Vitamin D to help ward off H1N1?

Andrea U.
on 11/14/09 11:25 pm - Wilson, NC
I've got it down to 25k daily now -- but yeah, I'm just lucky.

We won't go into the ferritin of 7 and the 600mgs of elemental iron (in three forms).  I seem to have the micronutrient malabsorption of a distal but the weightloss of a prox.  Yeah.. luck.. I haz it.

And let's remember -- The D council is going off anectdotal evidence.  It's good evidence, but since the NIH refuses to even consider it, we will never know.

Kerry J.
on 11/13/09 10:43 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Great post Andrea! 

I'll just add my own anecdotal evidence to the benefits of Vitamin D. I started taking 50,000 IU of Dry D3 a day about a year ago, then bumped that up to 100,000 in September when my labs showed a small decline in my D Hydroxy level. It was still in the "normal" range, but slipped a few points and since I wanted to elevate it anyway to where it was in the top of the normal range I doubled the daily dosage.

Anyway, the thing is; I haven't had so much as a cold or even the beginning symptoms of any sort of cold or flu for over a year now. This seems particularly amazing since I've lost 90+ pounds of excess weight during that same time period. It seems to me, that when you're losing weight like that, your nutrition and immune system would normally suffer some decline, which would lead to more colds, flu etc. The only thing I can attribute my good fortune and health to is the vitamin supplementation I've been doing and notably the high levels of D3, A, E , K & B's I've been taking. 

Who knew; WLS could keep you from getting a cold???

