Why does gastric bypass patients look sickly?

Paula C.
on 8/17/09 3:09 am
I have noticed alot of RNY patients after losing alot of weight, they often look sickly.

Is it bec of rapid weight loss? Malasportion? 

I want RNY but afraid to look sickly! 
on 8/17/09 3:10 am
This is a normal phase of the weight loss and it occurs at about 6 months.  It lasts a very short period of time and then we return to normal healthy good looks.  Don't let this minor phase of the process stop you from having RNY.  We all look great when we get done.
Tracy B
on 8/17/09 3:18 am - Erie, PA
I don't think I looked sickly, but more deflated, LOL! There was nothing there, but now at 4+yrs out things have filled in a little bit again even though the weight hasn't really changed at all. Its kind of a weird thing! Anyway,its ALL well worth it! Good Luck to You!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 8/17/09 3:22 am - Eugene, OR
Do I look sickly to you?


Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 8/17/09 3:23 am
What do you mean when you say look sickly?..............Wendy

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(deactivated member)
on 8/17/09 3:32 am - River Falls, WI

With RNY, for reasons I don't understand, patients tend to lose weight from the head down. The rapid weight loss "can" make the person look drawn, tired, pale, etc without the fat plumping them up.  But it is typically a short-term problem. As your skin shrinks to the extent it can (takes twice as long as losing the weight), and fat seems to redistribute itself, the patient starts looking healthier.  It's also important to take all vitamins regularly and stay very well hydrated. 

I do think a lot of RNY patients, both women and men, tend not to update their wardrobe, hair and makeup while they are losing weight, which can have a profound affect on how you look. One woman in one of my support groups constantly complained that she couldn't "see" the weight loss" and didn't think she looked any better. The rest of us noticed the weight loss easily, but she was still hiding behind faded, baggy clothes, unkempt hair and no makeup.  For her 40th birthday her husband treated her to a pretty deluxe makeover, and THEN, no one recognized her when she walked into support group. It was dramatic and she definitely no longer look haggard or sickly.


on 8/17/09 4:02 am - Tacoma, WA
I can't tell for sure exactly what you mean by sickly.

But there is a bit of losing hair to go through (possibly due to need to up vitamins, some say that high protein diets up testosterone, or just plain stress causing tellogen effluvium) and one does seem to lose weight from the "outside in" which can make certain things like bags under the eyes (in my case!) seem more prominent for awhile.

It is possible you've seen people who just might be having a rough go of it or are not getting proper vitamins or enough protein. But by in large I'd say most people I've seen with WLS tend to get better lookin!



I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *

MyLady Heidi
on 8/17/09 4:09 am
If you look pale or drawn or sick, try some makeup, most womyn need it desperately.

Good Luck

on 8/17/09 4:29 am - new york, NY
Heidi--you crack me up--very honest and funny at the same time.

To the original poster...there are times when EVERYONE looks sickly whether they have had weightloss surgery or not.
Do I look sickly?

201 pounds lost since surgery!! And I'm 2 1/2 inches taller too!!

And YES I still eat Carbs and Fats but I know what portion control is!!

Surgery Date: 6/5/07
on 8/17/09 4:40 am
I have been told since the beginning of my weight loss how great my skin looked, and that I looked so much younger.  I work in an office so I have to buy clothes that fit.  When I get down a couple of sizes I either have my clothes tailored or buy new pants on sale. (tailoring cheap since my Step Mother is a wonderful seamtress.)

Wear your make up and fix your hair.   This goes without saying, take your vitamins.  I guarantee you will look and feel great.

Patti T.


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