Government Cheese...

Jane K.
on 11/13/09 4:54 am - Clinton, TN
I find that unbelievable LOL.  That is my family hometown and my family still lives there.  My brother teaches art at the middle school.  I worked at the hospital and lived in Lake Park before moving here.  I remember when there wasn't even a McDonald's there nor any Mall .  Small world.  We must be related lol.

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."  Lin Yutang

on 11/13/09 5:01 am - Laguna Beach, CA
LOL We just might be! I think they are up to 2 McDonalds now! Moving on up in the world Richlands is! Although all the business is moving to Claypool Hill cause the town taxes them to death. I went to Richlands Middle school and have a niece going there now! What is your brother's name? You know it really is a small world...I make a message board post and get a reply from someone from Richlands and someone else from Tazewell...craziness! 
Jane K.
on 11/13/09 5:12 am - Clinton, TN
Oh, I lived there for a few years before I moved to Knoxville, but the whole side of my Dad's family is there, as well as my Mom and brother and his family.  His name is Mike Smith.  You should know him if you went to the middle school.  Was Bob Lane or his wife still teaching when you went there? 

I went back to school at SVCC ( it was only 2 small buildings when I went lol)  so we could stop going to the armory and picking up government cheese lol.   I didn't realize what I would be missing lol.

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."  Lin Yutang

on 11/13/09 5:25 am - Laguna Beach, CA
OMG! Are you kidding me!?! Mike Smith was my Art I teacher! He was teaching me around the time that myself and a friend decided we wanted to teach art. Long story short, after high school I changed my mind and when into Graphic Design, my friend didn't and is now teaching side by side with Mike. Wow...crazy huh? Ask him if he remembers me, I'd bet anything he does. And Bob Lane, yeah, he was my Algebra I teacher...great guy, even if he is a little scary an 8th grader anyway.
Jane K.
on 11/13/09 5:47 am - Clinton, TN

I will ask him.  I do know that one of his students was teaching with him now.  Bob Lane scary?  hmm lol  naawww just tall... maybe I've partied with him too much LOL.

Now, if you do ever see Mike again, kick his ass for not being supportive to his sister with her WLS.   Said WLS NEVER works or it kills ya.   As I sit here 160 lbs lighter.  Can I tell him you had the surgery also?

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."  Lin Yutang

on 11/13/09 5:56 am - Laguna Beach, CA
 Oh yeah, Victor Lawson is teaching 6th grade art with him now I think. Bob Lane partied? Wow...I cant even wrap my head around that.'s too bad Mike wasn't supportive. Actually, scratch that, it's too bad that WLS has such a stigma too it. You get a couple people running their mouth about things they aren't educated in and BAM! It's sticks and is trusted as fact.

Okay, anyway...getting off my soapbox. As far as telling him I had WLS too, while it would be funny, it wouldn't be true. I was fortunate in the fact that I had never really dieted or exercised and my body took too it pretty well and I was able to lose my weight like that. I am blessed, not everyone can.
Jane K.
on 11/13/09 6:06 am - Clinton, TN
You know, I did read that in your profile but forgot, duh.  Sorry about that.  But you DO understand about WLS at least. 

Mike will be really pleased to hear you are working in an art field and probably a lil shocked we have chatted online.  I kinda forgot we have been talking on an open forum.  lol

Thank you...

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."  Lin Yutang

So Blessed!
on 11/13/09 2:12 am
On November 12, 2009 at 6:20 PM Pacific Time, spedcon wrote:
Hi Mike!
I live in Knoxville, Tennessee but grew up in a small town....Tazewell. I am very familiar with the government cheese....yummm. My aunt actually got it but didn't really like it....imagine that! We would trade her some of our garden stuff or some cured! Did you all get the gov. peanut butter? Yes, they had it too but we used that for no bake oatmeal cookies because we didn't like it as much. Made killer peanut butter cookies too! I believe all your theories about the cheese lmao!! We put that cheese in and on everything! Mac and cheese, spaghetti, burgers, grilled cheese with the gov. butter of course! It was also yummy! I don't think they have gov. cheese here in the big city. Where were you from in Tennessee? I came here after living on army bases and it was quite a culture shock! I mean these folks killed and ate hawgs, squirrels, ground hogs, racoons.....ewwww! They also threw not I shred of pork away at "hawg killin" time! They even cooked the lungs and heart with taters! We worked in tobacco fields and grew our own food too. I'm tellin ya, it was a shock to this poor army brat! Thanks for the laughs!!!  Connie
Connie, I remember tasting hog lungs as a child growing up in the South.  They called them "lights".  

  Back home they say that the only part of the pig that you don't eat is the oink. 

My mama used to even parch the hooves in the oven until they were black.  She would then crush them into a powder.  The powder was boiled in water to make a tea to drink as a cold remedy.  Seriously. 
We had to drink pig toenail tea.  

I think they'd call that child abuse now.

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/09 10:33 am
I grew up on the Government Cheese, Government Butter, Government Peanut Butter in the big can with the white label.... I actually tried to blame my obesity on the Government. BUT... I suppose I had to take some credit for the choices I made when I got my own job and money and had the freedom to drive through the drive thru everynight! :)
on 11/13/09 12:30 am - Laguna Beach, CA
Yeah, I agree. I made my own choices as well. But you do bring up and interesting point though. I mean the connection between growing up in poverty and obesity. Hmm...that might make a good topic for a future article in OH Magazine. Thanks much!