Does decaf coffee or tea count as part of our daily fluid requirement?
Hello coffee drinkers!
I have a treat for you!!!
Coffee with vitamins/minerals and immune fighting goods!!
Who ever thought they could put this in coffee??
Just like those SOBE and Lifewater puts it in their juice!!
I have a product that has it hot and soon will have it cold!!
YUM!! Coffee CAN be good for you!!
Ask me how! And you too can bring it to your area!!
I have a treat for you!!!
Coffee with vitamins/minerals and immune fighting goods!!

Who ever thought they could put this in coffee??
Just like those SOBE and Lifewater puts it in their juice!!
I have a product that has it hot and soon will have it cold!!
YUM!! Coffee CAN be good for you!!
Ask me how! And you too can bring it to your area!!

Yes and if its not you need to drink double the amount of what the amount of coffee is to make up for it for example if you drank one cup of regular coffee you need to drink 2 cups of regular liquid. And no caffein for the first six weeks I actually waited for six months and only have one cup of coffee a day or iced coffee.