" / more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9) = 159#: would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.
I my DS. Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options: DSFacts.com
Logorrhoea or logorrhea (Greek λογορροια, logorrhoia, “word-flux") is defined as an “excessive flow of words" and, when used medically, refers to incoherent talkativeness occurring in certain kinds of mental illness, such as mania. Logomania is the medical condition of mania with the underlying symptom logorrhoea. The spoken form of logorrhoea (in the non-medical sense) is a kind of verbosity which uses superfluous (or fancy) words to disguise an otherwise useless message as useful or intellectual, and is commonly known as “verbaldiarrhea" or “diarrhea of the mouth".
Logorrhoea as a form of mental illness
Logorrhoea is a language disorder present in a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders[1] including aphasia[1], localised cortical lesions in the thalamus[2][3], or most typically in catatonic schizophrenia.
Examples of logorrhoea might include talking or mumbling monotonously, either to others, or, more likely, oneself. This may include the repetition of particular words or phrases, often incoherently. The causes for logorrhoea remain poorly understood, but appear to be localized to frontal lobe structures known to be associated with language. As is the case, for example, in emotional lability in a wide variety of neurological conditions, other symptoms take priority in clinical management and research efforts.
Logorrhoea should not be confused with pressure of speech, which is characterised by the “flighty" alternation from topic to topic by tenuous links such as rhyming or punning[4]. Logorrhoea is a symptom of an underlying illness, and should be treated by a medical professional. Several possible causes of logorrhoea respond well to medication.
on 11/22/09 10:26 am - Tuvalu
Logorrhoea or logorrhea (Greek λογορροια, logorrhoia, “word-flux") is defined as an “excessive flow of words" and, when used medically, refers to incoherent talkativeness occurring in certain kinds of mental illness, such as mania. Logomania is the medical condition of mania with the underlying symptom logorrhoea. The spoken form of logorrhoea (in the non-medical sense) is a kind of verbosity which uses superfluous (or fancy) words to disguise an otherwise useless message as useful or intellectual, and is commonly known as “verbaldiarrhea" or “diarrhea of the mouth".
Logorrhoea as a form of mental illness
Logorrhoea is a language disorder present in a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders[1] including aphasia[1], localised cortical lesions in the thalamus[2][3], or most typically in catatonic schizophrenia.
Examples of logorrhoea might include talking or mumbling monotonously, either to others, or, more likely, oneself. This may include the repetition of particular words or phrases, often incoherently. The causes for logorrhoea remain poorly understood, but appear to be localized to frontal lobe structures known to be associated with language. As is the case, for example, in emotional lability in a wide variety of neurological conditions, other symptoms take priority in clinical management and research efforts.
Logorrhoea should not be confused with pressure of speech, which is characterised by the “flighty" alternation from topic to topic by tenuous links such as rhyming or punning[4]. Logorrhoea is a symptom of an underlying illness, and should be treated by a medical professional. Several possible causes of logorrhoea respond well to medication.
She needs to be "on" more than moderation. The term "psychoactive" comes to mind.
on 11/22/09 10:32 am - saint john, Canada
weight surgery day Feb 12 2009 251
Current weight 174
First goal 199 Onederland ( Reached goal Aug 8 @ 198lbs)
Second goal 193 Century Club ( Reached on Aug 30 2009 )
Third goal 180 pounds ( Reached on Nov.23 2009 ) (my personal goal)
Final goal 170 pounds ( reached Jan 5 2011) ( only stayed that weight breifly)
I'm still maggie from the grove

2 years down, a lifetime to go!!!!

