Alcohol after WLS
i don't really get drunk and it doesn't seem to hit me that fast but then again i'm not consuming tons of it in short periods of time.
When you said to abstain for 30 days, does that mean how long they told you not to drink? i mean, i know what abstain means, but they said after one month, you could partake again? I have heard so many things about this, and I know I am gonna get lectured on this, but I like me a drink! Sorry, but I really do! Not too much, just a drink sometimes! But, I do also think I should find something else to drink. I had a couple sips of my husbands beer during the vikings packers game, but i have never really drank beer. I have drank vodka and oj, but oj has so much calories and sugar in it, probably not smart huh?! :) It interests me the differences in the guidelines. How about beans, corn, pork, things like that? How long did you have to wait for that stuff?
well take care hun! glad to see how great your doin!
love and kisses,
as for the professional above, like the others have said, you can have a drink and not do it to "cope". I learned how to "cope" with my emotional eating by going to therapy for 2 years in preparation of having my surgery. Put the discipline paddle away...we are all adults here, making adult decisions.
I can have a glass of wine and feel it instantly. It's like the alcohol is being injected instantly in the blood stream.

My question is why would you? It's not any tastier than non alcoholic drinks, It's not good for you, and in most ot the people writing in defense of it, it causes problems - even if they are minor. So unless you have a problem, why risk it?
Just be aware of what drinking alcohol is about.
Hey, life is short- stop fussing over what other people want to do. You can get hit by a car, or shot, or have some other deadly health issue and - bam- next thing you are meeting your maker. We are all mortal human beings. Live's wayyyy to short to worry about someone having a glass of wine or whatever.
And, you are wrong- to many people alcoholic beverages are tasty. I will truly miss my beer (carbonated=not good) but will find another type of drink to have "occasionally" to relax and chill with. No big deal, man!
Hey, look- we are all here to support each other - not to judge one another. You have some very serious co-morbidities and health issues. They will only get better after you have the surgery. You are dong the right thing. This could save your life (literally), so I wish you the best!