Government Cheese...

on 11/12/09 7:00 am - Capital Region, NY
Patti.... I think that was probably WHY my friend so eagerly gave me a block of it! HER family was sick of it!

Well i guess there is a big difference between occassionally having some and being told day after day EAT THE CHEESE!

It did seem to dry out rather fast.

Sorry you have CHEESE TRAUMA!
on 11/12/09 7:06 am, edited 11/12/09 7:06 am - Laguna Beach, CA
Gave it away? Threw it out? Sick of it...for shame people...for shame! ;)
Moj_ Patti
on 11/12/09 7:13 am - Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
If I could go back in time and get it, I'd mail you four boxes of the stuff!

I think we had four boxes once.   Taking up half the space in the fridge.
One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small... 
Moj_ Patti
on 11/12/09 7:09 am, edited 11/12/09 7:10 am - Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
I'm sure for a mother with kids not being able to afford protein, it was Heaven sent.

I think my mom did it only because a friend of her told her she should go get it just because she qualified.

But Mom could afford to buy a box of ding dongs and a bag of cheetos (sides for our dinner) every night, so she could afford to buy a pound or two of ground beef (and she did buy that, with a block of extra sharp cheddar for our tacos).  

My jeans were holey, but my tummy was always full!

'Splains a lot! 
One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small... 
(deactivated member)
on 11/12/09 8:20 am - San Diego, CA
YUM...loved me some government cheese.  Guh.  When we ran out,  before it was time to re-up, it was chaos in our house.

We couldn't afford crackers so i used to slice it really thin and cut it into wheat thin-sized pieces, then put peanut butter on it and eat it like a cracker.  WTH?  Who does that?  lol

It was good as hell with Lebanon Bologna too. Thanks Mike for helping me rekindle my fond(ue) memories of government cheese.
on 11/12/09 8:43 am - Laguna Beach, CA
Oh yeah, I can remember arguing with my sister about who ate more of it (because of course who ever ate less deserves the last piece!) You kinda lost me with the peanut butter, but government cheese is so good it could make anything better... so I'll buy that! Oh, and you are welcome, but the real thanks needs to go to the creator of government cheese...poverty! Yea! Go poverty! Government cheese made you bearable! :P
on 11/12/09 10:20 am
Hi Mike!
I live in Knoxville, Tennessee but grew up in a small town....Tazewell. I am very familiar with the government cheese....yummm. My aunt actually got it but didn't really like it....imagine that! We would trade her some of our garden stuff or some cured! Did you all get the gov. peanut butter? Yes, they had it too but we used that for no bake oatmeal cookies because we didn't like it as much. Made killer peanut butter cookies too! I believe all your theories about the cheese lmao!! We put that cheese in and on everything! Mac and cheese, spaghetti, burgers, grilled cheese with the gov. butter of course! It was also yummy! I don't think they have gov. cheese here in the big city. Where were you from in Tennessee? I came here after living on army bases and it was quite a culture shock! I mean these folks killed and ate hawgs, squirrels, ground hogs, racoons.....ewwww! They also threw not I shred of pork away at "hawg killin" time! They even cooked the lungs and heart with taters! We worked in tobacco fields and grew our own food too. I'm tellin ya, it was a shock to this poor army brat! Thanks for the laughs!!!  Connie
on 11/12/09 10:35 am - Laguna Beach, CA
Oh wow! You're not going to believe this but I spent some time at UT and Johnson City is an old stomping ground. But here is the crazy part, I grew up in Richlands! Small world huh? Have a good one cuz!
Jane K.
on 11/12/09 1:32 pm - Clinton, TN
Do you mean Richland TN or Richlands VA?  hmm

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."  Lin Yutang

on 11/13/09 12:26 am - Laguna Beach, CA
 Good old Richlands, VA! We now boast 3 red lights and a Wal-Mart! Woo-Hoo!