on 11/22/09 10:39 am - Woodbridge, VA
She doesn't realize the impact "perfect labs" for her B vits have on her memory...
~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight = 370# / 59.7 bmi @ 5'6"
Current Weight = 168# / 26.4 bmi : fluctuates 5# either way @ 5'7" / more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9) = 159#: would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.
I my DS. Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options: DSFacts.com
Why did "Big Medicine's" Garth Davis, MD tell Nicolle that he does NOT like to do the DS?
Last week (and today, apparently), some *****y woman on the VSG board was intimating that all of DSers are lazy sacks of **** who don't exercise and need malabsorption because we're unable to change our habits, blah, blah, blah. Then she said her "top surgeon" won't do the DS because it's too "dangerous." Her VSG surgeon WILL be, (because naturally the loudest mouths are pre-ops who know every goddam thing) Garth Davis, so I checked in with him in person at the OH event.
On June 8, 2009 at 10:32 AM Pacific Time, BrandiDaryl wrote: Dr. Robert and Garth Davis do not mention DS in their seminars any longer... nor does any other Dr. there at their facility.
Robert Davis being a man who TEACHES surgical procedure at Baylor College of Medicine.. and Garth being a man who actually has taken part in many of the trials and whatnot..
That's two.. + their colleagues.. which I think number 4-5.... *****fuse DS...
When I was questioning my PCP about it.. he said, " Some people do WLS because they suck at almost every other high price surgery and they just want to makey money"
I'm sure if I spent time going thru the DS side of the board on people who were 2+ years out... I'd find many of your surgeons don't even do it anymore ;)
Soo-prize, soo-prize: Dr. Davis said she was COMPLETELY wrong.
Garth Davis said he has done the DS. When I spoke with him yesterday at the Chicago OH conference at length about the DS, he said that he DOES do the DS on occasion and he agrees with all of the research published out there (including the Buchwald one, which he quotes in his presentations) that the DS offers the best EWL, best resolution of comorbidities.(He used the DS stats as evidence that "bariatric surgery saves lives" and changes metabolism. NOT gastric bypass stats. NOT VSG stats. NOT lapband stats. The DS.)
Dr. Davis told me that he does not do the DS regularly because it has a "higher mortality rate than gastric bypass." I laughed out loud and told him that was simply NOT TRUE and cited the current research. He said "you really know your stuff" to me and then conceded that the DS and the gastric bypass both have the same mortailty rate now, but back in the day when the DS was only used on the biggest and sickest of patients years ago, it was higher. Because this is common knowledge in the DS world, I wholeheartedly agreed. He then said that there was a surgeon in the Houston area who used to do the DS years ago and he lost a few patients and that skewed the local stats, so it made the docs there shy about doing it.
He said the big reason he does not do the DS is that it requires patients to be compliant and he has a hard enough time keeping his gastric bypass and lapband patients compliant, even with their good aftercare onsite progam. He cited a stat of I believe, that 82% of his patients lose 50% of their EWL and keep it off. I said "that's good, according to the ASBMS, but you know that the DS stats are even better than that." He said he knew, but he cannot count on his patients being compliant with taking vitamins and eating their protein. User error. That's sad. I told him how we on the DS board are some of the most compliant and knowledgeable people about the types of surgery out there and he'd be amazed by this incredible group.
I told him that my surgeon has a good aftercare program and that it is possible to have one, if you put the work into it and get a good nutritionist who knows the difference between a RNY and a DS eating plan! He asked me who my surgeon was, I told him, and he said "no wonder--John Rabkin is the best DS surgeon on the planet!" (I must say, I am partial to this opinion, too!)
He also said he considered asking a particular DS doctor (who we all know of) to join his practice or come by and share some info on the DS so they could do it and build a good aftercare program around it, but he never did ask and he is still considering it. So, there ya go. His practice may start doing the DS regularly after all.
I also told him that the myths around the DS about farting and pooping are just that--myths, provided you eat what you are supposed to. He said he was glad to hear that but that I was in the minority. I told him that I was NOT in the minority and encouraged him to come to the DS forum and see for himself. He was VERY surprised. And then I **** my pants and asked him to smell it. Nah...I asked him to pull my finger instead!
Dr. Davis claims he swings by OH once in a while to see what's going on, so I invited him to come to the DS forum and to www.dsfacts.com and www.duodenalswitch.com. He said he had no idea there was such a large community of DSers out there and that we were all so successful.
He later told me, at the end of the conference, that he thought about me during the day and said that I would probably have done very well with the RNY, anyway, since I am motivated. I laughed and told him that "no thanks, I like to eat real food" and he gave a big laugh. Then in all seriousness, I said "I do love food and would miss it and would hate to dump, but I have herniated disks in my spine and arthritis in my knees and I could never take NSAIDs for pain or swelling." he immediately jumped in and said "oh, no, then you couldn't have the RNY for sure." Makes you wonder how these folks are going to manage pain in the future...

Dr. Garth: "Do you smell something?"
Nicolle: "Yep. I just **** my pants. Sorry. I had the DS donchaknow."
Dr. Garth: "Oh, yeah, right."
I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!
HW: 344 lbs CW: 150 lbs
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!